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Old September 22nd, 2005, 17:01   #61
Tahna Los
Join Date: Aug 2004
Hey, for the techies out there, could we have a more detailed "play by play" of how they made it worse and how it was fixed in two minutes?

Tech Speak for us geeks is t3h s3x4y!!!
I can resist anything.
Except Temptation.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 18:12   #62
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Originally Posted by Tahna Los
Hey, for the techies out there, could we have a more detailed "play by play" of how they made it worse and how it was fixed in two minutes?

Tech Speak for us geeks is t3h s3x4y!!!
Hmm... since you asked, and I'm working on the server right now....

I can only guess, because noone will own up to it, but something like this:

I order RAM through reseller, request to install between 4 and 9 am at the DC.
A week later (I have no reason to beleive they didn't place the order originally), no RAM, reseller contacts DC, DC tech realizes they blew it, and installs ram in a hurry, at 2pm.
Won't boot, kernel panic, he claims I modified the kernel, stick in rescue disk, leaves box to reseller tech.
*Now, at that point, I've gotta say... if I'm installing hardware into a system (I do some windows tech support), first step is to shutdown and reboot or inspect the system specs somehow, make sure it works BEFORE you mess with it... I'm sure he was in a hurry, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure....*

So a few hours later, the reseller techs claim they've got it back online, but the 200gb (/home) isn't accessible, but they say they found my /home anyway *puzzling*.
At this point, came online, buck with 6 month old data. That freaked me out, that maybe they had rolled back to a local backup that was 6 months old (although that makes no sense, neither does getting kernel panic from a system that just runs mysql and apache all day long).

I realized they had brought the original 40GB (what I purchased it with, and /boot) with the /home from when I bought the server from them. Well, the only site that was on on that /home before we moved to a 200GB was aso, and it was cpied to the 200gb /home when it was installed...

After 2 days of techs fiddling around with it, the mount schema was a total mess, and the techs had given up (I'm not a linux guy, but I'm learning quick, let's say). I was chatting with Arnie about it, and he offered to give it a try. He managed to remount the 200GB (so data was accessible at least), but everytime we tried to change the mount schema to what /boot and /home should be, the box wouldnt boot. Since I didn't have direct access to DC techs, it meant waiting almost 12 hours before someone would reboot from a local terminal, so every time we experimented, it was another day and a bit lost.

The reseller techs were scared to even try and install the RAM at this point, because of what might (but shouldn't) happen.

That's pretty much when I said "fuck it" and went looking for another host. These guys were fine when things were good, but they couldn't come through in the clinch AT ALL.

Now I'm going to get the old system wiped with a fresh OS, and hopefully sell the contract to someone else, although I don't stand to get much of my capital investment back (I don't own the hardware). has my server online 4 hours from payment time, and smoothed over the transaction process. I've sent off 3 support tickets since I got it (one my mistake, and 2 other small things that needed correcting), and they were all replied to in less than 10 minutes, at any time of day. I got a tech on the phone in less than 45 seconds when I called their 800 number. That's called good service...

and... yeah.

/back to work
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:29   #63
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Just a quick question? : Why are you using US servers for hosting? Isn't there ones here in Canada that could be used?

Just a thought....
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 19:34   #64
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Because he is not blindly patriotic.

if he can get a cheaper, better service from Texas, why shouldn't he?
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 20:05   #65
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Especially with the USD->CAD exchange these days.

My Old Buy/Sell feedback
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 21:03   #66
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Hosting is a North American market, I could care less whether my host is US or Canadian, really. I chose theplanet for reliability and a reasonable price for the package I want. There are many US based hosts that will have a better connection to your home computer, than a canadian one might. Physical location isn't the only factor in good performance. A powerful server that's well maintained (from a large provider like The Planet) will go much further than something that's local, but poorer quality.

Originally Posted by jaymz1911

Just a quick question? : Why are you using US servers for hosting? Isn't there ones here in Canada that could be used?

Just a thought....
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 21:40   #67
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Originally Posted by HonestJohn
Hosting is a North American market, I could care less whether my host is US or Canadian, really. I chose theplanet for reliability and a reasonable price for the package I want. There are many US based hosts that will have a better connection to your home computer, than a canadian one might. Physical location isn't the only factor in good performance. A powerful server that's well maintained (from a large provider like The Planet) will go much further than something that's local, but poorer quality.

Originally Posted by jaymz1911

Just a quick question? : Why are you using US servers for hosting? Isn't there ones here in Canada that could be used?

Just a thought....
Thank you HonestJohn ;-) for ansering my question, it makes sence, I myself would probly done the same... Gotta love MORE power :tup:
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Old September 22nd, 2005, 22:59   #68
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Originally Posted by jaymz1911
Gotta love MORE power :tup:
i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i couldn't resist :-)
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Old September 23rd, 2005, 23:04   #69
WW2 Airsofter
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Will huricane rita have any effect on the new asc server? Seeings that the new server is located in texas. (it could be a possibility) It's comming within the next few hours!!!

I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.
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Old September 24th, 2005, 00:44   #70
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My server is also located in Texas. Not sure what region though. *crosses fingers*

But in all honestly, having my server go is quite insignificant to what the people down there are dealing with right now.
- "dman"
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Old September 24th, 2005, 00:58   #71
WW2 Airsofter
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Hey dman, I like your little test thing in order to get into your site. I wish I could get all the answers correct though why'd you have to make them so hard?

I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.
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Old September 25th, 2005, 00:39   #72
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Most of our routing ends up hitting the states before anywhere in canada anyways... when I had cable and dsl in the same room i'd ping one box with another and it would go from ottawa to toronto to various places in the usa back up through mtl then back to ottawa.... nice trip eh?
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
ASCMART, your smart choice
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