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Airsoft pistol sighting habit survey


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Old March 3rd, 2015, 05:31   #1
Join Date: Mar 2015
Airsoft pistol sighting habit survey

Hello, I would like to make a survey to whom considered him/herself as a serious airsoft player.

Condition: you have an airsoft pistol, with adjustable iron sight. Its ballistic is ideal or adjusted.

Please help me answering:

1.Your frequency of using this pistol per month: ( a ) >4, ( b ) 4~2, ( c ) <2

2.Will you tweaking/zeroing/adjusting your iron sight for accommodating your sight picture? y / n

3.Considering you are planning on joining a game with most restricted modification allowed, like IPSC Production Division.
Will you make a higher priority to adjustable sight, comparing to completely fixed sight? y / n

And please answer with the format of "ayy" in order to make the statistic easier, thanks.
Any discussion is welcomed.

Edit: KSC G17 was considered "adjustable" as KSC G34, KSC Tactical etc. And Marui G17 was considered as "fixed" thus excluded from this survey.

Last edited by nekosp; March 3rd, 2015 at 19:35..
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 07:38   #2
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Err, I'm not sure I understand the way you phrased your post.
I don't consider myself a serious airsofter, but I shoot all the time.
I hold my pistol in a gun vice and fire some rounds to sight in and adjust hopup at 10 yards.
And frequency of using this pistol per month? Very often.
You also didn't finish composing your poll options.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 09:14   #3
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Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
Err, I'm not sure I understand the way you phrased your post.
I don't consider myself a serious airsofter, but I shoot all the time.
I hold my pistol in a gun vice and fire some rounds to sight in and adjust hopup at 10 yards.
And frequency of using this pistol per month? Very often.
You also didn't finish composing your poll options.
Oops..excuse me if I haven't made myself clear enough.
My post in other words:
I would like to know how a experienced airsoft player operating his/her pistol, with adjustable iron sight. Like KSC's G17, USP Tactical etc. Not Marui's Glock series since they don't provide a factory adjustable iron sight solution.

1.How frequently you will use your pistol? times per month: ( a ) >4, ( b ) 4~2, ( c ) <2.
2.Will you make *any* adjusting to your iron sight, for shooting more precisely? y or n
3.Assumption: you are going to play a game that is factory setting pistols only. Do you prefer a pistol with adjustable iron sight to one with fixed sight? y or n
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 09:40   #4
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Short of well tuned race guns for things like IPSC, I really doubt a majority of players mess w/ adjustable pistol sights short of perhaps dialing it in when they first get it.

At the ranges most pistol engagements are at, say 20-30ft, most people end up point shooting rather than taking their time to properly aim down sights.

I don't quite see a point in this poll at all or what it serves to do either. Is this supposed to be region specific thing? Ontario players w/ all their fancy indoor fields (much jelly) would probably end up using pistols quite often, while over here in BC where indoor fields are pretty much non existent, pistols seem to be more of an accessory that anything. I've only pulled my secondary two times in one season and that was during an end of day, not at all serious, empty you mags pistol game, and the other time was when my primary went dry while running to cover.

Also there's so much generalization and lack of information in your question... what's a serious airsoft player? A weekend skirmisher? Milsimmer? IPSC shooter? They're pretty varied in game types...

And you mention IPSC... for the most part I'm guessing you mean w/ pistols (haven't seen much 3-gun stuff) but that's kinda specialized and you're pretty much using pistols all the time, compared to a skirmish or milsim where a pistol is pretty much used when your primary is out or while you get to cover to get your primary back up.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 10:45   #5
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Yes if my pistol has adjustable sights, I will take time to line it properly.
I won't upgrade to adjustable sights if the fixed sights are good and true, no point in having something on that can be knocked out when something fixed works perfectly.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 11:13   #6
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Short of well tuned race guns for things like IPSC, I really doubt a majority of players mess w/ adjustable pistol sights short of perhaps dialing it in when they first get it.

At the ranges most pistol engagements are at, say 20-30ft, most people end up point shooting rather than taking their time to properly aim down sights.

