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Echo 1 ASR. Thoughts ?


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Old January 10th, 2012, 16:42   #1
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Echo 1 ASR. Thoughts ?

Im thinking of getting the Echo 1 ASR, and just want to see everyone's thoughts about the gun.
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Old January 10th, 2012, 17:03   #2
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If you're serious about sniping in airsoft, go with a quality BAR from Tokyo Marui or Classic Army. Most BARs need about another $500-ish put into them to truly give them an advantage over AEG's (and even then, it comes mostly in consistency, not range). Cheaper BARs tend to have huge tolerances compared to the quality offerings which makes them very hard to upgrade consistently. Most people who play a serious sniper roll in airsoft spend over $1,000 on their guns.

If you just want to screw around with a BAR for plinking and/or aren't actually looking for it to be that effective in a game, the JG/Echo1 is fine.

Not really much more to be said.

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Old January 10th, 2012, 17:17   #3
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HAHA look up the other ASR threads me and another guy on here keep one upping each other on our ASR's we are into them for over 600$ This gun is a beast out of the box with the upgrade package $45

At some point your hopup will go PDI hopup 99$
New barrel 45-200$
Barrel spacers 20$
Magpul pts Sniper stock 180-250$
versapod 40$ knockoff 200$ real steel

You will have a lights out laser sniper with one of the coolest stocks out there right now.

Bring on the "thread flames" I love this thing and will keep soaking money into it.

CA M24 550$ + 700 in parts great gun but heavy and cumbersome

TM Vsr10 Hard to find 400-800$ + 1000$ in parts and you have a laser rifle that will touch 300-350ft no wind.

Maruzen L96 400-800$ gas +400 parts and you will have a rifle that can shoot at 650fps and shoot a football field and further.
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Old January 10th, 2012, 18:07   #4
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post
CA M24 550$ + 700 in parts great gun but heavy and cumbersome

TM Vsr10 Hard to find 400-800$ + 1000$ in parts and you have a laser rifle that will touch 300-350ft no wind.

Maruzen L96 400-800$ gas +400 parts and you will have a rifle that can shoot at 650fps and shoot a football field and further.
Where do you get your prices???

VSR-10 is around 450$ BNIB... and it takes EXACTLY the same upgrades as any other BA... complete package would be around 500$... for a grand totalof 1000$

CA M24 is a monster rifle, harder to find but reliable when done. Takes most ASP2 parts... usually runs for about 650$ for the rifle, but you can find some for 800-900$ with most upgrades in the classifieds. It's one of the oldest BAR models on the market still.

Maruzen APS-2 Type 96 is not gas operated. It cost about 600$ for a new one and takes only a few minor upgrades to make it worth while... The stock trigger system is very effective when you keep it under 450 fps, don't even need to change any sears. Stock cylinder is nice and basically you only need a new hop-up (PDI) barrel (Prom M14 6.03 in 500mm), piston (Modify 3-pieces is way nice), piston head (Prom red of Modify) and spring/guide (Laylay makes a nice bearing one with both 7mm and 9mm guide rods...)

The ASR CAN be a good rifle. But fitting the upgrades are random and can either be easy or painfull. That is because the tolerences are way off (the allowed margin in parts dimentions). Stock parts are made looser, so they fit. Upgrades parts are made to be tight with the "quality" brands, so it's hit or miss.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 10th, 2012, 18:20   #5
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I used the prices I have found....

TM VSR10 good luck finding one those with one dont sell it cheap but yes the vsr10 hunter crom plated is 800$. yea fully upraged you can find them for 1000$ that someone is bored with.

CA M24 $500 here in edmonton normally always in stock at capital airsoft.

You can get L96 gas those are the ones I have seen.

Echo 1 ASR take APS2 parts exept for the trigger box and the one that comes with it already seared and takes a beating at 500FPS and no issues so far.

Take all info with a grain of salt yes CA m24 and TM VSR10 are the 2 tops at most lists but if yuou want an out of the box gun the ASR works better than more expensive ones out there. It it also definatly a more unique rifle if you are into that kinda thing.

Last edited by Foxer2373; January 10th, 2012 at 18:24..
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Old January 10th, 2012, 18:42   #6
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The gas L96s are not Maruzen and are pure junk. The gas-in-bolt ones sometimes manage to get a shot or two before running out. They are clone of the Maruzen spring, with a "gas convertion" that was made by King Arms a while ago... that was not working so it was scrapped.

The gas-in-mag ones are cloned of the ARES/Star one and are junk too. Inconsistent and leak like hell. You have to replace everything in there with Ares spare parts to make it OK... at that point you are better off buying the real deal.
G&G gas L96 seems to be hit or miss too... based off the ARES design too.

The only "viable" gas L96 is the Tanaka M700 AICS.. which is actually a M700 with the AICS platform... not really a L96. Then again, mags have to be rebuilt with upgrade parts and valve strikers break "normally" after a year of use. And consistency is no where near what a spring rifle does.

