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Going the RE-ENACTOR way.



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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:00   #1
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Going the RE-ENACTOR way.

I am starting this thread so we can discuss this without tagging onto a thread that was not meant for it.

Me? All for it. It's easy to do, it's an excellent start, it costs nothing more at the moment than making a personal effort.

All we have to do is change a bit of vocabulary, be careful what we do, respect federal laws, be of legal age, and never play outside of authorized areas. It's all basic common sense.

When that personal part is done, there will be a few others here who will have started the administrative and paperwork process to make this official.

After that, it's not rocket science.

(No, I am not an administrator or moderator, but I am a re-enactor in more than one time period of history).

Let's talk.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:07   #2
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Am just waiting for the chairsofters to pounce on you Grey. :P

Hehe, I DO think it's a decent route to go though.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:11   #3
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If you think that becoming a "re-enactor" will allow you get access to a new supply of imported guns, think again. The CBSA has already declined approval to both the military and police colleges to import airsoft guns for training purposes. And these guys can possess and import prohibited weapons, artillery, etc.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:11   #4
Red Ghost
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I, myself am In total agreement with this. It requires little personal effort, as Greylocks mentioned, for hopefully great returns regarding the status of this activity we all deeply cherish.

Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
If you think that becoming a "re-enactor" will allow you get access to a new supply of imported guns, think again.
I don't think this is something that is seen as a way of getting a new supply of imported guns, but as a way to make airsoft apeal more to the common person.
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Last edited by Red Ghost; January 20th, 2007 at 12:14.. Reason: missed stuff
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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:16   #5
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Red Ghost View Post
I don't think this is something that is seen as a way of getting a new supply of imported guns, but as a way to make airsoft apeal more to the common person.
Or at least, less unappealing to misguided social crusaders.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:18   #6
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
If you think that becoming a "re-enactor" will allow you get access to a new supply of imported guns, think again. The CBSA has already declined approval to both the military and police colleges to import airsoft guns for training purposes. And these guys can possess and import prohibited weapons, artillery, etc.
I dont think anything will happen, but I do know how the re-enactment world works and what it CAN lead to if done right. It hurts nothing and nobody to start here, simply, all of us.

This can lead, with time, to better things and perhaps a revision of the laws. It will take years.

If we're not even willing to give this a shot, then you are right and I'll happily give up.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:27   #7
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I see your point Grey, but it also stands to reason that rules fro re-enactrs in the airsoft world would have to be establishd an adhered to. You can't decide to be a re-enactor and wear Cadpat while carrying an AUG. You would have to be a member of a specific group, own specific issue kit, weapons, etc. Also, you can't be a re-enactor for non-Canadian events, like Somalia, the U.S., or any other places we haven't been.

It sounds like an interesting endeavour, but I really don't know what the outcome of all this will be. But I suppose that someone has to start the ball rolling and see where it goes.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 20th, 2007, 12:38   #8
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Let me say firstly I support this idea, as I am a re-enactor in a variety of time-periods (Late Middle Ages, American Civil War Society, and Roman Empire).

I was considering doing a pre-Confederation Courer de Bois outfit and building up a custom one-off gas powered Brown Bess retrofitted into a modern flintlock body (flintlocks and pre-1898 replicas are not considered firearms, they are considered antiques; they require no PAL to purchase or possess - thus converting one is breaking no laws. Is this the future of airsoft for us as it becomes harder to import realistic-looking modern firearms? Who knows?) using a donated JAC powerplant and building an internal reservoir using the guts from a Tanaka AICS mag, or possibly a Marushin M500 shotgun buttstock reservoir.

I was hoping to rebarrel it in 8mm, but I can't find a good source of 8mm aftermarket tightbores, especially in the length I want (+1000mm - I'm not wanting the carbine version of the Bess). Additionally, I have some concerns about scratching said inner barrel or tearing the (yet to be built) custom hopup by using the loading rod/ramrod to seat the BBs.

I'm also concerned that even with the extended range and (obviously) higher than 400 fps, my ROF with hand-loaded pellets will leave me outgunned by those with boxmags and full-auto on the field.

Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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Last edited by Skruface; January 20th, 2007 at 12:45..
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Old January 20th, 2007, 13:32   #9
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Reenactor is the wrong term to use. Look up the definition and you'll see airsoft doesnt even come close to being reenacting. Simulation would be a better term to use. Modern Military Simulation.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 13:33   #10
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I see your point Grey, but it also stands to reason that rules fro re-enactrs in the airsoft world would have to be established an adhered to. You can't decide to be a re-enactor and wear Cadpat while carrying an AUG. You would have to be a member of a specific group, own specific issue kit, weapons, etc. Also, you can't be a re-enactor for non-Canadian events, like Somalia, the U.S., or any other places we haven't been.

