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Old September 24th, 2007, 12:56   #16
Brian McIlmoyle
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So, what to do?

CBSA, thinks that the item you are trying to import is prohibited.

Either is it a frame of a prohibited pistol, and you can't have it

Or it is a frame of a replica pistol, that you intend to assemble into a replica of a prohibited Pistol.. and you can't have it

Or its a toy gun part, so you can repair a toy gun that you already posses..
in which case... maybe you can have it..

so you will need to write your appeal very carefully.

I expect they are looking for a written appeal... as then it is much more useful as evidence when the RCMP charge you for smuggling...If this goes horribly wrong....

Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 24th, 2007, 13:08   #17
Mr. G36!
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Hell, post a draft here and we'll all help out as much as we can.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 13:16   #18
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I think you guys need to read the words

"Goods described are being detained for the following reasons:


I'd call them, get the info on whats happening with the item then start to worry if its bad news, but the inportant thing here is that it has not been confiscated.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 13:21   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
Hell, post a draft here and we'll all help out as much as we can.
Not a good idea.. anything done by committee is certain to be a failure..

Besides... should this letter serve to incriminate him... who would want to have a hand in that?

Also.... by choosing to assist... you condone the event that created this problem...

We have trusted and effective importers and retailers for a reason... to avoid such issues... Buy already landed and in stock parts.. Pay a bit more.. but never have such issues...

If you want to chance it.. order direct.. against all advice... and this is what could happen. Why is it now a "community problem?"

Rumple Felt... you are now a poster boy for why one should buy from retailers. You gambled and lost... I feel no need to bail you out... by helping you write your appeal.

Thats all anyone needs... you accusing them of "screwing up your appeal"

You're on your own...
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 24th, 2007, 13:35   #20
Mr. G36!
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Well, what I meant was helping with explaining the situation. I totally get where you're coming from, and I don't condone the whole "smuggling" thing at all. So yeah, I suppose you're right.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 14:28   #21
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Originally Posted by Field_Gunner View Post
I think you guys need to read the words

"Goods described are being detained for the following reasons:


I'd call them, get the info on whats happening with the item then start to worry if its bad news, but the inportant thing here is that it has not been confiscated.
Brian already covered the 3 options of what the CSBA it waiting to slot your case into.

They believe its a prohibited device (frame/receiver for a replica gun), so it's been flagged and set aside for you to appeal and get the case opened for further examination. You get to attemp an explanation to your very own assigned case worker.

I've been down this road before, so I'd recommend calling, being polite and hoping your frame isn't a good replica of a real gun. If it's devoid of trades and tell tale signs from real steel, you might be able to worm your way to your item being released. Small chance, but good luck.
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Last edited by safx; September 24th, 2007 at 14:29.. Reason: spaces
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Old September 24th, 2007, 14:57   #22
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Whatever the outcome, be sure of one thing; DONT be a little bitch on the phone or in writing. Be polite above and beyond the call of duty. Be clear and consise, do not argue.

Why? Because you being upset or sounding upset will probably get you flagged in the system. Remember it's another human being you will contact and they may have a bad day, or be stressed out more than you... and there's no rules apart from their judgement to start a process you'd not want to be a part of.

If it fails, take the blame and admit to making an uninformed mistake. They should understand that mistakes do happen and not do anything else than follow basic procedures.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 16:36   #23
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I've been down that road a couple a years ago just when they started really busting out the airsoft import buissiness. First of calling is pretty useless, they gonna tell you either show up where it was confiscated to discuss of the case with the officer in charge or send a letter. As stated before, if you call,be very polite, get yourself prepared to deal with people who doesnt care at at all of the outcome. They gonna give you the coordonates of the appeal servies and there the game of waiting starts. I brought my case into appeal in 2004 and to be finaly told this summer that the items were proceed to destruction. Altought I was not charges with anything, I lost all of my goods for a worth of 800$ even more. After that event, I had no problem with importing other good NOT airsoft related or crossing the border. I whish you the best of luck but prepare yourself t be dissapointed. IMO, you should let it go, lower and upper frame for airsoft are illegal, you'll never get it back. Try to see if you can send it back to the supplier but in my case they said a big NO. Again you best chances to get something in return is to try to have the item shipped back to the supplier.
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Old September 24th, 2007, 18:59   #24
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Oh, it's soley an aluminum frame for a Desert Eagle....
Originally Posted by Gryphon[/quote
Examples of things you CANNOT import:

