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The way things are going...



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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:45   #1
The way things are going...

So, with the possibility of the law cracking down on retailers....and with the recent events, not to mention politicians taking up causes...Its not hard to forsee that a crackdown on airsoft could be possible in the near future.

I was significantly concerned with the media over the Dawson college shootings.
The shooter posing with guns on the website has taken alot of heat. All I hear on the radio is talk about his blog, pictures and
The shooter simply having images up has raised alot of discusion.

Now, if there is one thing about that we love our pictures. And we have alot...and lets face it, many that would put Kimveer Gill's posing to shame. Many in the news are saying those images could have been a solid warning of things to come.

It wouldnt take much for someone in the media to stumble on ASC and see our gallery and scream bloody murder.
Personally, Im gonna remove airsofting images from my MSN pages and such.

even the tattoo thread in off topic. people with grenades or AK47 tattoos....maby we should keep these things off ASC for now.

just as an example, Ill pick this pic, posted in our gallery by Korneil.


like I said, should we take steps in light of recent events to make ASC seem less like its a group of possible killers?
In light of recent events, should we be more descrete with out images? Should we archive and remove our gallery for the time being?
Should we only allow images from games and put a stop to the in-home posing?

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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:50   #2
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i would tend to agree with you droc... as it happens it just is better for all that way.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:52   #3
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It might be a good thing that airsoft season is coming to a close in most parts of Canada... less guys running around all pretend commando. I think it might help keeping the profile low until this blows over.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 21:59   #4
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The thing people fear the most is something they don't know and can't see! I'm of two minds on this one Droc. On one side if we are posting our all out heman posses then we are showing for the most part that we have absolutly nothing to hide. Even our Shame. At the same time there is no accounting for human stupidity. One politician could come along and see a bunch of guys poseing down with thier AEG or GBB which could make him scream the sky is falling.
So possibly taking down the personal pics and leaving the fun filled picks would be better.

Hope every one is doing well, this is a stressful time we're coming into.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:01   #5
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Idea sounds good to me, but I wont have anything to browse on my breaks from school.
At home of course, I wouldnt dare look at ASC while at school.
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Originally Posted by BGrail25 View Post
I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:05   #6
Originally Posted by dynomite69
The thing people fear the most is something they don't know and can't see! I'm of two minds on this one Droc. On one side if we are posting our all out heman posses then we are showing for the most part that we have absolutly nothing to hide. Even our Shame. At the same time there is no accounting for human stupidity. One politician could come along and see a bunch of guys poseing down with thier AEG or GBB which could make him scream the sky is falling.
So possibly taking down the personal pics and leaving the fun filled picks would be better.

Hope every one is doing well, this is a stressful time we're coming into.
i hear yah. But if i use Kimveer Gill as an example, the focus was only on this one gallery they found. Honestly, how many of us have ever had our images taken only once. Call me crazy, but im gonna assume he had more pics, like myself....I have airsofting pics, school pics, vacation pics, etc. Someone could see a pic of me in airsoft and cal the cops...without ever a consideration to the hundreds of non-crazy pictures there are of me up.
With the internet around for so long, everyone has stuff out there...but the focus has been totally on this one page.
I see what your saying about not having anything to hide, but if the shit hit the fan right this second...having nothing to hide wont do much good. people get tunnel vision on subjects like this.

See, my fiance has some of her friends over sometimes after work. Ill be at my computer browsing ASC gallery. They will come and look. The usual "thats different" or "neat" could be said for game pics...because its like paintball....but pictures of people posing with guns in their basments(chairsoft images) usually get the "wacko" or " psycho" reaction.

Ill bet if you took a pic from Kimveer Gill's page, backed out his face, then took a dozen pics from the ASC chairsoft gallery and blacked out their faces...if you took random people off the street and showed them, Ill bet many would think its the same guy. Everyone has these Kimveer Gill posing images burned into their head, and as I showed above, it draws some very similar looks to our chairsoft gallery.
Maby one idea is to only have game pics...but not out of game posing.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:15   #7
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Droc, I thought the same thing today.We problably appear what people are fearing right now.I can't blame them,not everyone is into commando shit.

Clean out the gallery of the questionable stuff and your avatar. The rest of the regular talk will just bore them.

Hang onto what you have boys and girls...his could get bumpy.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:22   #8
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What we need is a warning when people enter the gallery saying thats its only airsoft and that airsoft guns can't be modified to shoot real ammunition.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:30   #9
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That's not the point, we still look like some kind of crazy militia, gun loving freaks to the majority of the general public.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:41   #10
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seems like a good idea for the time being, especially considering current events in quebec.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 22:55   #11
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Originally Posted by Flabeo
What we need is a warning when people enter the gallery saying thats its only airsoft and that airsoft guns can't be modified to shoot real ammunition.
A warning wont do any good for people who are bent on believing that everything resembling guns leads to shootings like the one at Dawsons College.

I agree with taking out the chairsofting pictures. It might help a little. Those pictures especially make people freak about us. It's one thing to be in military BDU's where people will usually just say "are you in the military?" or "is that for/from a movie?" but when someone is in geans and a T-shirt in their basement with their gun, lots of people automatically assume they're psychotic people with real guns.

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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:00   #12
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A "qiuck fix" for now, not sure if this would work, but could the mods age verify the gallery for a bit? would that do anything till we could go through and remove any "questionable" images/
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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:05   #13
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Originally Posted by Cushak
A "qiuck fix" for now, not sure if this would work, but could the mods age verify the gallery for a bit? would that do anything till we could go through and remove any "questionable" images/
Age verifiyng the gallery is a great idea.
Originally Posted by pugs144
Only mall ninja poseur attention-whores go around wearing full kit outside the field.
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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:05   #14
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maybe set up some kind of a protected thing for the gallery so that only people ASC knows can look at them
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Old September 19th, 2006, 23:11   #15
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I'm infavor of the "Parental Advisory" for the gallery.
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