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Best NVG setup in Canada (300-500$)


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Old February 21st, 2016, 22:33   #1
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Best NVG setup in Canada (300-500$)

Our team get 2 night event next years so we plan to purchase some NVG.

Max budget is 500$ including arms for the helmet.

Give me some brand in this price range and where I can get the best price.

I don't have the cash right now but I want to know how much exactly I must put aside.

Thank you
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Old February 21st, 2016, 22:59   #2
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If you want to get $300-$500 Gen 1 NVG you better off just giving me that cash. At least you won't be disappointed with the purchase and I will get $500 for free
Put aside $2000-$2500 if you want to get something that actually works. No other way around it.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 22:59   #3
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A good flashlight.

Seriously a good set of nods will set you back 2000$ +
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Old February 21st, 2016, 23:15   #4
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Buy a Gen 1+ Yukon ($500 - $700), also get proper mounts and arms, repros can snap and bend. You don't want to have it drop or not sit right. Below that, you're wasting your time in my opinion (Also the opinion of many others). You may find one used somewhere. Don't waste money on shitty NVGs bud, you're better off spending it on something else.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 23:28   #5
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A complete setup for a decent NVG at $500 does not exist man.
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Old February 21st, 2016, 23:51   #6
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dammit! i was so stoked on getting these "nvg" goggles too.. only $10 a pop with free shipping from china

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Old February 21st, 2016, 23:53   #7
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You can get a yukon gen1 or armasight for around $500, but you will NEED to weapon mount it for any sort of effect.
The gain is terrible, it will be very dark and hard to use most of the time unless there's some good moon out.
It's still better than the naked eye in some situations, but you absolutely cannot use it to navigate around the field. It's too dark, it fishbowls, and you'll be adjusting focus for every 5ft of distance up to 50ft
You'll also tend to have your illuminator on quite often, which is a dead giveaway to anyone else with night vision. And due to the low spectrum limit of the tube, people will be able to see your IR illuminator have a faint red glow in the dark.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:31   #8
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I tried a $500 Bushnell device the other day. It was laughably bad. So bad that I'd rather have a box of matches and an oil lamp.

Buy everyone a flashlight, or save your money until you can get a Gen 2+ Photonis tube.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:33   #9
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Would you guys recommend gen 1's over naked eye for an overnight milsim like Nightfall? I have been looking around for monoculars at an affordable price because I don't want to be walking into trees or bumping into walls at night.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 00:41   #10
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No, I have gen 1, its laughable at best vs gen 3, If i didnt get my gen 1 for laughably cheap used, and when it was like maybe 10 guys out of Rhino (1) had them I wouldn't have bought gen 1. Save up get gen 2 or 3.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 01:02   #11
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
Would you guys recommend gen 1's over naked eye for an overnight milsim like Nightfall? I have been looking around for monoculars at an affordable price because I don't want to be walking into trees or bumping into walls at night.
Gen 1 doesn't work past 10 meters without good IR light. With good IR light it might work between 10-20 meters at most. For people with Gen 2-3 NODs that IR will look like a huge "I'm here, come shoot me" sign. Also, Gen 1 units usually do not offer protection against bright light and can be killed by high end flashlight. I've used Gen 1 and Gen 2. Gen 1 is ok when you are walking through really dense forest knowing that there is nobody close enough to see your IR. Gen 1 will let you can see branches/trees/obstacles etc. but I wouldn't use it for anything else.

Last edited by 666; February 22nd, 2016 at 01:05..
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 01:02   #12
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For getting around in the dark, arguably any NV is better than none. For combat, spotting, etc, without being more of a distraction or hindrance, well, high end gen 1+ plus is only adequate, but not great. I've had the money for NV's a few times, but opted to spend it on other gear I'll use daily. After using and seeing through several NV setups, I'd go gen 2+ at the minimum, just as Pesto recommended. Night games can be difficult against guys who have high end NV when you have nothing, but this will require a tactics change. With shitty NV you aren't technically better off. If you can't see, fight and navigate clearly, equals fail/waste of time.
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 01:11   #13
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
Would you guys recommend gen 1's over naked eye for an overnight milsim like Nightfall? I have been looking around for monoculars at an affordable price because I don't want to be walking into trees or bumping into walls at night.
If you are going up against guys without night vision or flashlights, you will have an advantage with gen 1. If you are going up against guys with gen 3, you're better off with a flashlight. If you are going up against guys with flashlights, you generally flip the NOD up as soon as white light is used, even with gen 3.

For NF specifically, stick to a flashlight. Night will be loaded with gen 3 units, and for an urban environment like Picton a flashlight is perfectly fine. The only scenario where NODs give you a big advantage is almost no light in dense brush where your flashlight hits a branch in front of you and you blind yourself instead of the enemy.

Last edited by pestobanana; February 22nd, 2016 at 01:14..
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 06:21   #14
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Ok so seriously we can't get something usable for leess than 2000$ ?

The op background is a Task force commando (our team) vs terroriste in a dense bush forest with some house

Commandos only can use NVG

Last edited by DarkJTF; February 22nd, 2016 at 06:24..
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Old February 22nd, 2016, 06:52   #15
Bravo One-Six
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If you WANT to buy night vision for your price range, the Armasight Spark Gen 1+ will fit the bill.

But, if you've only ever seen night vision in movies. Or seen through your friends Gen 3 unit, you're going to be disappointed.

Night vision is not god mode for your eyeballs. It only lets you see better in the dark. It does not work well if:
- There's lots of dense bush
- there's NO ambient light (no stars or moon, etc)
- most IMPORTANTLY, it doesn't work well if your enemy know how to hide.

If your opponent likes standing around in the open because they think the dark makes them invisible, nods are great. If they know how to burrow into concealment, you'll never see them until you're hit anyways.

Buy gen 1 if you want NV really badly. But you'll want to spend at least 2500-3500 if you want a piece of gear that works really well.

That's pretty much the state of the market right now.

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