AEG magazines with fake cartridges (i.e. P90, G36, SG 552 mags)
Frames, receivers, and metal bodies
Suppressors and silencers
Prohibited-length outer handgun barrels (i.e. USP Compact, Glock 26)
Hand and 40mm grenades that look real
Examples of things you CAN import:

Magazines for AEGs and GBBs without fake cartridges
Outer barrels for most guns
Inner barrels of any type
Handgun slides
Flash suppressors
Scopes, red dot sights, iron sights, lasers
Rail systems and scope mounts
Springs, bushings, gears, pistons, or other gearbox parts
Batteries, BBs, loading tools
Helmets, goggles, body armor, tactical vests, camouflage
Taken from Gryphon's post in the FAQ.

I suggest you call them up instead of writing a letter (or doing both if you're vigilant). Calling them gives you the opportunity to kiss ass and show that your intentions are good and genuine.

Last edited by Affliction; September 24th, 2007 at 19:01..
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Old September 24th, 2007, 20:20   #25
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by VipaMave View Post
I suggest you call them up instead of writing a letter (or doing both if you're vigilant). Calling them gives you the opportunity to kiss ass and show that your intentions are good and genuine.
His intentions to what? Import a prohibited device under their noses?
They can be good and genuine... but still illegal..

His only hope is to convince them that (jedi mind trick ) "These are not the prohibited devices you are looking for" and convince them they are toy parts.

and let them go..
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 25th, 2007, 03:04   #26
Rumpel Felt
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Originally Posted by Zeonprime View Post
Rumple, look for the thread about the CBSA not always being asses or something to that effect. was recent as in the last week or two.
To the new guys posting "you're fucked" very helpful go back to trolling and boosting your post count elsewhere.
And Rumple Greylocks is right there are all sorts of potential ramifactions for this, write something really really good when you write your letter going, no serial numbers, made from alumiminum, stress points would never allow for...etc etc.
Thanks for some positive words Zeon

I'm not going to go into why I decided to do this, the point is it's done.

All I asked were for some informative words from those who have actually been down this road. I didn't ask for any strict help on writing this or that, just what areas I should be looking at.

I especially didn't ask to be reffered to as a criminal who has commited some outstanding crime. A little blown out of perportion to suggest that the CBSA is going to bring the hammer down on an 18 year old highschool student who tried to buy a frame for a toy gun that he already owns maybe? Yeah yeah could could....but really, as someone said, these are human beings here so lets be sensible. I'm pretty sure loss is the worst I'm looking at....

The only reason I took the even bigger gamble of trying to get some useful information from fellow airsofters on ASC was because of the nature of this letter. You'd figure if they already have firearm or airsoft flagged (which obviously they do) that they would just send a seized and destroyed letter. So, my ultimate question now....

Do they send those type of letters or is mine as bad as it gets?

Oh and I did call....and was reffered to voice mail right away so that was kind of useless.

Thanks so far to those who provided some useful information so far....

Last edited by Rumpel Felt; September 25th, 2007 at 03:06..
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Old September 25th, 2007, 11:38   #27
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As you are over 18, and legally an adult, they can throw the book at you with all the consequences attached.

What you have done is illegal, what they do about it will depend. But it's a fact they CAN make your life hell. What you think about it does not matter to them.

All I can say is good luck and never try that again.
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