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Quest for high ROF



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Old March 14th, 2010, 22:55   #1
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Quest for high ROF

I've noticed that around youtube theres been alot of videos showing airsoft guns with blazing fast ROF...and that led me to consider, is airsoft turning into paintball? where its all about getting kills and getting those kills just by sheer volume of bbs flying downrange. Becuase I personally hate that. It takes out all the finesse of aiming and predicting your shots, when you can just walk the bb's onto your target and not even aim down the sights. Not only this, but its just unrealistic when a airsoft gun shoots FASTER than realsteel

I really hope it isnt like this in the canadian scene as I've never even been to a game before. It's one of the things that turned me away from paintball (or at least speedball) What the general opinion about this? sorry if this topic has been overdiscussed
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Old March 14th, 2010, 23:02   #2
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Sometimes the reasoning with having a faster RoF than real steel (same as wanting more rounds in the magazine) is that airsoft is not as exact as RS. You cannot place shots the same, and single shots don't have the same effect. But when you hear a blast of BBs hitting the wall next to you, or breaking through the brush around you, you are more inclined to get down.
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Old March 14th, 2010, 23:03   #3
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Not necessarily. I have super high ROF in my guns but I like it due to the super fast trigger response on semi over volume of fire.

Also, with regards to the realism argument, High ROF is helpful as it makes it easier to shoot through bushes (which real guns have no problems with)
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Old March 14th, 2010, 23:24   #4
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YouTube- Strafer fastest shooting airsoft gun
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Old March 14th, 2010, 23:52   #5
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High ROF has it's place. For the most part there are very FEW people in Manitoba that do it. And those that do don't usually come out to games lol
Anyway not ALL players are going to be running sick ROF AEG's, some players really like having a realistic ROF, some simply can't afford the upgrades to make their gun fire that fast, and some of us are accurate enough to only need a 1000rpm ROF
When it came to my 249, higher ROF meant more ammo consumed, which meant more reloading, and less time shooting. So I had mine shooting around 800rpm, which meant I could hold down that trigger for extended periods of time.
Well you may wonder "your firing the same amount of ammo in that long burst than you would be in a short burst with high ROF, so what's the point?". Well the point is, as long as rounds are going downrange at a speed that people can't pop out between rounds, they are suppressed. And the longer their suppressed, the more time your riflemen have to move up safely
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Old March 15th, 2010, 00:28   #6
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I either set it to semi-realistic ROF (800-900 rpm ish), or a super fast 3 rd burst with the mosfet.
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I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
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The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old March 15th, 2010, 08:49   #7
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If you play milsim and with good team coordination, High ROF is counter productive.

I run my AEGs on 9.6v with stock internal, or lightly upgraded to 350fps and I find the speed plenty fast.

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Old March 15th, 2010, 08:57   #8
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Keeping it pretty basic i think is prob what would be best.. I mean realistically the guns at hand do not shoot that fast. You can only give credit to the p-90 for a really high ROF but having assault rifles shooting ridiculously fast is nonsense....

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Old March 16th, 2010, 00:21   #9
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I was reading up some paintball magazines (yeayea i was bored i dont play paintball) and there was an article about pump action vs. standard semi auto (which is usually a really high ROF) It discusses how shooting with pump will teach you to be a much better player relying on stance, tactics, aiming and speed. How pump players play a completely different game than other players, often more successfully actually, becuase semi auto players use their high ROF as a crutch and as a result get lazy and careless.

For covering fire, getting through bushes etc, for sure I agree having high ROF is important. But seriously just the youtube just scared airsoft will turn into paintball.

Again basically im not saying high ROF is BAD. just the focus that some people seem to have towards upgrading their gun for high ROF seems stupid. I'm really glad games have 2 second auto rules or else people would just spray everywhere.

btw not really trying to say anything with this thread, just seeing how other people see it.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 00:32   #10
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Most of the time I play on semi-fire. I use full auto when I feel really f*cked/surrounded because it tells people where I am.

I use a stock CA SCAR-CQC w/ a scope. Highest FPS chronoed with it was 348. No idea what it's ROF is but I use a 9.6V too just to give it a little boost.

My view of a high ROF is that it's okay as long as the user doesn't over use it. Anyway if you play a game where there is a max ammunition it's not a long-term problem .
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pier tes l'idole de bien du monde aujourd'hui. good move

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Old March 16th, 2010, 00:40   #11
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I run all of my guns on an 8.4v. I liked the trigger response with the 9.6, but ripping through a magazine in 3 seconds is too much for me.

I do, however, run deans connectors on ALL of my guns, which gives me a slightly higher rate of fire than the stock 8.4s.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 05:44   #12
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two things you do have to take into consideration. pb players usually have 200 rounds before reloading. fastest i have seen someone nonpro at tourny level shoot is 35bps. thats 2100 bpm. 10 secs of shooting. thing is its alot of work and yes skill to shoot that fast. how ever this becomes useless in the bush as pb has little to no penitration.
now this is the highest un assisted rof i have personaly seen. most tournies do not allow ramping or trigger bounce and in most cases can get you pulled from the game. so more realisticly a pb bps would be lets say 20 bps... which is 1200bps.

on the other hand any joe shmo can shoot 800rpm in AS and lets face it more people run hi caps in AS than anything else. so walking shots onto a target is easier than pb!

a good way to get over the high rof bug is buy real caps and use black bbs... but we all know that wont happen often.

so in conclusion is as turning into pb in the rof dump area of things? i do not think so seen as the average pb and airsoft player are at roughly the same. in pb to get more you need skill and upgrades. in as you need upgrades... just my opinion.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 11:24   #13
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High cap does not equal a greater rate of fire (unless they are box mag but that does no really count for most airsoft weapons) since you have to wind the mag after 40 BBs; it slows the rate of fire. While using mid cap for most weapons, you have 100 to 150 BBs which gives overall a greater a rate of fire.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 14:55   #14
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I completely agree with BOGrain, I personally have a ton of high caps, and I have started to switch to mid caps so I can fire 150 rounds at once. The feed tube in high caps are only about 40- 50 rounds, so I just end up switching mags instead of winding the high cap.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 17:54   #15
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Originally Posted by fi3re View Post
I was reading up some paintball magazines (yeayea i was bored i dont play paintball) and there was an article about pump action vs. standard semi auto (which is usually a really high ROF) It discusses how shooting with pump will teach you to be a much better player relying on stance, tactics, aiming and speed. How pump players play a completely different game than other players, often more successfully actually, becuase semi auto players use their high ROF as a crutch and as a result get lazy and careless.

For covering fire, getting through bushes etc, for sure I agree having high ROF is important. But seriously just the youtube just scared airsoft will turn into paintball.

Again basically im not saying high ROF is BAD. just the focus that some people seem to have towards upgrading their gun for high ROF seems stupid. I'm really glad games have 2 second auto rules or else people would just spray everywhere.

btw not really trying to say anything with this thread, just seeing how other people see it.
So your problem isn't with the High ROF specifically, just the full auto spray and prayers.... I hate seeing that too honestly.

Originally Posted by BoGrain View Post
High cap does not equal a greater rate of fire (unless they are box mag but that does no really count for most airsoft weapons) since you have to wind the mag after 40 BBs; it slows the rate of fire. While using mid cap for most weapons, you have 100 to 150 BBs which gives overall a greater a rate of fire.
all highcaps I've ever owned, once wound up completely lasted all 300-400 rnds.
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