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Going the RE-ENACTOR way.



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Old January 23rd, 2007, 11:03   #76
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Calgary
Just as a side point, there are many things which constitute an re-enactment event. I have seen all of the following both in private and at major public displays:

Scripted battles based on historical events with determined results.
- battle of Hastings held in England. approximately 2000 participants, each person can act, fight and die independently, but large scripted events such as the withdrawal of the Norman line, or the rush of the cavalry and set up and orchestrated.
- Scripted fighting at tournaments with planed moves and 'worked' results.

Large scale battles based on historical events without determined results.
Admittedly rare at 'Large Scale' gathering they happen non the less.
- some of the Viking and Norse groups as well as some of the late medieval groups (to mention but a few)run a 'lets see who wins this time' re-enactment where perhaps Richard lives through the battle of Bosworth and the Tudor dynasty is defeated. (usually more entertaining for a re-enactor to participate)

Small pitched battles or individual fights not based on any event, but simply within a certain 'time frame or region' (time frame or region can be as specific as England in 1410 - 1420 or as broad as Earth 1000 - 1700).
This is the most common re-enactment I have seen
- Tournament fighting with rosters or round robin challenges
- Most all serious jousting groups are non-determined outcome
- Most medieval 'group' combat is an undetermined battle between 2 or more groups to 'hold the bridge', 'take the hill', 'kill the king' etc. Sometimes even with re-spawn points.
- Last man standing or bear pit toss ups.
- Duals to 'satisfaction' - my favorite.
- Heck, I've even played ‘capture the flag’ in full 1150s harness. (try running away from 5 guys while wearing 45 pounds of armour!)
As I said, this is the most common re-enactment I have seen. Non scripted combat from whichever period the group presents, sometimes with objectives, sometimes to simply showcase or practice the fighting styles of the time.

That being said, I think we have all seen almost all of these in airsoft. As one can see, we do not have to alter our game at all. We are already re-enacting modern combat. Some of us are just doing a better job than others.

The whole point of this is not that it will change our laws today, it will not result in the legalization of airsoft tomorrow or change public opinion instantly. It does however provide a more acceptable public face for our sport (something we are endlessly seeking). It also groups us in with organizations who are known to the government and society at large. The bonus is that they are known as large, growing, popular (and harmless) groups who are willing to push and shove and lobby and carry on to be able to have laws that allow them to play their games.

This is a stepping stone to begin to achieve the recognition and popular support that will eventually (if necessary) allow us to either defend or initiate changes in legislation for the benefit of our hobby.
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Old January 23rd, 2007, 20:04   #77
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post

The cannons I refer to are from the same era as the muskets, not modern cartridge guns; but they are operational. I've seen privately owned cannon up to 6-pounders. I can buy both with little effort, my PAL has nothing to do with it.

I did say, clearly, that nothing would happen right away. BUT... if we give it time, things can change as the past has proven.

True. Without all the interest in history and re-enacting/living history, cannons probably wouldn't be easy to find, not because of legalities, but because of demand.

WWI and II webbing is being reproduced at high rates, because of the recent resourgement in the interest in history. I'm sure you couldn't find much P-08 webbing 20 years ago, but now you can buy an entire reproduced set from several dealers for under $400.
I see where this is coming from...but am not sure if it would have much effect on the minds of the people who want to eradicate all shooting related activities.
I am under 18, and I am trusted with a real gun, but not an airsoft gun :wink:

Making up federal laws is the Federal Government's job
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Old January 23rd, 2007, 20:29   #78
Dirty Deeds
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Why don't we just give it a shot, and see where this goes, instead of picking the idea apart with tweezers and a micoscope.

Put plans and ideas into play and make adjustments as we go along. As long as we sit here talking about it, nothing is getting done.

We'll need a few representatives from each province, I'm thinking around 5 per. They will represent the various teams and independant players of their province, and will hammer out the details. I would suggest a private forum for discussion that ONLY these reps have access to.

Just my 2 cents
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
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Old January 23rd, 2007, 20:33   #79
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No need to even go as far as regional reps. Just change how we do things and individuals.
That requires no special effort or coordination.

The rest will take time, and patience.
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Old January 23rd, 2007, 20:53   #80
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I see where you are coming from.

However with all due respect.

That will never happen, just look at the bickering and dissection of an idea, in this thread. The idea will die off, and this thread will get burried, unless we stop talking and take action.

If you want to be organised, you need a head to follow. This is why corporations have board rooms for heads to discuss the direction of the company and the people who are involved in said company.

You want change, then you need a plan of action, and you will never come up with a difinitive plan with 1500+ people giving what they think. Come up with a plan, and put it into play, everything from there on in will fall into place.

Remember most people are followers, and like to talk the talk, but will never walk the walk. True leaders are far and few between, but they have the ability to talk the talk AND walk the walk, the rest WILL follow these leaders, it's human nature.
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
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Old January 24th, 2007, 06:29   #81
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If it does not work, it will be simply because people are not willing to do something simple that costs nothing.

The arguments against it are all about restrictions and how long it may take.

There are no restrictions in changing words, but it will take time. We tell under-18 kids to wait, why cant we be patient?

Folks dont want to do it? Ok, dont do it. But dont complain nobody tries.

I'm going to do it because I've seen it work for other groups and they went from obscurity to having events in front of the Prime Minister.

Up to you guys.
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Old January 24th, 2007, 09:21   #82
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Don't get me wrong. I AM willing to try whatever it takes.
Team Bad Karma(BK-09)
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Old January 24th, 2007, 18:27   #83
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I'm not trying, I'm doing it from now on. It's that easy.

For the rest who are willing, do it too. Start now. We'll see where it leads.
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