Because it takes APS2 parts, the upgrades are easy to find. But because there is no quality control, and most parts are molded plastic, half the rifles need to be heavily modified to attain the level of performance you get from a "stock" brand-name BAR. I don't know for you, but I consider my time worth about 30-40$ and hour. Take 10 hours to fit upgrades parts and you should have bought the higher brand.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.

Last edited by Kos-Mos; January 10th, 2012 at 18:45..
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Old January 10th, 2012, 19:51   #7
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I pay my gun doc to do it ( thats right i don't do it myself) Echo 1 is getting a lot better with quality...

Its all personal choice, I have had success with the ASR so have a couple others thats all.
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Old January 10th, 2012, 21:54   #8
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I get paid by people to do it. (That's right, I am a gundoc).

They always have been hit or miss. Over the last 4 years, they kept the same level of "admissible" quality.

Right now however, there is the M28, which is a clone/modified clone of the CA M24. It is a monster out of the box and takes VSR-10 internals. If you want to get a BAR and don't want to spend much, that is the one you want.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old January 18th, 2012, 16:21   #9
Old School Punk
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Can you say Can of Worms...

I own an Echo ASR and I love it. It does everything that I want it to do at a modest entry level price.

I am not exactly sure what some guys want their "sniper rifle" to do, but every time that the words "affordable sniper rifle" appear in a thread, a shit storm is soon to follow.

When I bought mine, it was becaust I wanted a single shot, bolt action riffle that I could put a scope and a bipod on. No Battery or Gas, No Full or Semi auto.
That to me is what makes a airsoft gun a "sniper riffle", period.

- Does it shoot further than my AEG M4, No.

- Is it more acurate than my AEG M4, No.

- Is it funner to plink cans with at 100'-0" that an AEG, I say Yes.

- Is it fun to customise, Yes.

- Are there lots of parts to upgrade it with, Yes.

- Does it have the same legendary quality as Tokyo Marui, I don't know, mine has never broke down, but I suspect not.

- Is it cheap and readily available in Canada, Yes.

- Does it have have the same precise alignment and tollerences as a gun costing 2 to 3 times as much, I have no idea, but as long as it shoots decently, and is reliable, I don't really care.

- Does it make you fantasize that you are a "sharp shooter" or a "lone sniper" hiding in the bush waiting for your unsuspecting prey when you shoot it?, Yes.

- Is it the most hated and maligned riffle on this Message Board, Yup!

So depending on what you want your "sniper riffle" to do, this may or may not be the gun for you. Just my 2 cents.


P.S. Here are a few more threads about this gun that may interest you;

Last edited by Old School Punk; January 18th, 2012 at 16:32..
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 12:27   #10
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 15:36   #11
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I like it, i have one as does my friend, with the upgrade kit, inner barrel and barrel spaces its great!
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Old February 8th, 2012, 18:20   #12
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i just baught it and will be going out with it this wknd in a large game but will by the summer have the upgrade kit in it but as for right now i love it i got a 3-9 scope on it and no upgrades to it yet ( other than adding some padding and adding an inch to the stock to make it easier to cock lol i got long a** arms) the range on it is awesome as im outshooting in both accuracy and range my G&G M4 and it shoots at about 480 with .20 and im usually shooting .30 or a bit heavier and the rang is the same with better accuracy and the fps goes to about 420 to 430 so with the upgrade kit i expect to kick some a** with it

im still trying to find a place in canada to order the upgrade kit but i may need to get it from Airsoft GI
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Old February 8th, 2012, 21:27   #13
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post
TM VSR10 good luck finding one those with one dont sell it cheap but yes the vsr10 hunter crom plated is 800$. yea fully upraged you can find them for 1000$ that someone is bored with.

They're unarguably fucking hard to find.
Got mine for $300 stock and used, put $600 in it, and I can get accurate kills at 260ft under good conditons
And I get easily get kills at 160ft with a 90 degree 28km/h crosswind. Knowing BB physics helps a LOT.
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Old February 8th, 2012, 22:26   #14
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
I get paid by people to do it. (That's right, I am a gundoc).

They always have been hit or miss. Over the last 4 years, they kept the same level of "admissible" quality.

Right now however, there is the M28, which is a clone/modified clone of the CA M24. It is a monster out of the box and takes VSR-10 internals. If you want to get a BAR and don't want to spend much, that is the one you want.
+ Fuckin 1
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Old January 12th, 2013, 10:40   #15
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I vote a TM or if you are on a budget, JG.

I have a CA M24 and don't think that is a good BA at all. They have yet to deal with the lousy hop up cylinder and fragile magazine system. The bolt handle has a flimsy three ball detent system that self destructs because the cotter pin in the cylinder that destroys it over time.

Although the stock trigger in the CA M24 is better than the stock VSR10 triggers, it is lower quality stamped metal plates and pot metal actions.

On a TM or JG, if you go over a M130 spring, then I recommend a 90 deg trigger upgrade.

On another note, since you are gutting out 80% of the TM, a JG is still a better deal.
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