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semi cheap guns



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Old April 5th, 2007, 14:44   #16
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Marui is the "nike" of airsoft. Seriously. Only thing good about them is their mechbox.. and apparently these china guns have marui boxes (clones) modded to 300+.. so f*ck marui.
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Old April 5th, 2007, 15:26   #17
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Why is it that everyone loves marui’s so much (I have 2 by the way along with 2 ICS's)? Everyone I know buys a marui for its reliability but soon turn around and change almost all the internals for higher fps and throws on a metal body. I know grey is going to say just change the bushing and spring but we play at 400 fps so gears, pistons, and mechboxes don’t last. What is left is a few bits of plastic. If these new china guns are half as good as the reviews you could buy 1 and drop a systema mechbox and still be cheaper then a stock marui but shoot 350-400. Just my thoughts.
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Old April 5th, 2007, 15:29   #18
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
Marui is the "nike" of airsoft. Seriously. Only thing good about them is their mechbox.. and apparently these china guns have marui boxes (clones) modded to 300+.. so f*ck marui.
Wouldn't say that so quick. A Marui holds it's value up better than a ACM(All chinese made) gun.
Marui's are reliable and the quality control is superb. Those chinese guns you can't really "rely" on them as your first AEG. The chinese guns have bad quality control and the only gun I would even go near recommend is the MP40 and the JG G36C.
The JG G36C is only "EXACT" clone when it comes to Tokyo Marui. Cyma has funny hop-up design and another JG guns all have their own small "problem".

Theres a reason why, reputiable retailers only import high quality guns. Cause they don't want they're customers returning the guns when they have defects. The Tokyo Marui guns are 100% guaranteed to work fine. The majority of TM guns work fine, where when you buying chinese, you might get a shitty qc'ed gun.

The problem with ICS and CA, they have nice metal bodies but they only have armalites and Mp5s.
No other manufactuer has made a AK47 as good as a TM.

Last edited by Identity; April 5th, 2007 at 15:33..
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Old April 6th, 2007, 00:23   #19
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I heard that Jing gong is the best chinese cheap gun there... Sound great too and almost the same Fps as Marui. You pay for what you got...
For cyma, WELL..... theses are really but really cheap and you pay for what you got... I just read a couple of review on it and it seem so bad...
Maby I will only stick to JG brand but depend on wich gun.

by the way, I dont think you will find a gun under 180$... If you read on buyairsoft... the model at 175 is the ABS mechbox and not a metal one!
Primary: E&L PMC B Secondary: WE hi-capa 5.1 dragon a or WE 1911 Hi-capa
Backup: Dboy M4, Cyma AK74
Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Chuck Norris decides that all guns will fail, and he will crack the world in two with his third fist that is his jaw!
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Old April 6th, 2007, 00:31   #20
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The new cyma guns are fine, as long as you replace the internals and the wiring...maybe throw in a new hopup and barrel too.
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Old April 6th, 2007, 01:50   #21
Bullpup Dog
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
It still helps to consider the advantages and drawbacks of a lower quality gun.

Both points were posted, it's his money.

(PS, most places just plain safety glasses dont cut it)
i understand, but for me playing with friends out on the back forty, well rated safety glasses do just fine, and they're not klunky. again, it depends how serious you are and if you go to the big meets or if you just do it with friends.
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Old April 6th, 2007, 02:36   #22
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Oh...dear....i'd say something here, but you'd probably cry and complain that i am "n00b bashing". The reason this sport is in the shits is because of attitudes like that.

On a more gun related note however, some of the China clones are getting pretty good reviews from all over the place. And remember these are countries where all sorts of guns are available, from the super crap to the super good. If there are players down in the States and all over Europe who will gladly take a cheeper Chinese clone over a more pricey "brand" name airsoft gun then they can't be all that bad. And if you are so adament on having the best quality internals, then its not all that much to go through the mechbox and swap out what you can.
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old April 6th, 2007, 08:46   #23
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Shop glasses? If you're too fucking cheap to protect your eyes, stay the fuck away from airsoft.
Annoyingly good with numbers

Stop American Censorship
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Old April 6th, 2007, 09:53   #24
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If any one else gets the NAM Magazine, issue #13 has a 6 page article on how these "clone" aeg's are starting to hurt some retailers in the US because the ones that aren't importing them are seeing a major drop in sales while those that are bringing them in are seeing a increase of epic proportions. I myself have owned TM back in the day and now have nothing but CA, but on a impulse bought a JG M4 just for the hell of it to see what they are like, I have found that body wise the finish on it is the same as TM, except for the lack of trades anywhere on the gun. The spot where you usually find the trade on the side of the mag well is blank, leaving it open for you to get anything you want engraved on it. Performence wise, the one I got is doing 373fps with .2's right out of the box and it was nice that it came with a battery and slow charger too. The one snag that I have hit with it is the low quality wiring, after about 2 85 round mags it did short out and stopped working, but if you know what your doing with wiring it was easily fixed. And yes it will run on TM, KA, and STAR mags without any feed problems. If anyone does get one of these JG made M4's, the first thing I'd suggest doing is get a gun doctor to change the wiring, and replace the nylon bushings with metal ones, after that have at it. Later on down the road I might replace the plastic body with a metal one and throw a RIS and barrel kit on it to bring the weight up on it, right now it weights pretty much nothing compared to my CA M15 CQB. And price wise, after shipping and taxes I only paid $322.24 for it from

