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Gear talk: GMR MiniMAP style multipurpose pack


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Old February 15th, 2016, 11:14   #1
Zack The Ripper
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Gear talk: GMR MiniMAP style multipurpose pack

Hey y'all. Been running a Ferro Concepts Assault Back Panel for about a year and a half now and am in the market for something different as I don't really use it for its intended purpose, i.e. breacher kit. And, while I will likely employ some grenades back into my gameplay, I will utilizing some FragOUT clips for my belt as I feel having to rely on a team mate to strip a banger from my back in order to use one is a needless redundancy.

Many of us have seen the very cool looking MiniMAPs that GMR has made in limited runs in times past, however they are not a manufacturer and do not produce these things in large quantities, nor on a regular basis. Check them out here:

Now, I heard of a limited run some company called A Two in Taiwan did of a cheaper clone of the GMR MiniMAP, but alas, I cannot find them available anywhere.

I am looking for something similar in nature, and the only things remotely similar are the Emdom VHC and the Condor Tidepool Hydration Carrier. Even though these have the same low profile 12x7x1.5-3" dimensions as the MiniMAP, they definitely seem to be lacking in the level of versatility the MiniMAP offers.

Has anyone come across something I haven't that is very similar while maintaining the small compact size?
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Old February 15th, 2016, 12:05   #2
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Eagle map packs are what they used prior to making their own. If you can find them they're similar. A few of my teammates run the GMR minimap they seem to work well for field essentials for short stints outside the CP.

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Old February 15th, 2016, 12:15   #3
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If you're not hung up on ALL of the features of the mini map, doing the original mod to a regular map pack works quite well. They put a tutorial video up, it's pretty easy to do.
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Old February 15th, 2016, 12:24   #4
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
If you're not hung up on ALL of the features of the mini map, doing the original mod to a regular map pack works quite well. They put a tutorial video up, it's pretty easy to do.
agreed. i used this for a few months before switching up my setup. worked well
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Old February 15th, 2016, 16:05   #5
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Check out the Ares Armor Combat XII pack. I run it and love it
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Old February 15th, 2016, 17:01   #6
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I know about the Eagle MAPs, but they are much more bulky without the mods. I am also no seamstress, so me performing said mods would be a dreadful task.
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Old February 15th, 2016, 20:40   #7
Short Round
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Haley Flat Pack *cough

Also the LBX MiniMap
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Old February 15th, 2016, 22:54   #8
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Originally Posted by Short Round View Post
Haley Flat Pack *cough

Also the LBX MiniMap
But, numerous complaints about the Haley Flat Pack..

Was looking at the LBX version. Still seems a bit on the bulky side.

Maybe I'm just too picky...
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Old February 16th, 2016, 00:45   #9
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Originally Posted by Short Round View Post
Haley Flat Pack *cough

Also the LBX MiniMap
Before this weekend I'd be all about the Haley, but it's the second bag I've destroyed in two weekends of use. I don't think I can recommend it to anyone after this seeing as how they don't hold up to any sort of "normal" use

That LBX Bag looks hot af tho
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Old February 16th, 2016, 11:15   #10
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"Tactical" Satchel aka Messenger Bag it is. I'm seeing more and more people use it.

I've been using my Haley pack for everyday use for a year now, so yeah not really sure how yours keeps dying Delta :')

Haven't seen any major issues/numerous complaints on the internets with it either. The only major complaint was that the shoulder straps were garbage, which they are, but aren't needed if you run it on Molle or with a Chest Rig. Also that if you do run it with a D3CR or any other Chest Rig you only get 1 set of side straps, with the other 2 buckles just hanging there. I know now they are sending out their packs with 2 sets of buckles.

Checkout the Pantac Minimap, looks slightly bigger (Sticks out more from the back) but looks like it offers quite a bit of space to carry stuff vs the other packs that were listed. Also isn't ultra rape USA USA fuck Canada Pricing like the Flatpack or GMR

***After watching this: I change my answer, Pantac Minimap, the hype is real. Looks to be about the same size as the GMR, LBX, Flatpack etc.

Last edited by Short Round; February 16th, 2016 at 11:20..
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Old February 16th, 2016, 13:56   #11
EOD Steve
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The GMR Minimap is REALLY small. As in, it's only big enough for 2 mags, hydration bladder, pair of nods, some bandaids, snacks and that's really about it. And you'd be cramming it at that point.

I should however, point out that none of the mentioned packs thus far allow the user to access the contents of the pack without taking off your plate carrier which is the one thing the GMR pack excels at.

If you're squeamish about working on your own pack, befriend your neighbourhood drycleaners/alterations place - they're more amenable than you might think.

