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Old April 28th, 2014, 00:09   #1
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Smile Interested in Airsoft any tips?

Hey there everyone, my name is Garrett and I'm interested in airsoft and was curious what would be the best way to start and how much money I would need to get some decent gear (i currently have 400$).

I've read quite a few of the different topics in the newbie tank and have gotten a grasp on the basics. I think that Unlimited airsoft is the closest place for me to go and try out the game and was curious if anyone frequented that place and wouldn't mind helping me learn too.

However, my main priority by posting this is to find out what my first step should be to get into the airsoft game.

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me out.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 00:17   #2
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400 will get you gun, few mags, battery, eye protection. Might need to be closer to 500 depending on the gun you want.

Least I would spend on a new gun right now is about 250 before tax. If it comes with a battery, then you need a 2nd battery. If no battery, you need 2. 1 battery might not last the game. If it doesn't come with a battery, you need to buy a charger too.

You can get into skirmishes and more casual games with the highcap that comes with the rifle, if you want to get into more serious games, you need midcaps.

Beyond that eye protection, military grade is the safest.. don't cheap out. That's 70-120$ right there.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.

Last edited by lurkingknight; April 28th, 2014 at 00:20..
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Old April 28th, 2014, 01:42   #3
Red Dot
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I'm considering going to Ultimate Airsoft (pretty sure you meant to say that) this Friday evening, you're more than welcome to PM me. I don't have extra equipment for you to borrow but you can try out my stuff to see what you like and don't like.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 09:05   #4
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I can't see through Tapatalk if you're AV, but if you're able (or once you are AV'd), you'd do well to browse ASC's classifieds. Far lower prices and most of my purchases have been fantastic.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 10:34   #5
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Hes not AV'ed.

Like siggy said, try to get some1 to AV you during the week so you can explore the mystic world of the classified ( and give us all your money or first born ) .
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Old April 28th, 2014, 13:57   #6
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Thanks guys I've already gotten in touch with one of the people to get AV since I live just off lake shore and I could walk down their today or tomorrow.

Thanks Lurking for the info I plan on getting gear once I try my hand at airsoft.

Last edited by Shinra; April 28th, 2014 at 14:27..
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Old April 28th, 2014, 15:15   #7
Red Dot
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I might go against most of the grain here but I recommend purchasing at a local retail store. Why? You have someone to help you figure out technical issues and potential upgrades down the road. Most airsoft products don't come with a warranty but in the few shops I have purchased they have helped me through a few bumps I have experienced. My experience buying second hand as a complete noob didn't go so well hence why I recommend the above.

Unfortunately it's against forum rules to post shops but a simple Google search will reveal a few.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 15:23   #8
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
I might go against most of the grain here but I recommend purchasing at a local retail store. Why? You have someone to help you figure out technical issues and potential upgrades down the road. Most airsoft products don't come with a warranty but in the few shops I have purchased they have helped me through a few bumps I have experienced. My experience buying second hand as a complete noob didn't go so well hence why I recommend the above.

Unfortunately it's against forum rules to post shops but a simple Google search will reveal a few.
Google, Facebook B/S/T, errryting.

Do a ton of research before you buy though.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 15:34   #9
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Google, Facebook B/S/T, errryting.

Do a ton of research before you buy though.
Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
I might go against most of the grain here but I recommend purchasing at a local retail store. Why? You have someone to help you figure out technical issues and potential upgrades down the road. Most airsoft products don't come with a warranty but in the few shops I have purchased they have helped me through a few bumps I have experienced. My experience buying second hand as a complete noob didn't go so well hence why I recommend the above.

Unfortunately it's against forum rules to post shops but a simple Google search will reveal a few.
Yeah i plan to do lots of research before i buy. My first priority is to go rent and try out the game before i commit to anything but I'm sure it'll be fun.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 16:36   #10
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Originally Posted by Shinra View Post
Yeah i plan to do lots of research before i buy. My first priority is to go rent and try out the game before i commit to anything but I'm sure it'll be fun.
That's an excellent first step that a lot of new players seem to miss. If you do end up committing to the sport, a basic cost assessment will look something like this:

$170-???? pending on the gun you want
$30 for a smart charger
$30 for an extra battery (if you need it)
$15 for a BB speed loader
$25ish for a bag of BB's
$50ish for a set of decent quality BDU's
$40 for a chest rig and/or belt with proper magazine pouches (isn't necessary for starting out but it's a nice thing to have)
$50-100 for Goggles (You do NOT want to cheap out on these)

Other things you may want to look at are a good pair of hiking boots/shoes, a face guard/mesh mask, and a few extra low/mid cap magazines for your gun. Baby rattlers- er, hicaps, are what usually come with the gun and are generally frowned upon. But it's not a huge issue if you're just beginning to play.

Last edited by Crossfire034; April 28th, 2014 at 16:44..
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Old April 28th, 2014, 16:55   #11
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Originally Posted by Crossfire034 View Post
That's an excellent first step that a lot of new players seem to miss. If you do end up committing to the sport, a basic cost assessment will look something like this:

$170-???? pending on the gun you want
$30 for a smart charger
$30 for an extra battery (if you need it)
$15 for a BB speed loader
$25ish for a bag of BB's
$50ish for a set of decent quality BDU's
$40 for a chest rig and/or belt with proper magazine pouches (isn't necessary for starting out but it's a nice thing to have)
$50-100 for Goggles (You do NOT want to cheap out on these)

Other things you may want to look at are a good pair of hiking boots/shoes, a face guard/mesh mask, and a few extra low/mid cap magazines for your gun. Baby rattlers- er, hicaps, are what usually come with the gun and are generally frowned upon. But it's not a huge issue if you're just beginning to play.
thanks for the check-list/cost assessment from what I've read when it comes to goggles at least i want some kind of military grade I forget the correct name at the moment. And really how do people miss going and trying it out first? shouldn't that be the first this you do for practically anything you want to get into before buying a bunch of stuff and possibly finding out you don't like it?

Last edited by Shinra; April 28th, 2014 at 17:00..
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Old April 28th, 2014, 21:00   #12
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When buying a gun on a budget, i.e. no $$ for upgrade/downgrade be sure to purchase a gun that meets field/site fps limits. Or buy a gun that leaves you $$ for any up/downgrade you may need. Otherwise you'll have a $300 400fps decoration that you can't use at most indoor 350fps(where I live) sites. Eye pro is certainly not an area to cheap out on however don't go spending $100 on goggles without trying out first because if you're like me, ANY goggle will fog. Glasses are better but not all sites allow and they aren't as good protection. Mesh never fogs but again some sites don't allow and can be hard to see through indoors.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 21:01   #13
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Interested in Airsoft any tips?

I went completely the wrong way, but it worked well for me.
I chose to pick up a basic pistol I could party with in my basement, had a ball, and chose to start buying other pistols, a couple of rifles, and accessories. All of it from ASC's classifieds.
And now I'll try graduating from chairsofting, if I can get a ride to a game.
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Old April 28th, 2014, 21:43   #14
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With your budget I would look at a cyma full metal ak´s and stuff from ebairsoft (vest, gear, accessories).
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Old April 28th, 2014, 23:27   #15
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aright Thanks for your help everyone I'll be heading to ultimate airsoft this Friday to have my try at the game.

Thanks for all the info I look forward to maybe playing with you all one day.
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