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Southern Ontario Camo HELP


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Old May 3rd, 2017, 02:08   #1
Join Date: May 2017
Southern Ontario Camo HELP

Im from northern ontario but majority of games will be played in and around Toronto/GTA area etc we up here call it the south. What camo "blends" in the best down there? Mostly bigger/milism games. Weapon green L96, nothing else, would like opinions on colours before buying. thinking of getting green belt/backpack/pouch/harness OD green.
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 12:44   #2
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 15:15   #3
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Depends a lot on the field and time of year, I think.

In early spring/late winter, the environment is very brown, trees and brush are bare or with small buds. Multicam works very well around this time.

Best to worst in early spring/late winter (in Southern Ontario typical outdoor field environments - IMO YMMV):

Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander
Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
M81 Woodland
MultiCam Tropic

Mid-spring to late spring, there are a lot of light greens. A-TACS FG is excellent around this time. Penncott Greenzone also works quite well.

Pencott Greenzone
Kryptec Mandrake
MultiCam Tropic
Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander
M81 Woodland

Early summer to mid-summer, CADPAT and MARPAT, being relatively dark and green patterns, work very well in forest and valley terrain. In mixed urban/forest/field, both stand out a little against grey buildings because they're dark. A-TACS FG continues to be decent better than CADPAT/MARPAT near buildings, but less effective in darker forest. Greenzone rules this time, I think. Multicam is at its worst in S.Ont in early summer except in very transitional environments. Kryptec Mandrake seems very good, but I haven't seen it in person all that often in the summer months. This is the one season where A-TACS IX gets to shine, as long as you're still mostly in forest/shrub.

Pencott Greenzone
MultiCam Tropic
Kryptec Mandrake
M81 Woodland
Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander

Late summer, vegetation starts to dry out, MARPAT becomes better than CADPAT due to the greater brown colourway. This is as good as MultiCam gets in S. Ontario - this is the best possible time/season for Multicam outside of late winter/early spring. The top three listed here can switch places depending on the dryness of fields and how built up or not it is.

Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
Pencott Badlands
M81 Woodland
MultiCam Tropic
Kryptec Highlander

Early autumn, MultiCam is still quite good, but is overshadowed by Badlands and Highlander. CADPAT and MARPAT become less effective (MARPAT less so, because of the browns). A-TACS FG is still feasible, but much less so.

Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander
Kryptec Mandrake
M81 Woodland
Pencott Greenzone
MultiCam Tropic

In mid-late Autumn CADPAT sticks out like a sore thumb comparatively at this point. A-TACS FG is also right out, not enough tan/brown, too light. Mandrake also not so great. Highlander is a winner in mid-to-late autumn.

Kryptec Highlander
Pencott Badlands
M81 Woodland
Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
MultiCam Tropic

As many others will tell you, MultiCam works moderately well in almost every season, it just never becomes "the best" for that season. As such, it's the most versatile we've seen yet.

If you want the best possible camo you need to know what season you're playing in and the general type of field you're in. If it's dense forest and brush in spring or summer, you the darker patterns of CADPAT, MARPAT and A-TACS IX work very well, outshining all others. Even the old classic M81 Woodland works very well in dense forest, where MultiCam stands out for its lighter overall palette.

If it's a really rainy season, you need brighter greens - A-TACS FG, Greenzone and to a lesser extent, Mandrake. Drier years, late in the season you should go with patterns that have more tan and brown - Highlander or Badlands.

If the field you're in has a lot of buildings (often wood, tan, grey or weather wood colours), adding grey, white or tan colourways as are found in MultiCam and Highlander or even A-TACS AU works well.

Remember that the colour of your kit - your gun and your LBE - are significant factors and can outweigh the concealment factors of your clothing. Also, as I'm trying to hammer into my son, how you move and when you move will conceal you far better than any camouflage scheme.

As noted near the beginning of this post, these relative rankings are my personal observations and may differ from yours. It's my opinion and yours may be more informed than mine. I'm only communicating what I've observed.

BTW - I've lived and hiked a lot through areas around Sudbury and Capreol - not sure how far north you consider "north", but the principal difference is you get a lot of rocky outcroppings and stone (good old Precambrian Shield) in northern Ontario, which makes it better to have a lot of deep brown and grey. You also tend to get denser forest, which makes for darker patterns being more effective. In Southern Ontario, you get a real bright green in spring and summer in many places, and you seldom have a lot of stone (there are exceptions) and that stone is rarely dark brown, grey or red, which is not at all uncommon in northern Ontario.

Last edited by Kozure; May 4th, 2017 at 00:39..
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 15:37   #4
Join Date: May 2017
Originally Posted by Kozure View Post
Depends a lot on the field and time of year, I think.

In early spring/late winter, the environment is very brown, trees and brush are bare or with small buds. Multicam works very well around this time.

