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AUG Shorty non-ported too damaging?


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Old December 31st, 2008, 20:57   #1
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AUG Shorty non-ported too damaging?

I'm planning on going from a standard AUG barrel and cylinder size 509mm/20.03in to a 363mm/14.29in shorty A3 AUG barrel length. I know this will drop the FPS without changing to a ported cylinder but that's not the issue.

I purchased the AUG 3 years ago, been playing it and never had any problems with it. It was upgraded but I bought it so long ago I've forgotten exactly what's in it. It shoots 410fps with .2s and just under with .23s. I remember it has an upgraded spring and gears for sure but can't remember if the piston/piston head was changed.

So here is my plan: Bought a shorty conversion kit and gonna buy another AUG front receiver/broken AUG. Convert the extra AUG receiver to an AUG A3 Shorty. For those who don't know the AUG field strips into two halves, the front all metal with hopup + barrel, scope rail, front grip and the rear half with the mechbox, clip and battery. With the second AUG's front receiver converted to an A3 Shorty and my A2 already on it in the field I'd be able to just swap out one front receiver and change between CQB A3 Shorty and the longer A2 Civvy

Wow this got longer then I thought it would be...
So... the actual question. Will the shorter barrel length with the upgraded spring cause too much damage to the mechbox over time? Will it be fine and I'll just loose FPS (which means I'll be able to use it on those pesky low-fps indoor fields)?

Am I CraaaAAAaZzzYyy
he who sleep with itchy butt, wake with smelly finger.
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