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How to know how long to charge lipos


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Old November 8th, 2013, 18:08   #1
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How to know how long to charge lipos

I have an Echo 1 Lipo Brick battery
(1650mAh 25C)

And a Echo 1 Lipo Balance Charger
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Old November 8th, 2013, 18:10   #2
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First, get a good charger before you burn down your place
Second, learn how to use that charger
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Old November 8th, 2013, 18:12   #3
aka coachster
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Or just get a smart lipo charger that tells you when it's charged!

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Old November 8th, 2013, 18:36   #4
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Well it looks like it's a very very basic smart charger so when the light turns green or turns off or whatever is when it's fully topped up. I would highly recommend getting something like an iMax B6 (or B6AC) because it has a lot of (what I'd call) useful functions, but if you're not an enthusiast chances are you won't even use all of the functions (also protip; the iMax B6 and Turnigy Accucel chargers will charge your cars lead acid battery if you let it sit and need a jump start, instead of having to buy a battery tender).
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Old November 8th, 2013, 19:23   #5
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
Or just get a smart lipo charger that tells you when it's charged!
x2. I got this one:

Simple, inexpensive and works fine.
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Old November 8th, 2013, 19:29   #6
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
(also protip; the iMax B6 and Turnigy Accucel chargers will charge your cars lead acid battery if you let it sit and need a jump start, instead of having to buy a battery tender).
I also use my iMax B6 to charge my hair clipper and my Walkie-Talkie batteries.
I will keep my B6 even if I have to leave airsoft in the future.
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Old November 8th, 2013, 20:23   #7
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Originally Posted by slowbird View Post
x2. I got this one:

Simple, inexpensive and works fine.
that's essentially what the OP has but Echo1 branded. they work but not great and slow

in the long run, you'd be much better off with the b6 or similar
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Old November 8th, 2013, 20:28   #8
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How is this a bad battery charger?

Originally Posted by coach View Post
that's essentially what the OP has but Echo1 branded. they work but not great and slow

in the long run, you'd be much better off with the b6 or similar
...and I keep waiting for the imax B6 to be in stock but nothing yet :-(

Since my charger is apparently the same as SavageSpartans, here's an answer to his question: When you plug in the battery the light turns Red.....when the battery is charged and balanced the light turns green. I also keep the batteries in a LiPo safe bag during charging and storage.

Last edited by slowbird; November 8th, 2013 at 21:57..
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Old November 8th, 2013, 21:49   #9
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Re-read. I did not say it was a bad charger. But, it's not something I'd use unless in an emergency.

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Old November 8th, 2013, 21:56   #10
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
Re-read. I did not say it was a bad charger. But, it's not something I'd use unless in an emergency.
I'm referring to the comment regarding getting a different charger before the OP burns down the house. I never said you said it was a bad charger. I have re-arranged my previous comment to further reduce misunderstanding. :-)

I'm concerned now that the Op and I have Dangerous chargers. I'm hoping they are merely adequate and not hazardous.

Last edited by slowbird; November 8th, 2013 at 21:59..
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Old November 8th, 2013, 22:08   #11
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There's no such thing as "adequate" when it comes to batteries that can cause massive fires.
Especially considering most lipo failures happen during charging.
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Old November 8th, 2013, 23:49   #12
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I see.

Let me start off by stating I'm not challenging what others on here are saying (especially those with much more experience than myself) sometimes intentions are misunderstood when read/written.
I'm asking for clarification because I simply don't know the answer.

What is it about the Team Tenergy/Echo1 chargers that make it a poor choice for a LiPo Charger? Is it the fact that it may malfunction and overcharge a battery?
Is it not a good charger? I purchased it from because the iMax B6 was out of stock (and still is after many months) and I didn't think Huang would be offering a crappy and potentially dangerous item for purchase.
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Old November 9th, 2013, 00:16   #13
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Originally Posted by slowbird View Post
What is it about the Team Tenergy/Echo1 chargers that make it a poor choice for a LiPo Charger? Is it the fact that it may malfunction and overcharge a battery?
Moreso it's because you don't know the quality of the internals. In order to get a cheap product you have to cut corners.

ie. If circuit design specs call for a resistor that is +/-0.5% they might cut corners and use a +/-10% resistor because it's slightly cheaper (lets say you save 5 cents (USD) per widget, repeat over 10,000 widgets and you've saved $500 which is pure profit for the factory manager, convert that to local currency say its RMB and you've got ~3050 RMB which is a pretty good haul (plus what the "white man" is paying you to make their widgets) considering that the minimum wage is ~1500 RMB/mo)

Same reason why if you're a company who makes some widget and outsources manufacturing to Asia you need someone at the outsourced factory to ensure they're doing everything properly and not cutting corners to get a bigger profit margin because they're manufacturing your product for $x/widget and anything extra is money in their pockets if they can cut corners and use cheaper materials. ie. if spec sheet says you need some expensive lubricant you need to make sure they don't skimp out and use a cheaper lubricant that does more or less the same but wears out significantly faster way before the widgets EoL.

Not saying that you need to buy expensive stuff (because they could just as easily cut corners there and still charge the higher price) but just be wary. Dollar store widgets aren't always the same as brand name widgets, some are worth the money (hell I go to the dollar store all the time) but others it's better to buy the brand name version (or at least store version, ie, Presidents Choice, Kirkland, etc.).

The charger you're using right now will do the trick but I'd just be wary of it possibly malfunctioning (if you're into power tools think of it like a Hilti charger vs a Ryobi charger, both do the same thing but one will last longer than the other).
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Last edited by L473ncy; November 9th, 2013 at 00:20..
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Old November 9th, 2013, 00:34   #14
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Let me put it this way
The echo1 charger is a 1980s hyundai pony
The iMax B6 is a mazda 3

What would you rather drive to argentina and back with?
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Old November 9th, 2013, 00:54   #15
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
The charger you're using right now will do the trick but I'd just be wary of it possibly malfunctioning (if you're into power tools think of it like a Hilti charger vs a Ryobi charger, both do the same thing but one will last longer than the other).
I see, and thanks for the explanation.

I do take precautions with the charger, and as long as the OP has his charger he probably should too.
I always keep the Batteries in the LiPo safe bags and charge them in there too. Never leave the batteries charging unattended etc etc.

It was just sounding like the charger I had was a model known to blow up or something. I'm still keeping my eyes open for the iMax.

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Let me put it this way
The echo1 charger is a 1980s hyundai pony
The iMax B6 is a mazda 3

What would you rather drive to argentina and back with?
Awww does it have to be a 1980's pony...cause this 70's pony is rad!

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