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M224 Mortar - functional - airsoft safe


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Old June 17th, 2014, 01:44   #16
Red Dot
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Very cool man! The whistle is awesome!

I think it would be fantastic as an anti-vehicle weapon but for sure needs a soft tip just in case hits a soft target.

Can't wait to see how this evolves.
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Old June 17th, 2014, 10:21   #17
Bearer of the blood Hand
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
Very cool man! The whistle is awesome!

I think it would be fantastic as an anti-vehicle weapon but for sure needs a soft tip just in case hits a soft target.

Can't wait to see how this evolves.
We will build a battery of those - three to 5 ( if my time permits )

I will update then with a proper Video.

Death from above will become a reality soon....

listen to the whistle and duck

Just bought 30 Mini ZInger Whistlers.... I hope they work as well as the Nerf - they are smaller - much lighter and even less impact force ( also less range of course... but much safer.)

Last edited by THE BOSS; June 17th, 2014 at 15:45..
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Old June 18th, 2014, 16:18   #18
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any chance those could be buyed on special order ?
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Old June 18th, 2014, 18:11   #19
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Originally Posted by Juic3 View Post
any chance those could be buyed on special order ?
I think things like this may be too.. dangerous.. to be purchased en masse by general populace... Since this isn't a personal rocket launcher but a fielded mortar, I would THINK (my opinion....) that things like this should be taken to field OWNERS for purchase/rent/borrow for games, not just brought to the field by any average joe. Would you go to a game with fifteen mortars toted by players? What would be the point lol.

To me a mortar is a special weapon, not something general infantry would use. IMO, which feel free to disagree or whatever... mortars should be owned and operated by field staff trained to use it safely and properly, and have the proper knowledge to use it safely and properly... I sure wouldn't want to participate in a game when some guy walks out of his car with a home made mortar with no rep to the other players. I'd never do that. Just my two cents...
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Old June 18th, 2014, 18:22   #20
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I kind of agree with you. Thats y i said on special order, so Boss can judge if yes or no its a good idea. In my case, ive been using propane cannon and compression canon in gn for a few years so the working of those isnt new And buying would be for using in game accordingly to game control and admin.
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Old June 18th, 2014, 18:24   #21
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Eh, if it's fine with game admins and your a trusted member of the local fields, then okay. I'm just worried about some random person lol
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Old June 18th, 2014, 20:00   #22
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Originally Posted by THE BOSS View Post
Community service in effect

Love it - thanks a lot for all the tricks and triggers

Question - where would this smoke detector spray be available?

Hate that hairspray gue in the chamber

Thanks mate
to be honest im not sure if it would be availabe to the public.
i service fire extinguishers and related stuff so my supplier carries it for my alarm guys and such.
there are a few different types, (even some non flameable ones) but tue flameable stuff comes in 2.5-3oz cans (prolly fit nicely in a smoke or flashbang pouch) cost if i were to retail it would be around 12-15bucks a can depending on what exact one, but the cheap one is labled "extremely flammable" not the one we use on jobs but likely a simaler formula (butane propane mix) its ozone friendly (no cfc's) and uses a low GWP propellant.
edit: i searched google and do see some at fastenal for 20bucks a can and some.on amazon and such. Not sure whats in em due to not recognizing those exact brands, but feel free to send me a pm.if youd like to order some you know will make a decent bang lol
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper

Last edited by Hectic; June 18th, 2014 at 20:06..
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Old June 18th, 2014, 20:24   #23
Bearer of the blood Hand
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Yeah had some input from the community fireworkers

Found what I needed

Thanks mate for the tip - to potent is not good either
Dont wanna overstress the material

I am very hesitant to sell them to be honest

It is a none certified pressure vessel

I have received a few requests by now and I am still hesitant

Clients would have to sign me a waiver either way - but I cannot be indifferent to anything misuse and abuse of this contraption might cause in the hands of an idiot or if simply something goes wrong due to circumstantial influences

I would never forgive myself

So I am thinking about it if i would fullfill some requests

In our case is it clear

I checked with the host / admin if ok

I will drill the artillerie responsible hard for safety and usage

I will make a step by step field manual as well with photos and descriptions

And oversee safety myself on location when artillerie fire is requested

I am a severe discipline muffin

With these factors and training and monitoring in place do i feel comfortable about it
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Old June 18th, 2014, 20:29   #24
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And yes - a artillerie squad - maybe full admin related as you said prior is a good idea

