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An idea I would like to propose about an airsoft shotgun.


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old July 18th, 2007, 03:41   #1
Red Wine & Adderall
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An idea I would like to propose about an airsoft shotgun.

Good day everyone. Hope your all well and thanks ahead of time for taking the time to have a peek at my idea. First off I would just like to ask, do any of you remeber this?


Of course you do! Most likly because someone revived that year old+ thread recently. But its given me a rather interesting idea that I would like to share with you all and perhaps get your input on the idea.

An airsoft shotgun that is essentially based on the same premise.
Its only an idea but please follow along if you will. Like how they had the shells loaded with a cap, why not do the same with an airsoft shotgun shell, accept make it a grouping of 6, 7 or even 8 caps on the back of the shell to propel the equal amount of BBs loaded in the front. If it were possible the only downside sides I could think of would be:

1. How to make a cheap effect disposeable shell. Would we go with shells where the user had to load the caps on his own? Or would the shells be preloaded with caps to start, it could be as easy as simply sticking one of those rings of caps in the back of the shell. But to what degree do we persure this set up. Are there other ideas we could explore.
2. How complicated/expensive would the internals have to get for something to strike 8 caps on the back of the supposed shell?
3. The fact that due to having cheap enough disposeable shells our fields and cqb arenas are now littered with used disposable shot shells.
4. Maintenance, how difficult would it be to keep this gun maintained?

Thats all I can really think about for cons for now.
Anyways, if the idea for this style of airsoft shotgun has already been posted before, I apologise for dragging it back up again. If not, and this is the first time its been mentioned I request that if anyone were to take my idea, create it and market it and make a large some of money out of it, please keep me in mind when your rolling in your pile of cash. It would be much appreciated if you would atleast pay off my student loan, a majority of my credit card debt, and plate my car for the next 6 years.

Thats its basically. I leave you all with this.
And no you cannot have the minute and 29 seconds of your life back.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; July 18th, 2007 at 14:36..
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Old July 18th, 2007, 04:32   #2
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Markham-ON
Originally Posted by Greylocks
And since they use caps, it makes that gun fall into even weirder grey areas of the law.
I don't think we should be powering our BBs with combustion.

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Old July 18th, 2007, 12:57   #3
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That is not a bad idea, but i think we should explore the other idea of the shells from the video. That can take us into whole new directions of airsoft, such as rifling. If the bullet is slightly more elongated, perhaps we could have a rifled barrel. i dunno, its just an idea. Still, your shotgun idea is not bad, but really hard. the problem with the bullet airsoft is that it is altogether imporactical. Each clip holds only 8 shots and the amount of work needed to charge, load fire and clean eeach individual bullet is enormous. thats just my opinion.
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Old July 18th, 2007, 13:19   #4
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In fact it would not be that hard to make, both striking the face and filling the shells...

just need to do a rig to fill the shells faster (8rods in front of 8 holes, with o-rings and some kind of reserve for the bb's

as for the strike face... a shell is about the same size as a piston head right... how about having 8 little nubs on the face of the piston. To make sure all caps detonate (or have the chance to detonate), the nubs could be spring loaded, so even if the face and shell are not exactly alligned, it could fire anyways

A shotgun shooting 8 bb's and shell ejecting would be VERY attractive... you will get a better spray than normal shoties. And no need to have the inner barrels really long too.. maybe 5"-6" that way you will get the shotgun effect that lacks most of the currently avalable ones.

It would probably need a lot of cleaning though. Mostly like a RS.. because of the black powder...

the only real problem would be to make the shells... I guess MadMax could make us some....

Last edited by Kos-Mos; July 18th, 2007 at 13:22..
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