It sounds like an interesting endeavour, but I really don't know what the outcome of all this will be. But I suppose that someone has to start the ball rolling and see where it goes.

Er, why could we not re-enact events that say Canada was not apart of? We have people "Skruface" above that do "medieval" times re-enactments. I've part taken in medieval events before, and it was not as a Canadian soldier trying to hold off the English! Because, seriously if you can find a text book that says we had troops waging war flying the Canadian colours in say the "Crusades" then you sir have found a book full of shit.

And all we'd need to do to fix the issue of specific "kits" ((some people do make their own anyway)) is simply address it with that this group is comprised of people that enjoy this as a hobby. And we are all on our own budgets. Unless this progresses and we get gov. grants to feilds and such were we could start building up rental "kits" that we could get more people involved with. Same as the re-enactor groups out there today do it. Go down and rent a red coat and try to fight off the Blue coats.

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Old January 20th, 2007, 13:58   #11
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While I think it's an interesting idea I do see the same problems as have already been pointed out. kit matching, period matching, game style. We are much more closely related to paintball then we are to reinacting.


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Old January 20th, 2007, 14:24   #12
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I like the idea. Besides if it doesn't work out we can always come up with plan B. Like referring to ourselves as Tactical Studies Think Tank, using simulation to do research or something.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 14:24   #13
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Guys, kit choosing and all that happens LATER! After all is set!

Geeze, start SMALL, it hurts nothing to give this a shot. See where it leads with patience.

The idea is to play the government's game and using existing terminology that WORKS. It's a small step in a direction that is more likely to work IF we give it time.

If you dont want to do this, then dont. Call yourself whatever you want.

But I'll tell you from direct experience that being a re-enactor is seen in a far better light than what we have now, and that is a fact we can use.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 20:19   #14
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I think going the re-enactor way is a positive step. It may not change anything but on the other hand it might. At the very least it sounds better. For example if I was asked what hobbies do I do, saying that I participate in military style re-enactions sounds a hole lot more mature and credible than to say, I play airsoft.
That and the fact that so many stores now sell the softair products, which inevitably get confused with airsoft by the public. I think getting away from the term airsoft will help further our sports life.
Using the terms re-enactors or as Brian stated on the other thread, re-creators would be the way to go.
At any rate this looks like a positive direction for the sport.

If they take away the toy guns from law abiding citizens, sooner or later, only the criminals will have the really neat toys.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 20:42   #15
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
Er, why could we not re-enact events that say Canada was not apart of? We have people "Skruface" above that do "medieval" times re-enactments. I've part taken in medieval events before, and it was not as a Canadian soldier trying to hold off the English! Because, seriously if you can find a text book that says we had troops waging war flying the Canadian colours in say the "Crusades" then you sir have found a book full of shit.

And all we'd need to do to fix the issue of specific "kits" ((some people do make their own anyway)) is simply address it with that this group is comprised of people that enjoy this as a hobby. And we are all on our own budgets. Unless this progresses and we get gov. grants to feilds and such were we could start building up rental "kits" that we could get more people involved with. Same as the re-enactor groups out there today do it. Go down and rent a red coat and try to fight off the Blue coats.
You have to look at this in the context of the current mindset of our government and the law. Guys with antique muzzle loaders or swords playing war is not a very threatening thing. Guys running around with current military patterns carrying what appears to be illegal assault rifles, well, you don't need to be a genius to figure that out.

Now Skruface has a good idea. You can't have a replica of a muzzle loader. It is exempt from the law on both real and replica grounds.

Now tell me, how would you go about getting either government approval or as some suggest funding to use illegal replicas? I can tell you for 101% certainty that you will get neither. Now, if you could prove it falls on grounds of remembering our historical events (ie promoting Canadian culture), perhaps you have a chance. But what realistic bureaucrat will approve of a bunch of white guys re-enacting "Black Hawk Down" in southern Ontario. You'd need to have alot of Somalians involved, find a desert setting, etc. to even have a hope.

But you may have a chance with the Riel Rebellion, or the Plains of Abraham battle perhaps. But that's not possible or even likely with guys in MARPAT or Cadpat using MP5's or M4's.

I mean, c'mon!!

Re-enactments happen quite alot in the U.S.. Look at what they do and see how it fits with what you guys are proposing. Then add in that their re-enactments would never be approved by our useless government, then you'll see what you're up against and tailor your strategy accordingly.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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