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Best Full-Metal M4 Carbine Airsoft Gun?


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Old August 21st, 2007, 01:06   #16
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I own a CA M15A4 tactical carbine with the full stock. Its my first gun, but is it ever sturdy and well built. Great out of the box but like manchovie said.. it'll be worth your while to learn how to check up on the parts or get a tech to check it out... might end up preserving your internals for a lot longer if they catch an issue. The metal bodies on the CA's are a great touch too
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Old August 21st, 2007, 01:15   #17
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I rock a TM m4 RIS, wobbly bastard thing that it is. Its not terrible but I just havent gotten around to getting that smexy one piece metal barrel and body and all that crap...meh to lazy to keep typing.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old August 21st, 2007, 03:07   #18
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I happened upon an ICS M4 which I bought for a song and I just happen to be loving it.

It's got it's own set of quirky issues, and it was beat to shit when I got it, but on the upside, working on it is like "making toast" type difficulty level.

If you're getting into G&P, G&G, ICS, or CA, it's been my brief experience that you'll quickly learn your way around the inside of them or get super pissed trying. Not that it's a bad thing in the long run, but...

If you don't want to buy a PTW, but you can sneak up on a good deal on another company that's full metal from the get-go, just be patient and work your way through the kinks, and it can be rewarding.
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Old August 21st, 2007, 03:22   #19
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Hello fellows, thanks for the wealth of info. About the Systema PTW, I think it is more suited for the super-authentic-airsoftist, which I'm not. And I don't see any reason on getting an airsoft M4A1 with that price, because honestly, with that price, we can as well buy a real M4A1 (may have to be converted into semi-automatic though), so I won't even consider it. Thanks for the mention though it's still fun to see.

After hearing from you all I think I will go for the G&P Full Metal M4A1 instead. For those who own the G&P version, can you please give me a little more feedback of it? Thank you
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Old August 21st, 2007, 03:51   #20
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Originally Posted by GDIMissileman View Post
And I don't see any reason on getting an airsoft M4A1 with that price, because honestly, with that price, we can as well buy a real M4A1 (may have to be converted into semi-automatic though), so I won't even consider it.
ARs come semi-auto from the factory. You can't legally buy a F/A AR, and convert it to semi yourself.

G&P, and G&G both great mfgs...
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 14:49   #21
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funny, 2+k for an M4 that shoot the exact same 6mm BBs as $400 plastic M4.
glad i got an HK416 instead, at least its something different.
but hey, who am i to question someones reason on paying 4 times the price for something that does the same thing, but with a few added features.
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Don't look at me, I don't know, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 15:00   #22
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Originally Posted by Dynamo View Post
funny, 2+k for an M4 that shoot the exact same 6mm BBs as $400 plastic M4.
glad i got an HK416 instead, at least its something different.
but hey, who am i to question someones reason on paying 4 times the price for something that does the same thing, but with a few added features.
LOL. Yeah, I used to think the same. Until I found out that most "metal" bodies are just crappy alloys, which, inevitably crack.

Oh, that and V2s are garbage.

.... but who am I to talk. I'm just a chairsofter..
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 15:43   #23
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
LOL. Yeah, I used to think the same. Until I found out that most "metal" bodies are just crappy alloys, which, inevitably crack.

Oh, that and V2s are garbage.

.... but who am I to talk. I'm just a chairsofter..
good thing i got my VFC h&k 416, diecast alluminium reciver, and CNCed forend along with a CNC steel one piece barrel.
and with the ProWin 8mm CNC split gearbox, im not too worried about braking it.
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Don't look at me, I don't know, lol ¯\(°_o)/¯.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 16:08   #24
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Originally Posted by Dynamo View Post
good thing i got my VFC h&k 416, diecast alluminium reciver, and CNCed forend along with a CNC steel one piece barrel.
and with the ProWin 8mm CNC split gearbox, im not too worried about braking it.

ohhh watching you and Kos is like going to a tennis match minus the sweaty hot women in short skirts. damn you!!

SystemA I hear wonderful things but on the 4th or 5th (dont remember) of august at my skirm I saw them being tinkered with constantly. me.. I'm a fire and forget kinda guy. Not a gun smith..I don't open my guns period.

TM and get a metal body for 300.
CA and get new gears, etc. CA costs more and the gears are less than a metal body but costs bout the same in the end.
VFC I hear great things.

but in the end...if you know a gunsmith or have one that you trust to do this.