Best to worst in early spring/late winter (in Southern Ontario typical outdoor field environments - IMO YMMV):

Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander
Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
M81 Woodland
MultiCam Tropic

Mid-spring to late spring, there are a lot of light greens. A-TACS FG is excellent around this time. Penncott Greenzone also works quite well.

Pencott Greenzone
Kryptec Mandrake
MultiCam Tropic
Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander
M81 Woodland

Early summer to mid-summer, CADPAT and MARPAT, being relatively dark and green patterns, work very well in forest and valley terrain. In mixed urban/forest/field, both stand out a little against grey buildings because they're dark. A-TACS FG continues to be decent better than CADPAT/MARPAT near buildings, but less effective in darker forest. Greenzone rules this time, I think. Multicam is at its worst in S.Ont in early summer except in very transitional environments. Kryptec Mandrake seems very good, but I haven't seen it in person all that often in the summer months. This is the one season where A-TACS IX gets to shine, as long as you're still mostly in forest/shrub.

Pencott Greenzone
MultiCam Tropic
Kryptec Mandrake
M81 Woodland
Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander

Late summer, vegetation starts to dry out, MARPAT becomes better than CADPAT due to the greater brown colourway. This is as good as MultiCam gets in S. Ontario - this is the best possible time/season for Multicam outside of late winter/early spring. The top three listed here can switch places depending on the dryness of fields and how built up or not it is.

Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
Pencott Badlands
M81 Woodland
MultiCam Tropic
Kryptec Highlander

Early autumn, MultiCam is still quite good, but is overshadowed by Badlands and Highlander. CADPAT and MARPAT become less effective (MARPAT less so, because of the browns). A-TACS FG is still feasible, but much less so.

Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander
Kryptec Mandrake
M81 Woodland
Pencott Greenzone
MultiCam Tropic

In mid-late Autumn CADPAT sticks out like a sore thumb comparatively at this point. A-TACS FG is also right out, not enough tan/brown, too light. Mandrake also not so great. Highlander is a winner in mid-to-late autumn.

Kryptec Highlander
Pencott Badlands
M81 Woodland
Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
MultiCam Tropic

As many others will tell you, MultiCam works moderately well in almost every season, it just never becomes "the best" for that season. As such, it's the most versatile we've seen yet.

If you want the best possible camo you need to know what season you're playing in and the general type of field you're in. If it's dense forest and brush in spring or sumemr, you the darker patterns of CADPAT, MARPAT and A-TACS IX work very well. Even the old classic M81 Woodland works very well in dense forest, where MultiCam stands out for its lighter overall palette.

If it's a really rainy season, you need brighter greens - A-TACS FG, Greenzone and to a lesser extent, Mandrake. Drier years, late in the season you should go with patterns that have more tan and brown - Highlander or Badlands.

If the field you're in has a lot of buildings (often wood, tan, grey or weather wood colours), adding grey, white or tan colourways as are found in MultiCam and Highlander or even A-TACS AU works well.

Remember that the colour of your kit - your gun and your LBE - are significant factors and can outweigh the concealment factors of your clothing. Also, as I'm trying to hammer into my son, how you move and when you move will conceal you far better than any camouflage scheme.

As noted near the beginning of this post, these relative rankings are my personal observations and may differ from yours. It's my opinion and yours may be more informed than mine. I'm only communicating what I've observed.

BTW - I've lived and hiked a lot through areas around Sudbury and Capreol - not sure how far north you consider "north", but the principal difference is you get a lot of rocky outcroppings and stone (good old Precambrian Shield) in northern Ontario, which makes it better to have a lot of deep brown and grey. You also tend to get denser forest, which makes for darker patterns being more effective. In Southern Ontario, you get a real bright green in spring and summer in many places, and you seldom have a lot of stone (there are exceptions) and that stone is rarely dark brown, grey or red, which is not at all uncommon in northern Ontario.

Aha in sudbury! thanks a lot for the post, but as nobody really plays up here i'd be travelling for games. One last thing, is CB good for backpack/harness etc. I was thinking OD green but it may be too dark, so I think CB would blend with mnost of the above options. Going to explore more of them now that you sent the list! Thanks!
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 15:54   #5
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Originally Posted by filadz View Post
Aha in sudbury! thanks a lot for the post, but as nobody really plays up here i'd be travelling for games. One last thing, is CB good for backpack/harness etc. I was thinking OD green but it may be too dark, so I think CB would blend with mnost of the above options. Going to explore more of them now that you sent the list! Thanks!
I should be clear, I'm living in Toronto now. I only mentioned Sudbury because I've spent a lot of summers, falls and winters in Sudbury/Capreol area, so I know the difference in terrain/vegetation between Southern and Central/Northern Ontario.

The post above is specific to the fields in and around Toronto (within 1 hour), not Sudbury.

OD would be great in mid to late spring, and early to mid summer. CB works in early spring, and late summer to late fall.

Mostly you generally want to match the overall tone of the rest of your Battledress/BDUs/ACUs.

