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Has anyone here actually had their airsoft seized at the border? (see criteria)



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Old December 10th, 2007, 23:57   #46
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post

I just dropped nearly five times the cost of an AEG in US on a new one from 007. It cost me a shitload more, but I'm 100% guarenteed to get my AEG. I'm getting it legally, and I'm not putting airsoft in danager.
I wish that youre are not serious about getting it legally.
What its more legal in a law point of view?

Trying to import an AEG yourself or buying from a Canadian store?

Buying at those stores is just as illegal as to import them yourself, we all know that they dont have the right to sell you those guns unless youre in the movie business etc...

Another important thing, what was causing all the problems to this community in the past was big seizures from sellers, that dont care much and want to make more money, not the average joe who want to import a single AEG imho.

So all this double talk makes me laugh. You import AEG at your risk, buying from the seller = less risk but both are illegal. If the RCMP wanted to do some damage they have the power to seize the store and can come to your house and seize the AEG you bought from them. In both cases you're in deep shit if its get seized. You will surely wish that both CBSA and RCMP wont do their jobs.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:03   #47
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I smuggled my Robert Goulet in hidden in a potato sack in my trunk.
He has served me very well. For a clone he doesnt do to bad, doesnt even suffer from the same effects that killed the original....oooh going to hell now...

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:06   #48
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Originally Posted by Blitzz40 View Post
I wish that youre are not serious about getting it legally.
What its more legal in a law point of view?

Trying to import an AEG yourself or buying from a Canadian store?

Buying at those stores is just as illegal as to import them yourself, we all know that they dont have the right to sell you those guns unless youre in the movie business etc...

Another important thing, what was causing all the problems to this community in the past was big seizures from sellers, that dont care much and want to make more money, not the average joe who want to import a single AEG imho.

So all this double talk makes me laugh. You import AEG at your risk, buying from the seller = less risk but both are illegal. If the RCMP wanted to do some damage they have the power to seize the store and can come to your house and seize the AEG you bought from them. In both cases you're in deep shit if its get seized. You will surely wish that both CBSA and RCMP wont do their jobs.
Importing them without a license is not legal, because the CBSA classifies them as replicas. That is pretty cut and dry. Once within the country, whether or not an airsoft gun is a prohibited replica is not clearly defined, hence the gray area.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:07   #49
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Buying from a retailer does not include having to actually speak to a Law Enforcement officer while you're buying the gun and completing the transaction.

Bringing a gun across the border and declaring it means you are talking to a Law Enforcement officer while you are importing it. This is the key difference.

Ask Red Tiger about prosecution for weapons trafficking for selling an AEG to another individual. He'll tell you all about it.

The LE in Canada has in the past taken a "don't be stupid and force me to prosecute your ass" approach. They have enough manpower and funding problems going after real guns, drug and gangs to waste on adults with toy guns. That being said, don't ever think for a second that they won't arrest you and haul your ass into court if you are using your gun in the commission of a crime for example.

Now CBSA agents are tasked with enforcing the law, one person at a time, at their leisure. You wait for them, however long it takes. Their policies are not in-fact law, but rather their interpretation of existing statutes. They can decide what is prohibited, and you have to take then to court on your nickel to fight them. Who's going to do that for a $500 gun?

I don't even see why this is a discussion. Read the freakin' FAQ and live by it. Or GTFO off ASC. You do the community no service by promoting what has been known to be illegal for 9 years now.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:12   #50
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Importing them without a license is not legal, because the CBSA classifies them as replicas. That is pretty cut and dry. Once within the country, whether or not an airsoft gun is a prohibited replica is not clearly defined, hence the gray area.
Dude, read the fact sheets.

Read 'Possessing a replica'

It's illegal for individuals to accquire replicas that were not owned since December 1,1998

Can this thread be locked, hell while the mods are at it lets have this deleted forever please?
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:14   #51
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4 words-support the CANADIAN economy
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:15   #52
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Dude, read the fact sheets.

Read 'Possessing a replica'

It's illegal for individuals to accquire replicas that were not owned since December 1,1998

Can this thread be locked, hell while the mods are at it lets have this deleted forever please?

Let's end this and get rid of it for good.
Originally Posted by Hades View Post
I agree!! I always have my good long thinking shits while sitting on the can and wearing a good sturdy pair of boots.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:16   #53
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+2. And mcguyver, your posts are outstanding.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:29   #54
Danny Cyanide
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Originally Posted by Scooby Steve View Post
+2. And mcguyver, your posts are outstanding.
It's the PTW! It permiates your being and improves all aspects of your life, not just airsoft!
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:31   #55
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Originally Posted by Danny Cyanide View Post
It's the PTW! It permiates your being and improves all aspects of your life, not just airsoft!
Well, if that's the case, JOC must be the haven of Nobel Laureates and peace and harmony. Wait a minute........
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:35   #56
Danny Cyanide
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Well, if that's the case, JOC must be the haven of Nobel Laureates and peace and harmony. Wait a minute........
It would seem that some people have had adverse, alergic reactions to said PTW's...
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Old December 11th, 2007, 00:41   #57
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I smuggled my chuck norries powered GBB across the border. Can't get those things in Canada.

Some people say PTW's are as powerful as the chuck norris powered airsoft guns. I tested this out, shot a PTW and my chuck norries GBB at each other at the same time. When the bb's collided in mid air, the result was the second ice age...
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Old December 11th, 2007, 04:36   #58
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Shhhhh now.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 06:34   #59
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Originally Posted by kev007 View Post
Man, your inner soccer mom must be strong because that's the only way I can see why you'd take all that time to write so much bitchiness without taking any time to actually read my post. The worst part is that I tried to make my message as succinct as possible, even using numbered point form! Had you read it, you would have noticed the following:

- I have searched and am aware of the issues around this.
- I'm not asking about how to smuggle anything. I clearly state I am referring to people who declared their goods upfront.
- What I am asking for is a show of hands of people who have actually had their stuff seized when crossing the border in a specific and above board situation.

Last I checked, there aren't any threads asking this particular question and it appears there are other people here (regulars even!) who wonder the same thing.

In case you only read the last line of this message (as I suspect you will), I'll write something that may irritate you enough to go back and read it all:

Stop acting like a child and start thinking. When a site like this one does not answer your question, it's a message in itself.
If you feel targeted by my response, well, if the shoe fits...
Go get your brain in gear. You'll find the answers.
-You have searched? Your search missed.
-Even if you declare it, a Prohibited item is still Prohibited. As said by many; it does not matter unless you stumble on an idiot at the Border station.
-People did raise their hands, and the consequences were told to you. A bit more research would have given you entire shipments seized, and businesses going into court. Instead of trying it out myself, I chose to read their experiences which I found by searching.

Then I got to think: With all the experienced people here, someone would have said something a long time ago if it made sense.

Call me what you want kid, as long as you start to use your brains instead of your anger.
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Old December 11th, 2007, 06:38   #60
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Originally Posted by Coma View Post
Yeah, to the end of airsoft in Canada. For every story of a seizure you can give me, I can cite an instance of someone bringing an AEG over the border. If you'd been to Border Wars, you'd see the car-load of AEGs that were brought over. The issue with WC's wife aside, the fact is that AEGs can be brought over the border. The way things are going, airsoft in Canada will die out due to a lack of AEGs.
So someone was deeply stupid, took a chance, got lucky as all hell and put our entire sport at risk? And that's ok with you?

Man... I hope the age-verifiers are reading this.
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