Last edited by medhatboy; April 6th, 2007 at 10:35..
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Old April 6th, 2007, 10:24   #25
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ive personally handled medhatboys jg and i am VERY impressed with it. i would tak that over a tm any day. as he said the build quality is as good, if not better than tm. it has the gen 2 rear stock, the gen 2 barrel. everything is impressive on it. it operates egsactly like a tm, both ballistically and functionally. if i had my choice between a tm and this jg, i would choose the jg, for a number of reasons.
1) price, it is half (seriously) the price of a tm,
2) no body trades - so you can engrave your name/ team/ fav quote/ fav design whatever, you can customise it, which really appeals to me
3) it has all the latest innovations, so you dont have barrel wobble, better looking stock.
4) perefct base gun to build upon. if your going to replace just about every part in the process of upgrading the gun, why not buy a more affordable one to star?
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old April 6th, 2007, 10:29   #26
Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Back 40? I could say a lot about that and how bad an idea it is, but I'll let others tell you. I hope the local age-verifiers read what you just posted too.

Have fun.
LOL There's NOTHING wrong with that. What the hell do you think Foxden is, or the LZ, or Muskoka? It's somebody's 'back forty'.

And safety glasses, what some people call "shop glasses" are often SUPERIOR to paintball goggles.

Christ, the shit that passes as "common knowledge" and "common sense" on here is fucking disgusting.

Snakeeater, buy whatever you want but buy cheap and buy twice.

Last edited by MadMorbius; April 6th, 2007 at 11:18.. Reason: I have a potty mouth. Censored for the sensitive :)
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Old April 6th, 2007, 10:55   #27
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
And safety glasses, what some people call "shop glasses" are often SUPERIOR to paintball goggles.
I have to disagree there. Shop goggle lenses themselves might be better at stopping a BB than a paintball goggle would be, the temples and arms of shop goggles carry no ANSI ratings. They also don't seal around the eyes, making a BB ricochet getting into your eyes a very likely possibility.
As I've said before, I'm down to one eye and I'm a big fan of protecting it. Nothing but ESS for me. I also get a little nervous in "safe areas" that don't require barrel condoms.
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Old April 6th, 2007, 11:06   #28
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Cheap GUNS?

First of all this site is not the place for your profanity. So clean it up or shut it up.

I have been playing for only a few years. I agree with Grey. You can get a bargin on an AEG and you could maybe get a few good games out of it. But you will neet to upgrade. And, like any mechanical device, after it gets used it will require maintence and the odd part replaced, Like a Ford(oops, profanitiy alert, Dodge fan here haha) you will end up fixing the gun more than fielding it.

This is going to be the same for a not so cheap gun, you will still have to do the repairs, however, replacing the odd tappet once a year or so as opposed to rewiring the mechbox this week, replacing the motor next week, having to change out the gear set a month later is not nearly as appealing.

Sadly, not everyone can afford the Systema rifles. ICS, CA, G&P are almost impossable to get. But until you get out an play, is it worth buying a $1500 rifle, probably not. Get a cheapo. field it, play it till it dies, and then throw it away and then choose, do I make the investement into a soprt that the average player has about $2000-$12,000+ in gear or is this not for me and go to wallmart to buy the $20 job.

Ask yourself this. If you were going to get into ATV extreme sports, would you opt out for the cheaper clone? or would you save your money to by a new Raptor? Or would you save up some cash, wait and watch the classifieds, and spend the money to buy someones, tried tested and true AEG that has no longer got room in thier collection and has to be sold to make room for the next peice or the wifes new sewing machine. (Ya, over my dead body will i sell a guns for either of those reasons.LMAO)
Don't bitch about you day or the price on something. A Canadian soldier died so you might enjoy today.

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Old April 6th, 2007, 11:12   #29
Originally Posted by Ibby View Post
I have to disagree there. Shop goggle lenses themselves might be better at stopping a BB than a paintball goggle would be, the temples and arms of shop goggles carry no ANSI ratings. They also don't seal around the eyes, making a BB ricochet getting into your eyes a very likely possibility.
As I've said before, I'm down to one eye and I'm a big fan of protecting it. Nothing but ESS for me. I also get a little nervous in "safe areas" that don't require barrel condoms.
Depends which glasses you're wearing. In your case tho, if you're at half capacity I'd have to aggree.
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Old April 6th, 2007, 11:35   #30
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Unfortunately though grey, not everyone is going to look at it that way. Some of us do, some dont. You could give advise all day and they will still do what they want. haha.

Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Why buy even a cheap gun? If you want to know what it's all about, go to a game and borrow or rent a gun. Then you'll know if you like this enough to invest, and you'll also know what is good and bad from experience.

That's cheaper than the cheapest gun.
Don't bitch about you day or the price on something. A Canadian soldier died so you might enjoy today.

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