CB works well with:

Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander

OD works well with:

MARPAT (yes, MARPAT works well with both)
Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
M81 Woodland
MultiCam Tropic

That said, a number of major armies (US and Canada included) are adopting CB as the primary colour of issued LBE because it is versatile and works across spring, summer and fall whereas OD is at its best in mid-late spring to mid-summer. (The US is mostly going CB because it's easiest to over-dye the ineffective UCP scheme that hundreds of thousands of sets of gear were produced in).

Just don't get FDE/DE (Flat Dark Earth) or light tan. Those colours stand out as way too light anywhere in southern Ontario except in indoor fields against unpainted wood.

Last edited by Kozure; May 3rd, 2017 at 16:26..
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 17:26   #6
Join Date: May 2017
You've been so helpful! Thanks so much for my first set will likely go with CB since its so versatile now just need to decide on a camo to pair with it
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 17:29   #7
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Originally Posted by Kozure View Post
I should be clear, I'm living in Toronto now. I only mentioned Sudbury because I've spent a lot of summers, falls and winters in Sudbury/Capreol area, so I know the difference in terrain/vegetation between Southern and Central/Northern Ontario.

The post above is specific to the fields in and around Toronto (within 1 hour), not Sudbury.

OD would be great in mid to late spring, and early to mid summer. CB works in early spring, and late summer to late fall.

Mostly you generally want to match the overall tone of the rest of your Battledress/BDUs/ACUs.

CB works well with:

Pencott Badlands
Kryptec Highlander

OD works well with:

MARPAT (yes, MARPAT works well with both)
Kryptec Mandrake
Pencott Greenzone
M81 Woodland
MultiCam Tropic

That said, a number of major armies (US and Canada included) are adopting CB as the primary colour of issued LBE because it is versatile and works across spring, summer and fall whereas OD is at its best in mid-late spring to mid-summer. (The US is mostly going CB because it's easiest to over-dye the ineffective UCP scheme that hundreds of thousands of sets of gear were produced in).

Just don't get FDE/DE (Flat Dark Earth) or light tan. Those colours stand out as way too light anywhere in southern Ontario except in indoor fields against unpainted wood.
Thinking of going with the PenCott BadLands and CB harness etc
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 19:06   #8
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Good choice OP; I'm super partial to Pencott patterns to the point that the guys I frag with have made it/me a bit of a meme. But they are superb patterns.

As an aside, you'll note that a lot of people are leaving Olive Drab behind and adopting Ranger Green instead as it's a better colour tone and is more versatile.

Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of CB as it does tend to pop a fair bit against lush vegetation or grass, so in my opinion, I'd go with Ranger Green gear (chest rig, plate carrier, pouches, etc) as my choice running on top of Pencott patterned BDUs. It's a nicely muted shade that pretty much blends in anywhere in Ontario.
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 19:18   #9
Flaming Salami
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CADPAT plain and simple. It is designed to be used in our country and if you get a good reproduction pattern that looks very close to the actual stuff it works fine. I don't think anything else comes close. And if you're worried about an urban environment it doesn't really matter. Organic shapes stand out in urban environments regardless.
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Old May 4th, 2017, 00:21   #10
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Originally Posted by Flaming Salami View Post
CADPAT plain and simple. It is designed to be used in our country and if you get a good reproduction pattern that looks very close to the actual stuff it works fine. I don't think anything else comes close. And if you're worried about an urban environment it doesn't really matter. Organic shapes stand out in urban environments regardless.
I love CADPAT because I'm a Canadian, but to my eyes it really is too dark in many environments.

I own a set and will be running it this summer, but if someone told me you MUST choose between MultiCam and CADPAT and I may only choose one, I would go MultiCam, as much as it would pain my patriotic heart.
Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of CB as it does tend to pop a fair bit against lush vegetation or grass, so in my opinion, I'd go with Ranger Green gear (chest rig, plate carrier, pouches, etc) as my choice running on top of Pencott patterned BDUs. It's a nicely muted shade that pretty much blends in anywhere in Ontario.
That's very good advice. OP, Ranger Green would indeed be a better choice than OD or CB in Southern Ontario for most of the summer.

Last edited by Kozure; May 4th, 2017 at 17:01..
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Old May 5th, 2017, 03:20   #11
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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U.S. Woodland and CADPAT TW work well for most seasons here, on the odd occasion there's an outdoor game in the winter, that isn't PRZ but actual field/forest, if there's enough snow, substitute your pants with winter whites and it works just fine. OD rigs would likely be a better bet than Tan, as you're not likely to find much tan up at chest height.

Now, in terms of CADPAT, it works great here, and most other places in Canada, I've been all over Ontario and a few other provinces in my 9 )Going to be 10 years in October) with the Reserve, but there really is no good clone of it, they're all crap and you'll spot em a mile away, compounded by the fact that NV use is highly prevalent in Ontario, and the clone shit might as well be a reflective vest with the way it tends to light up to NV.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; May 5th, 2017 at 03:23..
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