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help! my smart charger is giving the the wrong voltage


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Old January 31st, 2013, 15:11   #16
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
It charged the battery in under 5 minutes in that time it didn't heat up yet due to the short charging time, now the second time I use it its heating up, no cooling fan.
yes, because they come charged. Did you test voltage before charging to see if a charge was required?

also, you discharged it unnecessarily to unnecessarily put it into a storage charge. now you gone to charge it again? have you even used this lipo in a game yet?
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Old January 31st, 2013, 15:13   #17
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Just in a bad funk.... 120$ down on a brand new charger, not to mention it fried my 35$ new battery also.
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Old January 31st, 2013, 15:31   #18
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
And please tell me o great KALNAREN how you buy a car at a dealership? Imagine they ship a car to you're house and give you the wrong keys. Then you post on BMW forums how they screwed up, and you get some guy on there saying you should have magically known just by looking at the key that it wouldn't work. Some chargers need the power and balance plugged in and some don't this one does, and he didn't inform me.
First off, when I bought my G8, I researched the living hell out of it. I knew more about that car then anyone at the dealership did. When I went to test drive it, I knew exactly what to look for (clunk in front indicating bad LCAs, abnormal vibration indicating out of balance drive shaft, and a few other issues unique to the car). So yea.. I do exactly what I suggested whether I'm buying an airsoft gun, a car, or a battery charger. An informed buyer is a smart buyer.

Second, all lipo batteries have a power lead and a balance plug. ALL OF THEM. Again, if you had done even cursory research into this you'd have realized that.

Third, the first thing you should do with any new piece of equipment is test it. Stick a battery on there and charge it (storing isn't a charge, in fact if the lipo was charge a storage setting would have actually discharged it somewhat... and the fan should have been on that entire time). You can't overcharge a lipo with a smart charger on the proper settings.

I fail to see how any of this is the fault of Toronto Airsoft.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old January 31st, 2013, 17:24   #19
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
First off, when I bought my G8, I researched the living hell out of it. I knew more about that car then anyone at the dealership did. When I went to test drive it, I knew exactly what to look for (clunk in front indicating bad LCAs, abnormal vibration indicating out of balance drive shaft, and a few other issues unique to the car). So yea.. I do exactly what I suggested whether I'm buying an airsoft gun, a car, or a battery charger. An informed buyer is a smart buyer.

Second, all lipo batteries have a power lead and a balance plug. ALL OF THEM. Again, if you had done even cursory research into this you'd have realized that.

Third, the first thing you should do with any new piece of equipment is test it. Stick a battery on there and charge it (storing isn't a charge, in fact if the lipo was charge a storage setting would have actually discharged it somewhat... and the fan should have been on that entire time). You can't overcharge a lipo with a smart charger on the proper settings.

I fail to see how any of this is the fault of Toronto Airsoft.
Holy fuck! :O I'm actually buying a g8 gt.... If test drove 2 and now searching for one with low km and under 26,000km I also know a shit load about that car including the kooks long tube headers the under drive pully varam intake, and a tune from livernise. And after I break it in I plan do do a 75shot of spray. Along with the gxp rear diffuser and a borla catback with high flow catts. Then for the dash and the heads up ugly Atari gauges if already talked and made plans for payment to have it digitalized in blue. All the way down to fixing the problem with the radio where you have to go into the trunk and turn the dial on the factory amp.

Basically believe me I resurch the ship out of everything before I buy it, I figured buying what he recommended was a good choice with whitch it wasent.

Cheers to a g8 owner from a future g8 gt owner.
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Old July 29th, 2013, 09:12   #20
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So you've clearly done no research on LiPo's on here or anywhere else
You overpaid for the charger and batteries
You had no idea what you were doing when you went to charge them
You didn't understand what 'storage charge' is for
You discharged a LiPo
And you don't understand the importance balancing to prevent burning down your house

Sounds to me like you should be wearing a helmet.
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Old July 29th, 2013, 12:55   #21
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the lipos that TA sells should not be charged at a rate higher than 1.0A you had 1.3 set... higher than reocmmended charge rates = more heat.

You also did not read the instruction manual that came with the charger. It would have told you how to use it and set it, nevermind about not doing the proper reading on lipos before hand.

Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Yes, they sold you a $120 charger. You wanted to charge LiPos. Welcome to the LiPo club. Proper LiPo chargers ARE that expensive. If you use a cheap lipo charger, you run the risk of destroying the battery. And LiPo batteries destroy themselves in very violent fireballs (google LiPo fire). You want to run lipos, you use the proper equipment or risk burning your house down.

Where did you buy a LiPo with Tamiya connectors? Toronto Airsoft? I didn't think anyone made LiPos with Tamiyas. LiPos are designed for high current draw... tamiyas are the archenemy of high current draw. Regardless, you should have confirmed this before you left the store. I wouldn't assume the connectors were the same, and most retailers are likely to assume you can do a simple connector swap, since it's pretty much a required skill in airsoft, RC, etc.
dude, I wouldn't be so hard on the guy.. especially when your info is just as bad. There are plenty of "airsoft" lipos that are sold with tamiya connectors, in fact, every firefox lipo that TA sells has tamiya connectors. There are also plenty of quality chargers for under 80$. I got mine for 40$ and all half my lipos came with tamiya connectors, the other half xt60s.

They key to this is stop shopping for lipos at airsoft retailers and start shopping for chargers and lipos at R/C stores that deal with lipos on a regular basis.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old July 29th, 2013, 13:02   #22
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I use li-po batteries for all my AEGs, salesmen try to sell the most expensive things to you. Researching about li-po's could've helped you. I got my Li-po charger from TA and it works fine. It was only 30 dollars.
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