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Old December 8th, 2007, 03:22   #1
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just wondering how many people will get one when it's out?

+1 for me

rumors saying it's going to be out for 2008
- -b.... make me dunt want to buy a ca now
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Last edited by yueprofile; December 8th, 2007 at 03:25..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 03:24   #2
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Not an MP5 guy, but shit, it's lookin' goood.

I'm really curious as to what the internals are like, though..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 03:28   #3
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Not an MP5 guy, but shit, it's lookin' goood.

I'm really curious as to what the internals are like, though..
how do you like the m4a1? i am saving up for one now... need 3 more pay cheque......and 1 other for accessorise........

damn i though i could get it for chrismas but failed to save enough T_T
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Old December 8th, 2007, 03:31   #4
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Wonder what the price tag on that one will be...
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Old December 8th, 2007, 03:45   #5
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Originally Posted by Andres View Post
Wonder what the price tag on that one will be...
dunno, there are rumors about it's canceled too, but the picture i attached is the only info i found on systema's site... so~

i will pray~
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Old December 8th, 2007, 04:09   #6
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Originally Posted by yueprofile View Post
dunno, there are rumors about it's canceled too, but the picture i attached is the only info i found on systema's site... so~

i will pray~
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Old December 8th, 2007, 11:20   #7
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Holy shit! If Systema made an Mp5, damn.. I would be saving up a few grand.

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Old December 8th, 2007, 14:15   #8
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yeah, right, that is where i found the rumors...
read it at midnight someday and couldnt find it anymore

thx dude

i fxking want to go to the shot show~~~~
too bad, have no vacation days left
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Old December 8th, 2007, 14:56   #9
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You can't go to Shot Show unless you are an industry insider (manufacturer, distributor or retailer). It's not open to the public, and even those on the inside are not allowed to take pictures of all the things shown there.

"IF" it becomes available, good luck getting one anytime soon.

And, you are not buying an MP5, but the PTW platform. Currently, it only exists in the form of an AR. If you didn't buy one because you don't like an AR, don't buy the MP5. You buy the platform, not the gun, and the PTW is not for you. These aren't fashionable "guns of the week" and require a committment more serious than you can possibly imagine
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old December 8th, 2007, 15:15   #10
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"I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit."
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Old December 8th, 2007, 15:20   #11
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Think $4000+ per gun, plus whatever accessories you want to put on it. Then be prepared to spend a hundred or more just trying BBs until you get the weight and strength to make the gun perform as it should.

And, the MP5 will likely be much more expensive than what you currently see for a PTW in Canada. The '08 line is going to increase significantly in January, and the MP5 won't be public until long after that. So guess what it will cost?

$3000 for the base gun will not be unrealistic at this point. And mags will be well over $100 each, as well as batteries, etc.

You might be able to "imagine alot", but can your credit card float it? That's another issue.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old December 8th, 2007, 15:27   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I could've gone to the shot show in Las Vegas, G&G invited Mark down there lol
We can be ceratin mags will be 100$ or more, but as for the gun itself I can't see it being more than the M4 PTW. Anyway we'll see when Mark gets them in!
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Old December 8th, 2007, 15:43   #13
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
And, you are not buying an MP5, but the PTW platform. Currently, it only exists in the form of an AR. If you didn't buy one because you don't like an AR, don't buy the MP5. You buy the platform, not the gun, and the PTW is not for you. These aren't fashionable "guns of the week" and require a committment more serious than you can possibly imagine
This has got to be the most absurd statement I think I have ever read on ASC, and I mean ever, including when Crab was around!

People have tolerances and preferences. Why pay $2500 for a device intended to replicate an AR to a T, if you don't like AR? PTW's are by far thee best airsoft devices on the market, they have made made revolutions in internal designs to not only make the device the more accurate but also damn near indestructible using better materials. However, PTW's are STILL being modified and bugs worked out, just look at the MAX from the PTW V.1's. Like any other device. You do not pay $2500, for an AR no, you pay $2500 because of the internal design to it. But if you don't like AR's at all, WHY pay $2500 when $800 will suffice for airsoft? I am really thinking that you have forgotten that you are comparing a device intended for professional training to be used by military and law enforcement personnel, to devices made for a bunch of guys using TOYS to play a game on the weekend.

There are many people that play this game that do not like AR's, and when SystemA, comes out with a PTW version of the weapon they prefer I am sure those people would like to jump at such a prospect. Also I find it insulting, that you would dare state that any other device does not require the same amount of "dedication" as a PTW which is UTTER bullshit. Any "lesser" AEG will wear down and have parts break, requiring such person to have to take time and money to invest into their device to get it working again. With the Max versions out, what I'm told, BY YOU ((and other players that own PTW I've talked to)) and all your ravings about these devices is all you gotta do is shell out for it, drop lube here and there into it and change out an O-ring in the cylinder every once and a while.

EDIT: As for the MP5's, I can't wait. They offer so much more than AR's in some departments. IE. you can carry more magazines in less space, which is good if you're a sniper/spotter or on recon because you're trying to keep it light. Also MP5's are supreme for CQB environments, proof of this? Look at SWAT teams around the world, mostly seen weapon is an MP5 of one variant or another. AR's are a dying race, and with their newer versions coming out still more expensive than HK's wonder work horses it is not difficult to foresee the MP5 holding its place in military and LE use for a long time. SystemA is wise to introduce it as the next Personnel Training Weapon.

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Last edited by Dracheous; December 8th, 2007 at 15:47..
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Old December 8th, 2007, 15:52   #14
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Think $4000+ per gun, plus whatever accessories you want to put on it. Then be prepared to spend a hundred or more just trying BBs until you get the weight and strength to make the gun perform as it should.

And, the MP5 will likely be much more expensive than what you currently see for a PTW in Canada. The '08 line is going to increase significantly in January, and the MP5 won't be public until long after that. So guess what it will cost?

$3000 for the base gun will not be unrealistic at this point. And mags will be well over $100 each, as well as batteries, etc.

You might be able to "imagine alot", but can your credit card float it? That's another issue.
My card can float it, and my other habits hit the wallet a lot deeper than 4K.

Maybe a written test will help weed out the weak?
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Old December 8th, 2007, 16:00   #15
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If you want to spend 2500$ on a AEG go for it, you shouldn't give a fuck about what anybody else thinks.

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