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Future uncertain for paintball business (Flag Raiders)



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Old December 5th, 2007, 20:29   #31
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No the plan is, those of us living in the Tri-City area should write letters to both their local council member and the Record, in the hopes of casting a more positive light on FR (anything is better than War Games). You also know this is a hot issue, when my mother thinks they should stay there...
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Old December 5th, 2007, 21:28   #32
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This probably includes field number two.. right?

I hope they win

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Old December 5th, 2007, 23:52   #33
Brian McIlmoyle
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The article basically states that they can't win.

the use of the land is outside of the plan... the only reason they they were operating up to now is that it was before counsel..

I hope they find a way... I do like that field
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Old December 5th, 2007, 23:52   #34
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They fear contamination of wetlands?

Are they aware that agriculture pollution is probably a more serious issue in the area? All that nitrates leeching into the ground water through the use of fertilizer and the use of pesticides...

Wish the best for FR.

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Old December 6th, 2007, 00:00   #35
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Crap, now where are we going to eat hot dogs?

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Old December 6th, 2007, 00:05   #36
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Hello Wasaga!

Looks like Wasaga will be getting some extra business!


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Old December 6th, 2007, 07:57   #37
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I'm not going to bore anyone with a diatribe about municipal law. But when I read the article the whole things sounds like a serious CF. Counsel were going to vote on the issue without having gotten a legal opinion? Some ding dong staffer handing out ONE PAGE of the Planning Act just before the meeting to try and make a point? Absolutely disgraceful.

Municipal politics is one of the places that your voice can be heard. Well written letters to counsel on the issue will have an impact, especially from tax paying residents.

The owner should note the following:

City staff recommended against allowing the operation to stay open again under a temporary use bylaw because it's not permitted under the city or Waterloo Region official plans. Flag Raiders should apply to make its land use legal under the official plan, staff said.
A good municipal lawyer could well get FR a permanent place in the area if that is the owner's goal. They ain't cheap, but what is. I have enjoyed a number of games there and am hopeful they will be able to keep the doors open.

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Old December 6th, 2007, 09:02   #38
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Looks like Wasaga will be getting some extra business!
I need to dig out that Costco size jar of Tums...and extra toilet paper..
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Old December 6th, 2007, 09:41   #39
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This sucks!! I realize that there are other fields but FR is central to the TO and London area players. Not to mention that Joe has treated us well.
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Old December 6th, 2007, 11:28   #40
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The funny thing is, driving out there, you don't see many wetlands. The closest major ones I can think of (I am not talking about that teeny little stand by the old field) are a about 2km away, and I doubt the lay of the land causes runoff from FR to travel down there. Hell, think of the salt and other de-icing agents they use at the airport, it's going in to the same system, and it's a lot closer to the wetlands I know of than FR. If I get the time, I'll write a brief letter to the editor and whomever else I can think of.

If Joe reads this, if there is anything else I can do, let me know. My last name may (and that is a big big big stretch) carry a bit of weight with regional council and the planning department.
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Old December 6th, 2007, 12:48   #41
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What if we got together like 500 people or so, got paintball guns and stormed into city hall or where ever that vote thing is happening and shoot the crap out of those damn beaurocrats! Then when they go, "WTF MATE" we can go, "Oh sorry, we have nowhere to play paintball now that you've closed FlagRaiders, so we thought we'd try in here!"

They may get the point then!
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Old December 6th, 2007, 12:56   #42
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You go do that, give PBers an even worse name, make the situation worse, and we'll all laugh as you and your buddies get hauled off to jail. Yes I know you were joking.
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Old December 6th, 2007, 13:30   #43
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Originally Posted by GraveTech View Post
You go do that, give PBers an even worse name, make the situation worse, and we'll all laugh as you and your buddies get hauled off to jail. Yes I know you were joking.
Personally, I feel paintballers have given themselves enough of a bad name, they don't need me to do that anymore. BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION! The few paintball games that I've been to, I've met some real jackasses. I'd say at least 75% of the people I've played with (and I'd say there was at least 30 people at each of the three games I played) were complete jerks and played reaaaaallllyy dirty. I know they don't speak for the entire painball population and I'm sure there are plenty of great paintballers out there, and yes, I know there are plenty of airsofters who are assholes too, but my point is this.

Personally, as long as we still have places to play airsoft, I couldn't be bothered with what the paintballers do or where they play. I've never had the chance to play at FR, but I've heard it's a great place! Hope it stays open.
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Old December 6th, 2007, 14:08   #44
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Here's an idea--and a quite novel one at that--why don't we listen to what LD has had to say. I mean, he does know what he's talking about...

Although you were joking, storming city hall with anything that could resemble a weapon would be a fast way to get yourself shot.

Is there any way of organizing people to get results from the municipality? (I hate to use the word petition but mayhaps?)

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Old December 6th, 2007, 17:06   #45
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what if they turned FR into a tag ball and airsoft only club?

tag ball has the rubber balls and you can pick them up, airsoft is little plastic bbs.
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