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A New Pistol design...


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Old July 4th, 2005, 14:18   #1
Bob the Angry Potato
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A New Pistol design...

Having recently bought a Tokyo Marui EBB pistol, I was very pleased with the concept of Electric handguns. However, other people (a very mixed reaction, really) had many complaints, for example, the "Banana Mag", the power, and the ROF. I decided to sit down and try to redesign the EBB to try to fix these problems, starting with the design of the Sig Pro (a Marui EBB that was supposed to come out 6 months ago...)

Anyway, the concept goes something like this (without technical terms or anything. I don't know the inside of guns very well, but after finding internal pics and speaking to several experienced Airsoft mechanics, I had a shot at some diagrams.

(Keep in mind, this is a very blunt summary...)
The gun powers a much stronger spring (requiring metal gears, unlike the previous CYMA pistols. The power source is integrated into the side of the clip (something like crossing a stick magazine with the EBB Banana clip, then attaching it to the side of a spring magazine). The Spring magazine has a large 9 volt battery sized hole in it, and a wire adapter to put into the 9 volt (Simple 1.5 volts cannot power a stronger spring, a metal slide, or a higher ROF). This, after a thin black plastic cover is put to retain looks and keep the 9-volt from rattling around inside the magazine.

I also put in side notes and a diagram to a mandatory Hop-Up system, a site redesign to appeal to more experienced Airsofters ( isn't exactly the militaristic Airsoft place you would think it would be, in order to take the guns seriously they really shouldn't do that), a LOT of marketing notes (What the general public is looking for these days, etc) and other notes on improvement on these.

Before I send this E-Mail, I need to know if this concept will at least work (I don't really trust the others that much) and even if it does, what I should add to it (It's already got designs for how the slide to stay back on the final shot, etc. As soon as I find a scanner, I can scan this and show the people here, but until then, I'll just need blunt suggestions.


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Old July 4th, 2005, 14:22   #2
The Saint
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Um, but EBBs are designed to be rather ineffective gaming guns since they're just toys. That's why TM came up with AEPs for actual skirmishing.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 14:26   #3
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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A typical 9v battery has a high internal resistance and a low capacity. If you take on apart, you'll find that it's a stack (or pile) of several smaller cells hooked up in series. Because of size issues, the electrode area in these cells isn't very large which leads to high internal resistance. Because the cells have to be smushed into a small space, they don't have much capacity for electrolyte (low capacity).

9v just isn't suitable for high current application. You end up burning off more energy in the pack than in pushing the motor.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 14:32   #4
Bob the Angry Potato
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This was designed to help pave the way (hopefully) to better electric pistols. TM's EBBs were designed to be for children, yet some skirmishers in my area use them too (They had reasons, I'm not exactly sure what). If a company takes note and tries to improve on electric pistols, and actually makes a semi-skirmishable one, perhaps others would try too.

Of late, I also made the design to a multiple AA battery (6, actually) STEYR TMP. After trying to lay out gearbox designs, the entire concept went to hell... I was looking for a little semi-professional help on the subject.

I like the AEP quite a lot, except the Non-Blowback function just bothered me... it felt more like holding a Daisy then a pistol. I know that the small motor space cannot accomodate a slide mechanism, but I can at least try to branch off a completely different concept altogether.

The overall-concept blueprints are at

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Old July 4th, 2005, 14:44   #5
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I doubt any company would invest significantly in making super AEPs with the existance of highly effective GBB designs. The pneumatics in a GBB are pretty simple compared to the high parts count in an AEP. Changable mags allows realistic and rapid reload of bbs and propellant. The pneumatic power source also lends itself to cycling the slide.

The pistol situation isn't the same as with rifles where AEGs displaced gas operated classic airsoft rifles. Gas consumption is comparatively small which means that you don't need a remote hose.

GBB propellant is also dirt cheap. Hehehe...
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old July 4th, 2005, 14:50   #6
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MadMax's post leads me to ask the same question, Bob, why are you so adamant about realistic ebb's, when gbb's could easily fit the need?

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Old July 4th, 2005, 17:39   #7
Bob the Angry Potato
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That's a good question... it's just personal preference, really. I prefer winter skirmishing, for one thing.

Also, in international boards (such as Airsoft Retreat) really welcome the idea (Aparently something to do with certain gases being banned, the fact it was the EBB/LPEG/Mini forum and/or it's just a welcome concept there) and I got quite a few ideas/answers, including the Airsoft Innovations guy's suggestion about the 9-volt capacity.

Besides, I think I'll send this to CYMA/WELL. Marui won't take me seriously, and at least there's the faintest glimmer of hope if WELL does.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 17:56   #8
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If your going to send it off, they'll toss if before reading it if sent in current form. If anything else, type up the test in word, and include the drawn pics (which are wicked btw) as files in an Appendix of sorts.

Organization and To-the-point writing will get your proposal read at least.
(I suggest point form....

1. What is currently in place
2. Why it's bad
3. Your proposal
4. Why it's good.

Use the above to form a general introduction, then rinse and repeat for All suggested alterations.

Finally, the more stuff you have, the more it seems you've throught it through, the more they'll take you seriously.

I hope that helped... there's a ton more... but as long as you follow technical-writing procedures tought in highschools/colleges/universities, you'll be fine.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 19:04   #9
Bob the Angry Potato
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Thanks... it's nice to know that forum members here are smart and literate, unlike the CS kiddies elsewhere.

Thanks, I'll use those... luckily enough, CYMA/WELL seem extremely open to ideas (such as the XM8, sent in by a member of Airsoft Retreat). Hopfully, there'll be some form of compensation... :grin:
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