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Shouldering Guns


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old January 8th, 2013, 22:36   #1
Join Date: Sep 2012
Shouldering Guns

Hows it going guys haven't been airsofting yet bout to go in the next couple weeks with some friends and looking to get into the sport.
Although i am coming from just recently selling all my hardcore tourny speedball paintball setup.

I hear that some places require you to wear a full mask while playing, now in paintball with guns that had stocks they were never very good because the mask always hit the stock and messed up your vision, wouldn't the same be true for shouldering an airsoft rifle with a full mask on?

I was under the impression you were allowed to wear any eyewear that conforms to the standards of eye protection while shooting real steel and that is the only necessary protection.

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Old January 8th, 2013, 22:44   #2
OM3GA's Avatar
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The same is true and there is a few places that only allow paintball masks, mostly paintball venues. It's not all that common though and the more common requirement is full seal ballistic goggles.

If you do need a paintball mask that will work you can use a JT Flex 8. Since the mask has so much give you can still shoulder and sight fairly well.

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Old January 8th, 2013, 22:45   #3
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Originally Posted by TheyCallMeRambo View Post
Hows it going guys haven't been airsofting yet bout to go in the next couple weeks with some friends and looking to get into the sport.
Although i am coming from just recently selling all my hardcore tourny speedball paintball setup.

I hear that some places require you to wear a full mask while playing, now in paintball with guns that had stocks they were never very good because the mask always hit the stock and messed up your vision, wouldn't the same be true for shouldering an airsoft rifle with a full mask on?

I was under the impression you were allowed to wear any eyewear that conforms to the standards of eye protection while shooting real steel and that is the only necessary protection.

Depends of the mask you wear and the gun. I have no problem using the iron sights of an M4 while wearing my Sly Profit mask. However on AK's and other guns is pretty difficult.

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Old January 8th, 2013, 22:47   #4
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The type of eyewear or face protection is completely up to field rules. Some will require ASTM compliant paintball masks while others may only require full seal protective goggles.
If u are required to use a full face mask on, may i suggest the I4s. Still kinda hard to sight down ur rifle, but better than any other paintball mask. Or you could get a pair of ballistic goggles with mesh mask. It'll be a lot lower profile. Just check on ur field rules.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 22:59   #5
a.k.a. Greedy
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Eye pro differs depending on the venue. Some places allow shooting glasses, others require full seal goggles and some paintball places only allow paintball specific goggles. Eye pro should meet or exceeds ansi z87.1.

Face pro isn't generally mandatory but it's a good idea, it will save your teeth from being shot out. A lot of players use mesh masks, instead of full style paintball masks, to protect their mouth and face. The mesh is moldable allowing a tighter fit to the face and a better cheek weld with the gun. Risers are another solution.
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Old January 8th, 2013, 23:24   #6
Join Date: Sep 2012
Ohh alright. I think to be safe at all venues im going to just keep my JT proflex, bottoms are comparable to flex 7;s and 8's.
Thanks everyone
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Old January 9th, 2013, 08:28   #7
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most masks won't let you aim down your sights properly. try a ballistic goggle and mesh lower combination.
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Old January 9th, 2013, 08:55   #8
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Originally Posted by chaosrealm93 View Post
most masks won't let you aim down your sights properly. try a ballistic goggle and mesh lower combination.

Also if a field is REALLY anal. Then get a cheap paintball set and cut out the cheek area of the mask that you would normally be shooting from.
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Old January 9th, 2013, 09:20   #9
Rusty Lugnuts
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More modern guns have the stock in line with the barrel ( in order to combat rise during full auto) Older designs (ie Thompson, etc) have the stock drop down as well as back and can easily be sighted down while wearing a full paintball mask
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