I don't quite see a point in this poll at all or what it serves to do either. Is this supposed to be region specific thing? Ontario players w/ all their fancy indoor fields (much jelly) would probably end up using pistols quite often, while over here in BC where indoor fields are pretty much non existent, pistols seem to be more of an accessory that anything. I've only pulled my secondary two times in one season and that was during an end of day, not at all serious, empty you mags pistol game, and the other time was when my primary went dry while running to cover.

Also there's so much generalization and lack of information in your question... what's a serious airsoft player? A weekend skirmisher? Milsimmer? IPSC shooter? They're pretty varied in game types...

And you mention IPSC... for the most part I'm guessing you mean w/ pistols (haven't seen much 3-gun stuff) but that's kinda specialized and you're pretty much using pistols all the time, compared to a skirmish or milsim where a pistol is pretty much used when your primary is out or while you get to cover to get your primary back up.
Thanks for your reply and detailed consideration.

If you have read my answer to siggypoo, here is my answer to your post.

What I want to know is a general usage survey on who has enough experience in shooting pistol. Then you will come up another question: what is enough? I can't make that for you, so the 1st question arise: how often you played your airsoft pistol? To classify players.

I don't really care "where and how" you used your pistol..if you shoot it, you are qualified to answer. I suggested asking too much will make questions too complex and no one would like to answer it. This is just a survey and it takes time to do it more or less, right? Sounds like you are a "serious" one and I would be really appreciate your answer if you make it.

To the IPSC/Mil-sim/weekend worrier whatever..Again, I don't care how you use your pistol, but it must be iron sight mounted. And for IPSC, its production division is strictly "mass-product" ones only in their regulations. And that division is what I would like to know--without length regulation however, as I asked in my questions. Please check
for the rules.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 11:26   #7
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post

Yes if my pistol has adjustable sights, I will take time to line it properly.
I won't upgrade to adjustable sights if the fixed sights are good and true, no point in having something on that can be knocked out when something fixed works perfectly.
Thanks for your answer Kos-mos.

I should make it more clear: airsoft pistols like
KSC G17, KSC USP Match etc.
are (factory) adjustable.

Marui G17, KSC USP .45 etc.
are not (factory) adjustable since it was fixed by a single screw from inside.

And of course
KSC/Marui M9 series etc.
are fixed was molded on the slide.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 13:51   #8
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Seeing as you've said you're located in Taiwan on Arnie's Airsoft who do you work for and what are you planning on making?

You'll get much better feedback if you give us a complete "sight picture".
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 14:50   #9
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I Airsoft weekly, I play in all types, I have done Ipswich shoots. I see literally Zero reason to have an adjustable pistol sight... Even real steel unless you are shooting 50yard+ fixed sights are accurate enough and more to the point you should be looking through to the target not down your sights. Just my opinion...
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 19:26   #10
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Seeing as you've said you're located in Taiwan on Arnie's Airsoft who do you work for and what are you planning on making?

You'll get much better feedback if you give us a complete "sight picture".

A "sight picture" referenced from FM 3-23.35, Fig.2-5.
If that is what you want.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 20:12   #11
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Precise but not accurate. No points.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 21:55   #12
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Originally Posted by nekosp View Post

A "sight picture" referenced from FM 3-23.35, Fig.2-5.
If that is what you want.
lol Danke, I think you got trolled... sorta haha
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 22:08   #13
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
lol Danke, I think you got trolled... sorta haha
Nope, that's just challenge and response.

Wrong response.

Another fake user pushing chinese with a small c product. Sad really.
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 22:34   #14
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To be honest I kind of just point my pistol in the general direction of the target and hope something hits them. But that said I'm also the "idiot" who shoots with my buttstock above my shoulder (not even joking I actually do shoot like this guy with my head upright and try not to "turtle" my head).
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Old March 3rd, 2015, 23:22   #15
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I'll drill and shoot with a pistol every day but it's mostly old West style with a mirror and over my shoulder.
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