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Will Airsoft prices drop, our doller is on Par?



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Old October 2nd, 2007, 16:25   #61
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I haven't read the whole thread but the simple answer is because impoting airsoft for retail in this country is illegal right now. There is no legal route for getting them here if you plan to resell them. Props people are about the only ones who can do it legally and they have to have accountability controls to ensure the guns stay with them.

The online retailers ARE raping people but you have to understand that to get them into Canada under the current laws is EXPENSIVE. People do not take risks unless well paid to do so and the retailers (A&A, 007) have to also build in a cushion to cover any losses due to seizures.

A retail storefront in any major city would have so much overhead due to insurance and security that it would not be profitable.

I charge less than the online guys and my margins are not huge but it still would not be worth my time to charge less than $350 for what costs $150 in the states.

It's not the dollar, it's the fucking retarded laws created by the fucking retards who are ass-fucking this country to death.

Want an airsoft gun? Say no to government. They think you're too stupid and irresponsible.

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 16:43   #62
Jackie Boy
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Fellas, i'm just saying why pay $399 for a hfc usr-11 from A&A and then deep inside you know the same gun in the U.S.A is around $99....its sad.
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 16:52   #63
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... why pay $0.98 for a litre of fuel when and then deep inside you know the same fuel in Iraq is probably around $0.05....its sad.
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 16:53   #64
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Why dont you just shut the fuck up, stop complaining, and order from online, no one is asking you to buy from Canadian retailers.
FORMERLY ( o Y o )
Originally Posted by Manmaries
Shifty, i wish I could say something so cool and funny, that i'd have to quote myself so everyone could see how funny and cool I was.

I got it!
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 16:56   #65
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Jackie Boy View Post
Fellas, i'm just saying why pay $399 for a hfc usr-11 from A&A and then deep inside you know the same gun in the U.S.A is around $99....its sad.
As sad as it is... it is reality... so not buying something here because it is cheaper in a place that you can't buy it... how does that make any sense?

It costs me 3.00 a can for my favorite beer at the LLBO... I have it on good authority that I can get the same beer cheaper at the brewery in Pilzen in the Czeck republic... for less than $1.00 Trust me if i could get this beer cheaper I would save A LOT of money... should I refuse to buy it here? because it is cheaper in some inaccessable place?

This makes me sad.. as well... but then I pop a beer and I feel better despite being "ripped off" more than $2.00 a can because I have to buy my beer in canada.
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 17:02   #66
Jackie Boy
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Ya,that gets to me also....
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 17:15   #67
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Makes me a very sad panda...

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Old October 2nd, 2007, 17:20   #68
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Why pay the 12 dollars that I have to for a pack of cigarettes when I can jump over the boarder and buy a pack for 2 dollars or a cartons worth for a little under 20.

I stated before that I have done it before and I may do it again, I know its not right, and theres no need to do it. But the diffrence between claiming an aeg and claiming a pack of smokes is atleast I can come back home with the smokes in the end.

If I factor in the cost of gas, my personal time to drive there and back it the carton itself , it would actually cost more than buying in country.

Its not fair the way airsoft is in Canada, but as it stands, theres not a whole lot we can do about it, we can bitch till we are red in the face, but it has the same affect of those lame email forwards that tell people to not buy gas from a certain brand of gas station on specfic day, it doesnt do anything.

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Old October 2nd, 2007, 18:04   #69
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Onem, I'll make you a deal.

You front all the $$ needed to get focus groups, to get my licensing and permits, to get the advertising done, and all those things that you think are just so simple and easy to do. Front me the $$ to get my starting inventory as I've described before, but it will be better because you can get me a better variety from a better retailer.

Do all that for me, and I will personally sign the paperwork to open a new cheap airsoft gun sales e-store for all of Canada. I'll even front the cost of incorporation if needed, as well as a business license.

Once I sell enough guns to cover all the costs you incurred, plus the costs I'll be incurring on a monthly/annual basis to run the company, I'll pay you back every last red cent, PLUS a 10% commission. Sound good?

In fact, once I get the store established, cover all expenses, plus a mere $8per hour wages (which is less than minimum wage here in Saskatchewan...and we have low overhead too, so it keeps costs down) to myself for all the time I put into running and operating the company, I will sign ownership over to you, with no extra fees. And you can continue to run it as you see fit.

