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E&C AEG Help Needed


Doctor's Corner

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Old January 22nd, 2019, 17:33   #1
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Richmond Hill On. Canada
E&C AEG Help Needed

I haven't e&c 804 AEG when I first got it when you pull back the charging handle the ejector port door would open and the dust cover would slide back and lock into position unlike like most AEG's this is something nice that e&c does since some upgrades took place and my attempt at dismantling the gun my tech was unable to get it back working properly In the after putting back together my mess and doing the upgrades I don't think he was looking to spend the time 2 file down the charging handle or whatever needs to be done I'm not looking for any criticism towards my check is a good Tech I gave him a handful of stuff to deal with and don't want to bother him any more seeing as is backlog time is over a month and I don't want to wait that long was wondering if someone can help me out
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Old January 22nd, 2019, 20:39   #2
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Location: GTA (Orangeville)
Originally Posted by Kurmit905 View Post
I haven't e&c 804 AEG when I first got it when you pull back the charging handle the ejector port door would open and the dust cover would slide back and lock into position unlike like most AEG's this is something nice that e&c does since some upgrades took place and my attempt at dismantling the gun my tech was unable to get it back working properly In the after putting back together my mess and doing the upgrades I don't think he was looking to spend the time 2 file down the charging handle or whatever needs to be done I'm not looking for any criticism towards my check is a good Tech I gave him a handful of stuff to deal with and don't want to bother him any more seeing as is backlog time is over a month and I don't want to wait that long was wondering if someone can help me out
Hello Kurmit,

I can certainly help you out with this. I replied to one of your previous posts as well. You can visit my website at and fill out the contact us form. From there we can schedule a time to take a look at anything you have questions about.

Orangeville Airsoft
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