Build it custom. in the end you'll actually pay less and get exactly what you want and not end up with enough spare parts to build a second gun.

but what do I know?

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Old August 23rd, 2007, 16:08   #25
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One guy in calgary has a full metal 416 stripped and rebuilt with systema parts, damn that thing looks sexy with the long ass ris

Originally Posted by .Andrew. View Post
turns out i had to take the battey out of the stock and charge it right from the battery wire..not the wire that connects to the gun
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 16:09   #26
Delta One
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It all boils down to personal opinion. And My personal opinion is that G&P makes some of the finest M4s available. CA is second to them.
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 16:18   #27
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Originally Posted by GDIMissileman View Post
And I don't see any reason on getting an airsoft M4A1 with that price, because honestly, with that price, we can as well buy a real M4A1 (may have to be converted into semi-automatic though), so I won't even consider it. Thanks for the mention though it's still fun to see.
If you can legaly get your hands on a real COLT M4A1 make sure to buy a couple because the price tag in canada for a real m4 is about 4000 to 5000 can. Good luck as even in the states COLT does not sell the M4A1 to anyone else but the US military. The closest thing your ever going to find to a civilan transferable M4A1 is a COLT Defence LE6920, Different bolt assy, different trigger, different barrel, and a few other little "upgrades". And the last 4 I saw sold in about 30 minutes for a wooping 3260$ each. Just because it looks the same on the outside means that it's the real thing.

and the best airsoft AR is the one I have for sale...
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Last edited by vondnik; August 23rd, 2007 at 16:26..
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 19:05   #28
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Originally Posted by Dynamo View Post
funny, 2+k for an M4 that shoot the exact same 6mm BBs as $400 plastic M4.
glad i got an HK416 instead, at least its something different.
but hey, who am i to question someones reason on paying 4 times the price for something that does the same thing, but with a few added features.
When my PTW tags a guy at 300 feet+ and the best he can do with his $1500 used-to-be-a-Marui gun is 200 feet, well the PTW is a real bargain.

And I don't have to "tinker" with mine. Fire and forget, and keep firing, and firing and firing. I don't have to rebuild my 500+ fps-capable gun 3 times a year to keep it running either. And I can go from a 300 fps CQB gun to 400 to 450 to 500 fps at any time in seconds. Try that with another reliable gun. Not even ICS can do that, at least the 3 that I owned could not no matter what parts were used.

If you want to know the best, the PTW is it.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old August 23rd, 2007, 19:13   #29
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
When my PTW tags a guy at 300 feet+ and the best he can do with his $1500 used-to-be-a-Marui gun is 200 feet, well the PTW is a real bargain.

And I don't have to "tinker" with mine. Fire and forget, and keep firing, and firing and firing. I don't have to rebuild my 500+ fps-capable gun 3 times a year to keep it running either. And I can go from a 300 fps CQB gun to 400 to 450 to 500 fps at any time in seconds. Try that with another reliable gun. Not even ICS can do that, at least the 3 that I owned could not no matter what parts were used.

If you want to know the best, the PTW is it.
Well said.

And I had no idea they were effective out to 300ft! Fark..
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Old August 23rd, 2007, 19:27   #30
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
And I had no idea they were effective out to 300ft! Fark..
I did some testing last weekend and I could get shots with the M150 hitting a 4x8 sheet of plywood at 165 of my paces, which is about 360 feet. All the shots were grouped in about a 2 foot by 2 foot square, give or take the odd straggler when fired in a burst of a few rounds. Single shot was not as good a grouping as there's always some drift when doing a standing shot with no magnifying optics.

If I over engaged the hop-up, I was getting BBs going 220 of my paces, which is about 550 feet, but the accuracy was shit and the BBs would be curving up sharply over the last 100+ feet.

M130 was about 125 paces which is about 310 feet, M110 was 105 paces which is about 260 feet and the M90 was 85 paces which is about 210 feet.

M90 chronos 285 fps. M110 chronos 355 fps. M130 chronos 395 fps and M150 chronos 455 fps with .25g Metal Tech BBs.

This is usable numbers on a calm day on level ground. Being with a slight tailwind or being elevated in a tower greatly increases those numbers. I've had M150 shots extend out as far as 250 paces (600+ feet), but single shot accuracy is not there. A burst might do the trick though.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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