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Milspex CIRAS Series


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Old July 11th, 2006, 15:59   #1
Join Date: Dec 2005
Milspex CIRAS Series

Am I seeing this right? Milspex just launched there Replica Ciras versions. Can some people who have these already, what can you guys say about this?
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Old July 11th, 2006, 17:10   #2
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From the Redwolf page...

The Milsepx CIRAS (Combat Integrated Releasable Armour System) Maritime Version has MOLLE attachment points right up to the top of the chest. It can also take pouches mounted all the way round due to a flap that runs along the front. Rigid construction for tough usage. Full MOLLE platform on back allows attachment of all kinds of accessories including MBSS Molle hydration back-pack. Heavy padding in front and back means this vest provides the ultimate protection. Very tactical and is functional as is good looking! Constructed with heavy gauge rigid and durable Cordura 1000D for rip and tear-proof performance.

One of the most sophisticated vests on the market today, this vest is highly adjustable and caters to many different sized operators. Recommended operator size is 5'8" - 6'2" with a 28 - 55 inch waistline. Internal cumberbund type strap keeps the vest firmly in place even during intense action. Very firm and rigid frame means this vest is rugged and tough, with lots of molle loops for attaching all kinds of accessories. Comes with many location configurable pouches (all of them are MOLLE attached), including:
- Breast plate carrier
- Dual pistol mag pouches (on chest)
- 2 separate dual M4 / M16 Blackhawk style mag pouches for total of 8 mags (across front)
- Used magazine dump pouch (on right of operator)
- Gas mask / accessory pouch with intenal elastic retainers (on left of operator)
- Quick release accessory pouch for radios, etc. (on left of operator)

The location of these pouches are all user configurable since none of them are permanently attached to the vest and can be swapped or moved as necessary. Maps, wallets, keys, and other personal effects can be stored inside the massive chambers of mesh webbed storage compartments that stay close to the body.

Same as the real thing, this vest is held together by a single thick gauge cable that can be pulled by way of a quick release ring (located in the groin area) for immediate disintegration of the vest into small components. This is critical to unload soldiers instantly when they fall into water, or when injuries need to be attended to without requiring the vest to be taken off in a cumbersome and traditional manner. (Note that reassembly of the vest after this procedure takes a good 20 minutes so don't use it unless in emergency!)

It is hardly to dig out a difference between this Milspex CIRAS and the Phantom's, except the price! Highly recommended!
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Old July 11th, 2006, 19:31   #3
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Vancouver BC
We've carried the Milspex CIRAS in stock before.

The good thing about the Milspex versions are that they are relatively inexpensive, and they fit a little bit bigger than the Phantom CIRAS.

The bad is that their quality varies. Sometimes the molle attachment points vary in width, so much so that the pouches cannot be threaded thru the points, near the very edge of the vest.

"Cannot be threaded" is kind of harse, more like, very damn difficult to thread. You'll need pliers and force it through.

That was at least our experience with 10 milspex vests.

If you have the extra cash, go with Phantom, they are better in quality, but fit a bit smaller.
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Old July 11th, 2006, 22:47   #4
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thanks for the input mate, i'm shopping for one and this kind of comments is what i'm looking for.

Looks like it might be the phantom after all then.
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Old July 12th, 2006, 07:27   #5
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What is the difference between the LAND and MARITIME versions?

I read the descriptions, but it doesn't say. It's clearly not just the colour or pouch loadout. Does anyone know?
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Old July 12th, 2006, 13:56   #6
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The Martime Straps on the side with hock and loop and the Land Version come all the way to the front. I'm sure one is bigger then the other but not sure. Lot more differences but don't feel looking them up.

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