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Bringing in airsoft as a Uni student



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Old March 25th, 2019, 07:57   #1
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Hong Kong
Post Bringing in airsoft as a Uni student

Hello ASC!

I am from HK, and I am currently looking forward to studying in Canada. I would very much like to continue playing airsoft during the 4 years, and I would appreciate that my replicas are here with me as I really liked my own custom work. I would only bring my 2/3 pistols and one more slide kit if that can be done.

The thread of importing help me cleared up some basics, but I feel like there should be more to it.

If I apply according to the normal schedule, I should be in Canada around August 2020. However, I will only reach 18 years old in December 2020. I am not sure what legal implications there are, but hey, that's why I am here.

Also, from what I read from the FAQ, I can bring in the whole pistol minus the grip/frame (I like G series a lot, and all of them are G series derivatives) without much legal paperwork. If I were to bring in the whole pistol legally, what are my options?

On a more specific note, I seriously cannot find any rules and regulations against storing airsoft in dorms in most Unis. I want to make sure that I do not get in trouble for bringing them and storing them in the dorm. I do have common sense around airsoft and guns (which I find rare amongst the airsoft friends of my age) and know the basics of the etiquettes of storing and transporting airsoft. I genuinely wish to have access to kit and guns I currently own when I study in Canada.

Thanks in advance. I might PM you guys on specific follow-ups if it is needed

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Old March 25th, 2019, 08:37   #2
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You might have some difficulty having airsoft guns on campus here in Canada.
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Old March 25th, 2019, 10:23   #3
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In terms of importing check if you can buy it in Canada. That way you have less things to bring and less headache to deal with. Bringing a whole pistol is complicated when you ship. maybe it is easier in person?!!!

For storage look into storage space off the campus. That way you are safer.
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Old March 25th, 2019, 10:37   #4
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I strongly suggest you don't bring any airsoft guns or "weapons" with you. Even if there aren't rules against it, you might run into problems with the school or other students. Too much crazy shit has happened at schools to think this is a good idea, and it's no wonder people are quick to assume the worst case scenario. Best of luck in your studies.
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Old March 25th, 2019, 10:41   #5
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Almost all Universities in Canada will classify them as weapons and they are strictly not allowed on campus. You will have to find some sort of off site storage.
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Old March 25th, 2019, 10:44   #6
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I ran the club in the University of Waterloo for my undergrad. Do not bring guns on campus. It's an extremely sensitive thing and could risk your education.

Store them offsite if you can. It's not about your knowledge of gun safety or whatever "for your age". Universities generally don't want anything resembling a weapon on campus. Even for events like Humans Vs Zombies in campus they did not want painted nerf guns to give you some perspective.
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Old March 25th, 2019, 10:46   #7
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I can't comment much on the import part of the question (although I have friends that run a store and they have trouble with customs all the time). From the stories I've heard, our customs really don't like airsoft guns at all, so I would advise you to leave what guns you have in HK and buy some once you arrive in Canada (welcome by the way). That way you don't run the risk of customs just destroying your guns and you're left with nothing. You can probably bring your gear though.

I can help with the university part as I used to help run the airsoft club at one of the universities in Ontario. Please do NOT bring any airsoft firearms on campus (residences are considered part of campus). You can be expelled for doing so as well as creating bad publicity for our sport. Pretty much all Canadian universities have policies that explicitly prohibit firearms on campus, and airsoft firearms are considered replica firearms under Canadian law.

Once you live off campus however, if you can get them past customs or if you purchase new ones, feel free to keep them in your room and come out to frag as long as you don't bring them on campus and follow proper storage and transportation etiquette (eg gun bag/case, no public brandishing, etc).

Hope this helps answer some of the questions you had.
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Old March 25th, 2019, 11:01   #8
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I ain't even gonna touch on the legality behind bringing in airsoft firearms or parts to Canada as an individual because there are people far more knowledgeable about it than I.

As far as most university and college dorms, airsoft guns are usually encompassed in their list of dangerous and/or prohibited items. Even if it is not explicitly listed there, if they are found, they will most likely fall under that category.

To reference you the severity of it I just looked up a random contract from a major university (name withheld for obvious reasons):

"Any objects considered dangerous to the health and/or wellbeing of fellow residents are not allowed in residence or anywhere on residence property. This includes but is not limited to: firearms, knives, Swiss Army knives, pellet guns, cap guns, bb guns, paintball guns, firecrackers, dangerous weapons, or items (real or imitation) that are intimidating or intended to cause harm. Disciplinary sanctions may include appropriation of the item(s), intervention by the appropriate legal authorities, and/or termination of your Residence Contract (depending on the severity of the incident)."

Even if the specific line about airsoft guns is omitted, most dorms college or university will have a rule about "intimidating" objects; I've heard people get in shit for painted Nerf guns (grain of salt, but still).

That said, if you're smart about it, and depending on how often the staff does checks, you can have them there. I've seen and heard of people keeping in dorms by being smart about it; probably not bringing them in right as you move in would be a good idea. Is it a piss poor idea and would I discourage it? Probably, but you can get away with it. If the dorm has security that does sweeps and searches regularly, definitely do not fuck around with that; they'll usually look for substances, but you can only hide things so well in a closed space.

However, have you considered as devbro said either, a) if you've got the mad cash to spend and have more gear, bringing it all in then getting or sharing a storage rental, or b) perhaps the easier and better option, either making friends with or having a trusted local just hold it at their place for you instead? Hell, you could lock the damn thing up in a safe or something if you wanted to risk it with somebody but I wouldn't put it with anybody you haven't at least met personally for obvious reasons.

TL;DR - I really wouldn't mess around with trying to keep it in your dorm as a non-Canadian, underage student.

I'm not sure if I'll be in Canada at the time you come in August, but if I am later on, I don't mind storing a few pieces somewhere or having someone else to (you'd want to meet first of course). DM which general province you'd be heading to and then we'll see if its even the same from there if you want. Best of luck with your studies and exams/A-levels (or whatever you're doing right now).

EDIT: Datawraith posted before I finished typing this, take his word on the university stuff over mine of course.

Last edited by Hobos; March 25th, 2019 at 13:26..
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Old March 25th, 2019, 12:30   #9
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OK to start out on the right foot don't bring any of the guns.

Then post up what school you will be attending. Some places will need you to find a new hobby because there is no local community. Other places will welcome you with open arms. TRU in Kamloops BC for example has a whole group a folks from HK who came here and play with the local group.

When you're established here buy all your hardware here and you can either sell before you go back or ship home. But if you are living in a University residence there's no way you'll be able to keep them in your room.

Getting connected to the local players is the first step and it's easy enough to do before you get here.
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Old March 26th, 2019, 05:42   #10
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Hong Kong
Thanks for the general input. I am currently considering UCB, but after looking at my options my chances of doing my subject (Mechanical Engineering) without a current chemistry class in canada is slim.
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Old August 13th, 2019, 11:48   #11
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Location: Houston, TX
I think airsoft will be a great sport for students. But you should not forget about your education. After all, this is very important. You can read essays about bullying by visiting our website There are also many sample essays that will be useful to you throughout the school year

Last edited by DanielTarenorerer; August 14th, 2019 at 07:31..
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Old July 6th, 2021, 07:37   #12
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There are papers like surveys, articles that I can't compose without help from anyone else.
Prior to composing, I need to foster my abilities. I regularly utilize a help engineering assignment help
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