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Event announcement post for East Wind 6



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Old January 31st, 2013, 19:06   #76
Cammer's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Europe is starting to warm a little earlier this spring

Aircraft are staging on the Autobahn
Planes Landing On Autobahn NATO Exercise "Highway 84" West Germany 1984 - YouTube

Old ladies and kids to cross the street with their bicycles as Bundeswehr drills in West German towns become almost normal.
Manöver.flv - YouTube

The Americans are repositioning the M1s in an effort to be visible and act as a deterrent to the Warsaw pact.

The Canadians are preparing in Norway trying to hold a position overlooking the entrance to the Barents Sea with their almost antiquated weapons. Thank you Pierre and the Liberal Party of Canada for the generous equipment upgrades.
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old January 31st, 2013, 22:10   #77
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I was a Reservist Augmentee with 3 RCR in 1988 (Anti Armour Platoon), was so amazed on how West Germany was literelly used as a Battlefield...Hoeffels was a different story...a MUD PIT when it rained.

I think I will try to round up some of my old kit when I go home this summer and go on this ex next year.

Last edited by QKLee11; January 31st, 2013 at 22:19..
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Old January 31st, 2013, 22:27   #78
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I would sign up if more Ontario players came out definitely.
"Strength and Honour, Faith and Fury. In these four principles is Life defined and Victory achieved."
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Old February 11th, 2013, 19:49   #79
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The equipment is being staged in preparation for battle.

Somewhat similar to Reforger

Yes that is a M151 Mutt inside the deuce.

Little under a month to go.
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.

Last edited by Cammer; February 11th, 2013 at 19:51..
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Old February 17th, 2013, 18:20   #80
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As we are getting closer to head off to Oklahoma for a weeks adventure it was brought up that Chris Larsen will be lending his skills as a seasoned leader, helping us prepare our missions and properly debriefing us.

If you cannot attend this year you can always visit Chris's website

or read one of his books, this one being one of my favorites
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old February 17th, 2013, 18:36   #81
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Also returning this year will be Dirtpro, and expert player and asset to the community. Dirtpro is also an active blogger with a quite informative website.

Several members of one of the Souths longer running teams and renown for their Masher Ops and Recondo training sesions, The Black Companies, Elmo, Zellion and Leader of the British squadron, Mercy will be attending again.

Last year the West Germans had Zellion as our radio operator and he could code and uncode messages and co-ordinates as fast as I could read then off to him.

Mercy didn`t fair so well, jumping off of a Ferret during an ambush she landed on a decent sized rock and broke her leg.

We are all loking forward to seeing her destroy the rock this year.
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old February 28th, 2013, 18:28   #82
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Orders sent out today

Registrations have now closed for the 2013 event and orders are being sent out.

SUBJECT: Change of Orders

(1) Despatch orders not quoted herein have been received from Einsatzführungskommando, Wehrbereichskommando relieving you of duty at your current duty station and directing you to report to 1JGR in support of Allied operations.

(2) When detached you will proceed via first available transportation to your new duty station. Appended.

(3) A delay of one week in reporting in obedience to these orders is authorized, such delay to facilitate relief of your current post.

(4) Orders and Personnel documents are appended.

4 Military District Command

Erik Windmill


First endorsement


Personnel file


Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old March 2nd, 2013, 20:00   #83
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lindsay ON
Six days to go....six days and Canadian boots will once again be on the ground in Oklahoma

As registration is now closed for 2013 (thanks for the update Cam!) there is a bit of good news for anyone interested in the WARPAC side of the fight - VSR, while previously an authorized uniform, has been moved to the "Gold Standard" of Soviet uniforms. VSR is more readily available (so I've been told) so it will make finding kit for anyone wanting to attend as a Soviet a little easier. As well the East German 'Grenztruppen der DDR' have what looks like to be a VERY interesting role for East Wind 6....I'm looking forward to seeing how this role is played out and hopefully it will make a return (with a nice boost in personnel) for EW7 in 2014!

Check out the EW forums and hopefully we'll see more fresh faces next year. As for EW6? Well, we'll have to get some photos and maybe even video to help get everyone interested.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

Non Sibi Sed Omnibus

Age Verifier - Manitoba

Current Armoury:
WE C7A1 x2 - WE M14 DMR - WE L85A2

WE Browning Hi-Power - Tanaka Browning Hi-Power
WE M1911 - KWA SIG Sauer P226 - KSC SIG Sauer P229
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Old March 6th, 2013, 06:29   #84
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"At the conclusion of 354 days of hard work, preparation, emptying of bank accounts, overpriced shipping, bargain bin shopping, studying, training, luck, Ramen Noodle dinners, and trash talking, men and women from quite literally all around the world gather in the flammable woods of Oklahoma to seek the culmination of this massive undertaking over the course of 9 days. Representatives of this eclectic group portray the US Army 315th Radio Relay Company, the U.K. Armored Calvary "The Albion Lancers", the West German Jaegers, the 2nd Canadian Infantry Battalion, The Soviet 7th Company of the 5th Independent Reconnaissance Battalion, and the East German Grenztruppen der DDR. This mix of cultures and combat gear is just a small portion of the entire East Wind experience. We are on the precipice of something so intense, you must partake in it, in order to fully understand it, and even then, you might not get it until months from now.
No number of photos, videos, or after action reports can really prepare you for the next event. See you all on the other side."
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old March 16th, 2013, 08:14   #85
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Location: Ottawa
This is what I've been looking for. I'm going to give my best attempt to make it to one of these games.
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