But it is all about training and awareness of the proper procedures

Cause only then can this give a safe but incredible reality augumentation to our so beloved sport
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Old June 19th, 2014, 09:52   #25
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^ exactly my friend. If some idiot takes a home made potato launcher to a field and claims its perfectly safe and all this, goes to fire it and the back cap blows off and hits someone in the head... that shit ISN'T safe. As Boss said it ISN'T a certified product, it's home made, and that always runs risks. So upmost care has to be taken, which I can see you are, so props to you lol. It'll certainly add a great aspect to the game, but since the only legitimate product is the Hiakotsu Hades Arrow which is basically garbage from what I see, the only option is home made. Safety is everything in this sport, and a potential bomb brought to the field will severely ruin everyone's day if it blows up from improper or shoddy construction. As long as it's safe it'll be fun
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Old June 19th, 2014, 13:33   #26
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It would be awesome if you could use cold burning smoke grenades for ammunition. Just an idea, there would be many safety concerns to address, but it would be bad ass as fuck lol

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Old June 19th, 2014, 13:48   #27
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
It would be awesome if you could use cold burning smoke grenades for ammunition. Just an idea, there would be many safety concerns to address, but it would be bad ass as fuck lol
Agreed, being able to fire smoke grenades would be sweet, but like you said, too many safety issues. You'd have to firstly have enough pressure to force the grenade out of the mortar, gain enough range and height to be effective, hope no one happens to be standing there.. etc I'd probably think a coloured smoke grenade would be used to mark for artillery but then everyone would be aware of an incoming strike. Plus, I don't think mortar fired smoke grenades would be nearly as effective as hand thrown for precision considering the distance it'd be fired. The only time it'd be of any use would be for really big open areas, but who would wanna charge through that anyway?

AND grenades wouldn't be as aerodynamic as a foam rocket. They'd likely spin around and go who knows where.
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Old June 19th, 2014, 14:07   #28
Bearer of the blood Hand
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I agree - and also there would be a scenario for that....


Open field....

in the center an objective ( what ever this would be now ) ....

one fraction with the mission to clear that objective or to retreave that objective....

is on stand by - requestion fire mission smoke screen.

in game transported and placed battery is placed in a good determined position ( controled by admin ) - but it is for instance an ingame objective to get them launcher teams through safely so that they can take position.

then group commander requests fire mission - and now 5 launchers ( or less ) are opening up fire with them big battlefield grenades...

which are almost the size of the three inch barrel - so a seal ring around ( wide masking tape )each grenade will ensure good fit and seal...

you pull the grenade - turn the smoking side out - set it in the barrel - push it down

and fire away..... it will fly - promise... the tumbling and motion of it dont really matter since she goes up in an arch.... and rather freefalls down... then tumbles some more on the ground till it rests....

the field at that time is empty - only when the smoke bombardement stopped - are the troopers allowed after - field safe call from battery commander to enter the wide open but now fully smoked field...

but then the battery changes grid coordinates and shoot`s now them whistlers into the opposite wood line.... Danger Close - overhead fire.


a moment of awesome and reality....

if it works out....

I guess I will hammer next a smoke grenade out to see if my vision could materialzie....

Last edited by THE BOSS; June 19th, 2014 at 14:09..
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Old June 19th, 2014, 14:24   #29
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Sounds good, but just hope the smoke grenade either doesn't get caught in the tube, or start fully smoking you guys out before firing! Of course there's also the danger affiliated with smoke: zero visual. Once you smoke the field you don't know what's going to be right there. I've watched a guy run through smoke and slam face first into a wall of a building because he couldn't see it. He knocked out a tooth from the experience. Holes in the ground, branches, physical cover... it all becomes a danger when you can't see. Plus what's to stop an enemy gunner from peppering the smoke cloud with a hail of gunfire? :P Not trying to be a buzzkill only being logical, and keeping safety in mind. Keep the ideas coming though! Everything helps
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Old June 19th, 2014, 15:57   #30
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I'd use this to fire airburshing fragmentation shell powered by an airbomb.

A simple adaptation of my MK-7 frag grenade would suffice.

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