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Old December 6th, 2015, 18:44   #1
Join Date: Nov 2015
Airsoft Gear

Hi, I just got a WE HK416 and I am looking for a red dot sight for it. I really like the look of an Aimpoint M3 or a Eotech. I have no idea what brands are good for red dots. My price range is around $80. If you could provide a specific link to it that would be the best.

Another thing I'm looking into is a different plate carrier because the one I have is a POS. My price range is around $150 and I would like to have pouches included (Around 5 M4 mags, utility pouch, maybe a backpack piece). I would also like it to be some sort of forest camouflage like multicam or even just O.D green with different color pouches or something. Also, a link would be great.

For head protection, I used to use a paintball mask, then I switched to a cheap wire mask, goggles and a toque. The wire mask pressed on my face and after a game, my nose would be bleeding, so I went back to the paintball mask. I bought a really cheap helmet but it really didn't work with the goggles or mesh. If you could provide a couple links to a good mesh mask, a nice helmet, and a pair of goggles that would all fit nicely that would be really helpful. The color could be OD green or some sort of forest camo it doesn't really matter. The price I'm looking at is around 200 for everything.

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Old December 6th, 2015, 18:59   #2
brock0's Avatar
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So - you want someone to spoon feed you links to all that gear? Good luck with that, especially not being Age verified.

G&P aimpoint clones are decent and in your price range.

Condor or Pantac will have lots of vest options in your price range.

Emerson or Big Dragon have FAST helmet clones that should work with goggles and a mask.

I wouldn't expect to find many here who want to be your personal shopper.
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Old December 6th, 2015, 21:26   #3
Cobalt Caliber
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No 80 dollar red dot sight will reliably hold zero on the WE 416. But G&P clones are you best bet, still won't work though. Mine gets adjusted literally everytime i got down time. Between spawns, rearm, etc. Save your money, but a holosun or look around for a cheap real steel optic on the used market. Irons will work fine in the mean time. plus a flashlight is more useful than an RDS.

at 150 bucks id be surprised at getting anything good, but condor should still have something.

Protip for using a plate carrier though: Get mock plates, or cut cardboard as mock plates to add some rigidity to the carrier (regardless of price) and make sure you MOLLE weave correctly. Correctly postioning your carrier on your body can also make a cheap carrier 1000x better (more comfortable).

Helmet, i really cant recommend a clone. But anything id recommend is out of your budget. Eye wear, look for surplus revisions, or anything low profile. With something low profile its a tad easier to get the wire mesh to fit more comfortably.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 6th, 2015, 21:41   #4
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UTG/Leapers, NC-Star, Barska, are all fairly cheap and will hold zero, $80 is likely close or reasonable, not including shipping, tax, etc.

Multicam now makes a camo called multicam tropic, which is super successful in forest areas and available fairly readily. Expect to spend about $150 - $250 on a low cost set that won't fall apart quickly. Tru-Spec is likely the best bang for your buck, sold at DS Tactical as well as several other places in Canada. Use Google.

Plate carriers don't typically come with pouches, which is better because you can set them up and change them as you like. $150 may get you a decent carrier, but not with pouches. Get age verified, often PCs with pouches can be found as package deals in the classifieds here.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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