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Canadian laws on clear/non-clear airsoft guns?


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Old April 18th, 2010, 13:25   #1
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Winnipeg
Canadian laws on clear/non-clear airsoft guns?

Hey guys,

I read another thread similar to this before posting - and I just want to make it clear I am NOT trying to buy an airsoft gun (I know I am not age verified yet, first post after all :P) I am just looking for the Canadian laws regarding them, because i'm somewhat confused.

It seems their guns pretty much all say..

- Nylon fiber + glass fiber lower receiver, tinted clear glass fiber reinforcedupper receiver conforming to Canadian regulations, blacked out gear box
But if you look at their "Not available for civilian use" weapons - they are all metal. Then, on other Canadian sites it seems G36c's have clear , but M16's do not.

Can someone clear this up for me? What IS allowed for civilians, what is not? Is it bound by only replicas? Only certain guns? It's just confusing to see several M16's non-clear and available to anyone, but G36c's non-clear are only available to non civilians.

PS Going out to play airsoft tonight for the first time, I have a feeling this will suck me in like paintball once did!


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Old April 18th, 2010, 13:41   #2
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There's the FAQ section you should read which explains this but the M4/16's that you're looking at likely have "smoked lowers", which are clear enough to conform to the import laws but from a distance harder to tell.

Second, once in Canada it's fully legal to own (illegal to transfer but for the most part it's not pursued (unless something really really stupid happens) because the crown has bigger things to worry about than a law abiding university student/tradesman/professional playing with a toy gun at a paintball field). It's only illegal (well actually very hard without the paperwork/testing required) for the general public to import black guns (and probably not worth the trouble to import a single clear gun).

PS: Fill out your profile and make an effort to contact an AV rep if there's going to be one (also make sure to WRITE your name down exactly as it's spelled here, there have been some problems with users or the rep spelling the username wrong and confusion happening).

Also when at the game it's a lot easier to ask questions from the vets since it's on the fly communication instead of back and forth replies like on a forum and there's a lot of info that you might want to/need to know (way too much to type but that's what the FAQ's are for).

PPS: Yes it will, I'm already down around $1000 and I'm a university student, I just drink less beer (yay for Asian genes (I have a deficiency of the enzymes that break down alcohol)), and don't waste my money on buying girls drinks or shit like that. Over time it's actually cheaper but usually the "I want another gun" psychology takes over and you end up buying another gun, so really it's about the same price in the end.
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Last edited by L473ncy; April 18th, 2010 at 13:47..
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Old April 18th, 2010, 14:12   #3
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Location: Winnipeg
Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely be asking questions tonight when I go out.

Just somewhat want to clarify the information you gave me - It is illegal for a standard civilian to IMPORT blackguns - But if they are already imported to canada to a retailer, it is for the most part legal to buy them?

Just took your advice and finished updating my profile, as well if I do enjoy airsoft as much as I think I will - I will get in contact with a local rep to setup a meeting.

Thanks again,

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Old April 18th, 2010, 14:51   #4
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High initial investment for airsoft and then once it starts to approach to being cheaper than paintball something new comes out that you absolutely "MUST HAVE". (Just like me, I "need" to get my hands on a new Type-56 but it's not happening with the amount of savings I have and the fact that the government is screwing us students who make little to no money with tuition hikes).

It's not illegal to import for the "common man/general public" but very very hard. I can't really go into details since I don't know the process 100% but basically you need some sort of paperwork and it may have to go to an RCMP testing lab (at your own expense and even then it may take a week or may take a year or more, and you're not 100% guaranteed that it will pass).

Another way is a BFL (Business Firearms License) for movie studios but are expensive to apply for and maintain (to the tune of like $10,000 a year, possibly more) and you must have: a good reason, an established brick and mortar props store/studio, and have established industry contacts and relationships.

Here, I'll be nice, you're different than most noobs that come to the forum (likely because you're a mature adult and not a "kidiot" with a large private forest/acreage to play on yet can't afford a $350 gun):

PS: Looks like you're from winterpeg. You're probably going to XT (Xtreme Tactics) then, I think Amos is one of the local Age Verifiers.
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Old April 18th, 2010, 15:40   #5
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High initial investment comes with anything fun Longrun though, doing the math between paintball vs airsoft - as far as supplies (batteries, bb's, etc) goes vs paintball - airsoft seems cheaper. Plus you get more realism. So, seems perfect to me.

I don't plan (well, not right now anyway) to import any guns myself - As long as I know I can purchase ones already in Canada that are not "cansoft" looking.

I'll look/ask around for Amos tonight - Do you by chance know if he is an employee/owner of extreme tact? Or is he just a regular?
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Old April 18th, 2010, 15:57   #6
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Not at all. I just know he's one of the AV reps for Winnipeg. Maybe he's a regular there maybe he isn't. Best to contact him through PM to make sure though.

You know, I really should stop procrastinating on this site.... I have a term paper due for Monday at 4:00PM.
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Old April 18th, 2010, 16:13   #7
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You're better off asking these questions at another airsoft forum.
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Old April 18th, 2010, 16:48   #8
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^^As in a different board on here, or do you mean a different airsoft website?

Figured this was a newb question :P
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Old April 18th, 2010, 17:47   #9
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Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
You're better off asking these questions at another airsoft forum.
What's your problem?
His question was answered. Ignore the troll?

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Old April 18th, 2010, 17:59   #10
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
What's your problem?
He doesn't like the AV system, and the way the board runs apparently. So, yea ignore him.

DocShay, welcome to the forums, haha. L473ncy pretty much covered all the areas you'll need to know about, so hopefully you'll enjoy yourself at your first game, and continue down the line. :P
For anyone looking for age verification in the Windsor region: Unfortunately, I will only be verifying people at games, I am currently unable to run around and setup meetings.
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Old April 18th, 2010, 21:07   #11
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Originally Posted by Percuvius View Post
You're better off asking these questions at another airsoft forum.
If you dont enjoy this forum then please feel free to leave at any time. Pease keep your peanut gallery comments to yourself.

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Old April 18th, 2010, 21:40   #12
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Originally Posted by IceTray View Post
DocShay, welcome to the forums, haha. L473ncy pretty much covered all the areas you'll need to know about, so hopefully you'll enjoy yourself at your first game, and continue down the line. :P
Thanks! Leaving in 15 minutes. Apparently this place is notorious for proned campers - Flanking from behind should be hilarious.
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Old April 18th, 2010, 23:22   #13
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Guh! due to construction they closed early! We missed the last game.

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