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ASCA - Sale of final AEG stock



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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:09   #16
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I'm sorry to hear about the luck Hojo.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:09   #17
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WTF OVER! Can someone please outline what exactly is going on? If there is a confrontation with the forces that be, lets start acting sooner rather than later...
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:19   #18
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HoJo, when you have the time, it would be highly appreciated if you could put all of us into the loop.

Real information, even if it's bad news, is far better than rumours. Being in the dark is not good when it comes to these laws.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:20   #19
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Agreed. No information breeds misinformation.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:28   #20
zero delay
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I just want one of those "Voices of reason" that seem to always weigh in on these matters to explain to me how the fact that Airsoft now has essentially one outlet left in the entire country for AEGs, with additional legislation in the works to put a virtual hemostat on any arteries left for people to get gear doesn’t pretty much mean the throttle is stuck and the tracks are ripped out up ahead a few miles? I mean it's awesome to look like the calm and collected professional, by putting to rest all the little peoples fears as well as placing the big Kibosh on all those pesky "Airsoft is screwed" rumors, but did any one ever think maybe instead of dismissing the concerns, some type of action may have been warranted besides the usual talking heads regurgitating the legalese BS over and over again until people just stop giving a shit? For example maybe treating the issues raised in this thread with a little more seriousness instead of sticking the entire thing in the trash?
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:31   #21
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Absolutely Lance. I couldn't agree with you more.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:53   #22
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ASCA decided that in light of recent events (well a few months ago, and if you're in Toronto, yesterday), enforcement of the laws that concern the sale of replicas is increasing. There is no clean-cut way to sell airsoft in Canada with the laws written the way they are, and I agree - without retail outlets of any kind airsoft will wither away (or grow absurdly slowly, at best) in this country.

It's time that sale and/or ownership is legislated in such a way as to allow players to continue enjoying the sport, but that also satisfies the requirements of the government, and the peace of mind of law enforcement.

I'd like to start this discussion elsewhere than this thread, but my opinion is that there is no other reasonable alternative than to have airsoft classified under the PAL as a non-registered, non-restricted entity, which would control sale and ownership exclusively to and from licensed individuals and businesses.

It may seem like a pain in the ass, but the likelihood is that airsoft is going to get buried under blanket anti-replica legislation sometime in the next 5 years. But even before then, retailers are at risk, and even if it isn't outright banned, lack of supply will just kill this sport here.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 19:57   #23
zero delay
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No one who is reasonably inteligent can argue against any of those controls, as far as I'm concerned %100 accountability should and MUST be expected from any one who owns or uses any thing like a Airsoft gun, but thats the problem aint it? Thats the opinion of one guy in Sask, talking like that on a D-board that is funded by volume selling isn't exactly popular.
In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Becomes a Revolutionary Act - George Orwell, 1984
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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:02   #24
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Damn, I was going in Saturday or Sunday to get the fa-mas too

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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:03   #25
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Originally Posted by zero delay View Post
No one who is reasonably inteligent can argue against any of those controls, as far as I'm concerned %100 accountability should and MUST be expected from any one who owns or uses any thing like a Airsoft gun, but thats the problem aint it? Thats the opinion of one guy in Sask, talking like that on a D-board that is funded by volume selling isn't exactly popular.
I agree. Airsoft is a vice, but I'd like myself and those of us who are responsible enough to use it properly to still have that chance. If that means we have to jump through some hoops, I'd be more than happy to - in fact, I'd RATHER if I knew it would protect my hobby.

I don't know why you'd bring up the source of funding of this site. If ASC only existed because of "volume selling" then ASCA wouldn't bother with age verification and I wouldn't have paid for ASC out of my own pocket for a year (all back thanks to donations ultimately - thank you, world) while it transitioned to a bigger and bigger server. I think you're thinking of another airsoft business on the west coast.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:07   #26
archer 6
shitty. but now is a good time to take a look around and see what remaining underground has brought.... our representitives have been the minors that are not allowed to play, buying soft air, and shooting eachother in front of 7-11. thats the publics preception of the game. time to pull the heads from the asses folks.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:08   #27
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I think what he's saying is that action taken by members or administrators of a forum linked directly to a retailer is not the best locale to initiate efforts to affect legal change.

Perhaps it should come from an organization of players directly, rather than from a forum linked directly to ASCA.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:09   #28
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bbs, gas and parts are still going to be ok to sell, no?
age verifier for the east kootenays.,, 100% canadian, online airsoft retail badass. ,, 30% off games-workshop miniatures...
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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:13   #29
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can you still get metal bodies? What about mechboxes? That's all I need to ask.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 20:19   #30
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I think what he's saying is that action taken by members or administrators of a forum linked directly to a retailer is not the best locale to initiate efforts to affect legal change.

Perhaps it should come from an organization of players directly, rather than from a forum linked directly to ASCA.
Well the reality is no action will ever come directly from this site anyway - anything that happens is going to come from individual actions, rather than a collection of posts on a forum that means nothing. Forums are kids play, it takes real backing to open a dialogue with the government.

I disagree about a commercial enterprise being involved. It might seem like that
is morally incompatible, but legislative changes have to involve the commercial side of it (you don't think Crossman will fight tooth and nail not to have replicas defined as requiring a PAL?). Decisions like these are judged on merit, and the viability of implementation (usually more the latter than former). Not the business card of the person that is working on dialogue.

Last edited by MMMiles!; February 28th, 2007 at 20:23..
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