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Old February 16th, 2016, 22:28   #12
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
The GMR Minimap is REALLY small. As in, it's only big enough for 2 mags, hydration bladder, pair of nods, some bandaids, snacks and that's really about it. And you'd be cramming it at that point.

I should however, point out that none of the mentioned packs thus far allow the user to access the contents of the pack without taking off your plate carrier which is the one thing the GMR pack excels at.

If you're squeamish about working on your own pack, befriend your neighbourhood drycleaners/alterations place - they're more amenable than you might think.
The accessibility part is what I want. I'm not looking to carry a ton of stuff either. Just for skirms, PRZ OPs, and then maybe if I poke down to the U.S. this year.. I'll have to keep tailors and alteration places in mind for sure. Maybe I'll message Milan @ Perroz Designs and see if he wants to do something similar that doesn't completely rip off the design, but hits the same key points.
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Last edited by Zack The Ripper; February 16th, 2016 at 22:31..
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Old February 16th, 2016, 23:57   #13
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Originally Posted by Short Round View Post
I've been using my Haley pack for everyday use for a year now, so yeah not really sure how yours keeps dying Delta :')

Haven't seen any major issues/numerous complaints on the internets with it either. The only major complaint was that the shoulder straps were garbage, which they are
Maybe I'm just that much more of an Operator than you <3

But in reality, I've used it at two games. The first failure the bag was attached to another bag and probably got snagged when I was climbing a ladder. It was understandable, but disappointing. Haley sent me a replacement bag pretty fast. I brought this one back to Milsim West again, and after using it this bag has what looks like a puncture in it. There was no sharp objects in the bag, and I basically left the bag in our CP most of the game. With the exception of going out on patrol with it on Friday night, and then rucking it a little over mile to the next city, it sat stationary doing absolutely nothing.

Maybe I just have really bad luck but the bag isn't surviving any sort of stress. I've used it at two 40 hour games, and each game has resulted in some pretty significant damage to the bag. For a real steel, brand name, 130 USD bag? I shouldn't have these problems. I'm damaging these things quickly playing pewsoft.

When I use it to transport some spare clothes to work, or pack an overnight bag for my parents house, it's great... But it's not why I bought the bag.

Checkout the Pantac Minimap, looks slightly bigger (Sticks out more from the back) but looks like it offers quite a bit of space to carry stuff vs the other packs that were listed. Also isn't ultra rape USA USA fuck Canada Pricing like the Flatpack or GMR

***After watching this: I change my answer, Pantac Minimap, the hype is real. Looks to be about the same size as the GMR, LBX, Flatpack etc.

Yeah, seen this bag awhile ago, looks to be the ultimate plate carrier bag. That LBX one is also turning my crank. Maybe I should waste some monies and buy em all and figure it out later.
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Old February 17th, 2016, 17:47   #14
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A Two Tactical Mini Map
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Old February 17th, 2016, 20:40   #15
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Funny you should bring this thread up, as I just spent the last few nights going over my own rear multipack option.

I was running an MBSS, attached with the molle on the back panel of my weesatch. Weight distribution was awesome and it was secure. BUT I was very limited on what I could carry, and even when it got a few things in it, it got bulky.
Biggest negative was one I put my 3L camel bladder in the dedicated mesh pocket, that really took over 80% of the entire storage space. I was limited to maybe a clothing layer and extra gloves in the main pack before that was stuffed, and then some snacks, extra ammo or battery, small tools in the smaller pouch.

What I just ended up doing was taking that off, and modifying my small US Woodland pack, one just like this to take its place.
Now the biggest reason I decided to go over my rear pack options, was for 24-40 hour ops where I end up carrying my large 3day out with me, this was really uncomfortable carrying that ON TOP of the MBSS on the back of my rig. That reason + limited storage options made up my mind to make the swap.

Essentially what I did was add some compression straps to this backpack to help once its loaded, and it compresses down to just about the same profile as the MBSS but because its a bit wider, it carries more in the same amount of rear bulk.
I also added 6 Fastex clips to attach it, and also gives me the option to quick remove it. 2 on top, 2 on the bottom and 2 on the side. Keeps it nice and stable.
SO for day events I can carry 3L water plus some kit in the main pocket, jacket, goretex, ect. Plenty of room in the front pocket for food, ammo, batteries and tools plus extas, compressed down nicely.
For 24 hour ops I can remove it to carry my 3 day pack, and with the clips, I attach it to the side of my 3day to carry everything out much more comfortably to a CP or hide, drop the pack, set up camp, and throw the small one on my rig and off I go.

Should work great for my own personal preference moving forward.
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