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Suggestions on any AEG's good for dedicated Sniper duty..


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Old February 18th, 2007, 06:31   #1
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Suggestions on any AEG's good for dedicated Sniper duty..

I will be entering the sport slowly over the next season and getting the kit I need to play and feel experienced enough to use in a role I choose over a long period of time. Now I've always been more of a hide and pick you off kind of guy who would rather sit relay recon and if I'm found you deserve to shoot me. This all said I would like the ability to shoot full auto so if I get into the Oh SHIET they found me I can switch over and have firepower to back up my sidearm. Now most dedicated sniper rifles are either bolt action or semi auto rifles, I would like a few suggestions from you players out there that use FA AEG's as dedicated sniper weapons, what you use, and why. I would also like to know what updrades are available, and what are the most effective. I'm not really concerned about weight as I will be pearched somewhere usually so the gun will be standed. I have access to a 5 point CNC lathe at a budies shop, any part that can be programmed into a 5 point CNC lathe ie barrel extensions, silencers, hand guards that sort of thing that anyone has done? Anyway thanks in advance for any suggestions, not affraid to mod, already modded a TM G26 GBB pretty easy, had it apart within 20 min of owning it. Take care.

Speaks :infantry:
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Old February 18th, 2007, 07:34   #2
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I suggest giving a read to this thread, entitled "Choosing a first AEG" which can be found in the FAQ section along with many other threads that can answer other questions regarding airsoft.

Not to be rude, but the majority of posts that start off with "entering/getting into the sport" end up getting flamed big time.

Don't be afraid to ask questions...but also, don't be afraid to do a quick forum search. 90 percent of your questions can be answered that way.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 08:39   #3
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If sniping is your goal, and you want an AEG as the base, look into the models that already have long barrels and large battery capacity.

Here are a few that come to mind; M16, M14, G3SG1, AK47. All are capable of sniping right from the box or with very few modifications. There are other suitable models, but those are the ones I tend to think about.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 09:27   #4
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Hands down I'd say the M14. Has the look, is well made, long barrel, relatively short mag (when compared to the AK and the 30rd Armalite mag).......... heck, the TM M14 shoots around 330fps when bone stock, use 0.25g and you'll have a good platform that can work for many roles.

BTW, I prefer bolt action.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 11:42   #5
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If your willing to lay down the money, get a SL8. Or a G36. Do the longer barrel and foregrip conversion.

I've made custom sniper mags for my G36C. I'll show you a picture later on.
You can probably get a mini tripod for that.
Get a longer 6.04 inner barrel. Get your gearbox upgraded to shoot around 400fps. There you go, a perfect sniper gun.

M14 has a v2 gearbox. You're going to have to replace the mechbox a lot sooner if you have it upgraded. And the v2 stock gearbox isn't as upgradable as the V3 stock.
So if you want something thats easy to work on, does full auto and is very accurate I'd go for a G36 variant.

When I think of the M14 I think of it having a M203 on it. Not a sniper gun.

One reason why I don't like bolt action is because it's too damn slow. Your in the middle of the game and you see all your teammates running around, while your just campin your ass out trying to get a target. It's not as fun.

For the price you pay for a good bolt action you can get a highly upgraded AEG with all the goodies on it.
Thats why I suggest an upgraded AEG. You have fun using your gun as a sniper and a primary AEG.

Last edited by Identity; February 18th, 2007 at 11:48..
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Old February 18th, 2007, 11:49   #6
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Ahem, I think you meant M16 in your post there, you put M14 instead. M16 has the V2 mechbox, the M14 has what, Version 7? And yo ucna mount an M203 on an M16, but not very easily (if at all) onto an M14.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 11:51   #7
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Ahem, I think you meant M16 in your post there, you put M14 instead. M16 has the V2 mechbox, the M14 has what, Version 7? And yo ucna mount an M203 on an M16, but not very easily (if at all) onto an M14.

Hahaha sorry stalker. I just woke up. Don't mind me.
Yeah M16... Sorry about that.

I have no experience with a V7 gearbox or M14... I think the M14 is acutally a very nice gun. I love the design expecially the flat black look.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 12:30   #8
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Originally Posted by spacemoose View Post
I suggest giving a read to this thread, entitled "Choosing a first AEG" which can be found in the FAQ section along with many other threads that can answer other questions regarding airsoft.

Not to be rude, but the majority of posts that start off with "entering/getting into the sport" end up getting flamed big time.

Don't be afraid to ask questions...but also, don't be afraid to do a quick forum search. 90 percent of your questions can be answered that way.

Not 100% new to airsoft, and flame away, from all my years of flaming I've been blessed with inreadibly thick fireproof skin. As for "Choosing an AEG" in the "FAQ" section, no need I know the differnces in typical gun styles, I just wanted experiences with a personal basis... Nobody is rude, only uninformed.. Take care.
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Old February 18th, 2007, 13:16   #9
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Originally Posted by Identity View Post
Hahaha sorry stalker. I just woke up. Don't mind me.
Yeah M16... Sorry about that.

I have no experience with a V7 gearbox or M14... I think the M14 is acutally a very nice gun. I love the design expecially the flat black look.
No worries, I wake up once in a while also so I know what it's like. :wink:
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Old February 19th, 2007, 00:46   #10
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Bolt-Action + backup AEG (mp5k, p90, etc) gets my first vote.
M14 gets my second vote.

As much as Bolt-Action is slower, a nicely upgraded one do get the extra bit of yardage for the kill.

If you want to be in sniper role, go with a true sniper platform. When a sniper gets discovered, RUN!!!! (Then hide again)
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Old February 19th, 2007, 00:57   #11
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hands down the m14. i have done the same thing you are looking at doing. i have my m14 with a scope and lovely internals lol. i bought it second hand already with a 170% pdi, metal bushings, re enforced piston and gears. the only work i had to put into it was a new fire selector switch. then i put in guarder hopup system and am running .30s. i have more range than a lot of bolt action rifles and can easily get myself out of thoes o shit situations.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 00:58   #12
airsoft sniping only gives you a slight range and accuracy boost over a standard upgraded AEG. Even with less range, a rifleman can just pepper your area untill you end up getting hit.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 02:52   #13
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I say m14 with red dot you get an ak47 with a scope or red dot your gona look like a afgani sniper
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