Of course, none of this will occur though, until both you and I have recouped our cash out to get the venture started. Its only fair...I wouldn't want you to be out any money after 5 years once we're operational.

I think it sounds fair. Its a killer deal for you. ASC patrons? Don't you think this sounds fair?
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old October 2nd, 2007, 18:16   #70
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Originally Posted by onem View Post

Thats a great point MadMax. What was the outcome of there cases?


Brian McIlmoyle

Well they are risking fines and imprisonment if they sell even one airsoft gun if they are illeagle. so the fact that they sell them means there ether willing to take the risk and are prooving that its leagle, or its leagel, so they can sell as many as they want.

And importing once again i have seen bulk orders so there must not be a restriction, otherwise those orders wouldent have been made and
successfully deliverd.

To my knowledge, the cases have not reached their conclusion. I do know that some of the defendants have been prosecuted for a few years now. Defense against federal prosecution of this type is quite an expensive affair. The costs can be quite crippling especially since a retailers income source is cut off (active orders to cease business operations) and legal costs are quite high to begin with.

In any case, even if one is sucessfully defended against federal charges, the costs are not reimbursed. All one acheives is a stay out of jail not free card which may or may not come with a requirement to stay out of business (in the case of settlement) and/or siezure of previous profits.

The long term outlook is quite crummy. Given the fact that a significant fraction of the proper retailers of airsoft guns in Canada have faced federal prosecution of some sort, a reasonable smart person (notionally someone with the intellectual and financial wherewithal to start a good AS biz plan) would give some significant consideration into other business ideas that didn't come with a possible accusation of weapons trafficking.

A reasonable person would have to charge a significant margin for products that could land them in jail. They'd have to charge even more when they correctly considered that their past profits could be siezed for wrongful business in the past.
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Last edited by MadMax; October 2nd, 2007 at 20:00..
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 18:57   #71
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Originally Posted by Arnisador View Post
Onem, I'll make you a deal.

You front all the $$ needed to get focus groups, to get my licensing and permits, to get the advertising done, and all those things that you think are just so simple and easy to do. Front me the $$ to get my starting inventory as I've described before, but it will be better because you can get me a better variety from a better retailer.
Dude i dont think he can front you any money he only has dollers.
FORMERLY ( o Y o )
Originally Posted by Manmaries
Shifty, i wish I could say something so cool and funny, that i'd have to quote myself so everyone could see how funny and cool I was.

I got it!
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 20:23   #72
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It seems futile for us to argue about laws that we, as civvies, have virtually no say in. The problem, of course, is that we are trying to change the system from the outside. We need to affect change from the inside.

Therefore, I propose that during the next federal election, we establish the Canadian Airsoft Party (CAP). Since airsoft is so widespread and apparently so popular, we can easily get our members elected on the sole platform of legalizing airsoft. That way, once in government, we can introduce legislation ourselves to repeal and/or alter the existing laws.

Until then, let us rally support to our cause!

A chicken in every pot, and a CAP in every ass!
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 20:28   #73
Jackie Boy
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A chicken in every pot, and a CAP in every ass!
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Old October 2nd, 2007, 20:31   #74
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maybe not chicken. Bad case of avian flu hit a chicken farm a couple days back just north of here. 50,000 birds put down.

We do have llama's though. One can fill several pots.

Therefore I propose 33 llamas in every communal pot, a Rhino in every seat and a CAP in every ass.
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old October 3rd, 2007, 16:10   #75
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Well im not complaining im just wondering if the current state of our doller will be changing Airsoft prices in Canada. I Did not know that Retailers have been fully prosicuted. Since that is the case Then the prices are reasonable due to the fact that lawyer fees might be needed in the future.

MAybe we start a donation for these retailers to help them with there court cases. And we should also start a donation for the Airsoft initiative to prepare for any leagle fees in the Future. I Will defenitly Donat to a worthy cause for my hobbie and to help anyone fighting for my hobbie and I think alot of others would too. I think a Faq on the history of airsoft in canada and the current state of those retailers cases might be a good idea aswell.
"Poor people Need Hobbies Too" - onem
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