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Event announcement post for East Wind 6



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Old October 25th, 2012, 23:53   #61
Join Date: Oct 2012
NSPU is basically on par with the PVS-502 here. They are both pretty good scopes. The one I think is the mean machine of earlier gen weapon sights is the East German/Czech NSP-2 active IR scope. It doesn't care a bit about other lights, doesn't flare out, doesn't care about how dark the woods are and is has non fisheye vision optics. You think of it like a flashlight, flip it on when you need to look, flip it off when you do not.

I borrowed that one for a night fight in some piss dark woods many years ago and just dominated all the guys with starlight scopes. Sure, they could tell when I flipped it on, but it did not matter because they were dead before they could do anything about it.

I've got an Eltro B8V active scope coming for our West German troops that is rumored to be even nicer, I cannot wait to see that one.
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 13:48   #62
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If anybody is considering stepping up to the challenge of joining the newly formed East German Grenztruppen (Border Guards) at East Wind 6, I have written a step by step guide, with plenty of photos, on converting an AKM into an MPi-KM-72, the standard issue Rifle of the Deutschland Democratic Republic, and the Gold Standard rifle for East Germans at Operation: East Wind.

The East Germans are one of the few nationalities (Along with the Canadians and their C7) that do not have an off-the-shelf commercially available Airsoft Rifle for East Wind.

The guide is also helpful if you want to install MPi-KM foregrips on a Romanian model side-folder, to make a proper MPi-KMS-72, which is also acceptable.

The Standard AKM is also permitted, but as the East Germans grow and everyone works toward the Gold Standard, they will be phased out.

Enjoy the guide!
ГСВГ, 8 ОА, 27 МСД, 5 ОРБ, 7 РР, Mладший Лейтенант Куперов

The Longest Airsoft Operation in the US: 9 Days
Proudly entering it's 6th year running!
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Old December 2nd, 2012, 15:17   #63
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Originally Posted by Kuperov View Post
If anybody is considering stepping up to the challenge of joining the newly formed East German Grenztruppen (Border Guards) at East Wind 6, I have written a step by step guide, with plenty of photos, on converting an AKM into an MPi-KM-72, the standard issue Rifle of the Deutschland Democratic Republic, and the Gold Standard rifle for East Germans at Operation: East Wind.

The East Germans are one of the few nationalities (Along with the Canadians and their C7) that do not have an off-the-shelf commercially available Airsoft Rifle for East Wind.

The guide is also helpful if you want to install MPi-KM foregrips on a Romanian model side-folder, to make a proper MPi-KMS-72, which is also acceptable.

The Standard AKM is also permitted, but as the East Germans grow and everyone works toward the Gold Standard, they will be phased out.

Enjoy the guide!
Thanks for this! After Soviet, East German is on my list, as is Canadian since I have most of the stuff and C7 parts already :P
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old January 19th, 2013, 16:44   #64
Cammer's Avatar
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Virtual PCI

With just under 60 days to go I have posted up my Virtual PCI (Pre Combat Inspection). By doing this we let the organisers that we are ready to go with all the equipment needed and there is one less inspection for them to do on the first day. It is almost perfect but I have a little tweaking to do. I am somewhat helping out by supplying the West German Radios so they are added to the bottom.

If anybody would like to join in this year as a full time player it is still quite possible as most players have extra gear to loan out if needed. If you just join in for a few days there is virtually no gear to get.


1. Four jackets
2. 4 Hosen
3. 2 belts
4. Deutche Name Tapes
5. BW blousing Bands


1. Sweater
2. 3 sweatshirts
3. 12 undershirts
4. 10 tighty whities
5. 2 long underwear
6. Track suit
7. 8 socks


1. Kevlar Vest
2. Radio Pouch
3. Flashlight pouch
4. Compass pouch
5. Mag Pouches
6. Shovel pouch
7. Canteen pouch

Inclement Weather Wear

1. Parka and Liner
2. Gortex Jacket and Pants
3. Touque
4. Kevlar Gloves


1. Gortex Boots
2. Spare
3. Polishing Set


1. Poncho liner
2. Rain Poncho
3. NBC Poncho
4. Half Shelter
5. Snow Poncho


- Helmet
- Beret
- Patrol Cap
- Goofy Cap

Essen and Trinken

1. 3 days rations
2. Lunch pail
3. Canteen
4. Extra Water
5. Water Tablets
6. Kaffee Cup
7. KFS
8. Esbit


1. 65l Pack
2. 35l Packs
3. Duffle Bag
4. Laundry Bag
5. Dry Bag


1. 4 season Bag
2. Cot
3. Kip Mat
4. Self Inflating Mat


1. Der Reibert (How to be a German Soldier)
2. Waterproofed Map
3. Braithkamp Kassel Compass
4. Goggles with Bifocals (so I can read the map)
5. Notebooks
6. Tritium watch so I don`t keep everybody out an extra 1 1/2 hours when I can’t read it.
Very period Omega hammer wind automatic
7. Pocket Knife
8. Pace counter

Misc Gear

- Camo Paint
- Medic Kit
- Deuchemarks
- Dead Rags
- Triangular Bandage

Personal Gear

Weapons to be posted when I decide what to bring.

Team Items


- Bundeswehr
- Deutcheland
- Berlin

Communication Equipment

1. 2 SEM 35s
2. 4 SEM 52s
3. Phone Relay System
4. Antenna Equipment
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old January 19th, 2013, 17:37   #65
2 Cent Tactical
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Very nice kit!
I hope to attend East wind some year.

Are you really going to use HF for this game are do you just have those radios as props.
Do you have the appropriate licence to use HF?

If you are using them...the use of the public HF frequencies for milsim is going to be....interesting...
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Old January 19th, 2013, 21:42   #66
ASC's Whiny Bitch
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Very nice kit!
I hope to attend East wind some year.

Are you really going to use HF for this game are do you just have those radios as props.
Do you have the appropriate licence to use HF?

If you are using them...the use of the public HF frequencies for milsim is going to be....interesting...
As far as East Wind goes, from all I've gathered, use of things like Motorola is a strict no go, period stuff only. They've been doing it for 6 years, so I figure they have it sorted out.

What you hoping to go as Cobra? Gonna be CF like me? I'm also planning a Russian kit if I can ever find shit in my size XD
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Last edited by Gato; January 19th, 2013 at 21:44..
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Old January 19th, 2013, 23:26   #67
Cammer's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Very nice kit!
I hope to attend East wind some year.

Are you really going to use HF for this game are do you just have those radios as props.
Do you have the appropriate licence to use HF?

If you are using them...the use of the public HF frequencies for milsim is going to be....interesting...
They are mostly in the low VHF range and since the wattage is low they don't carry very far. We usually are inbetween 50 and 60 Mhz and it is pretty empty. It sure does give you an appreciation for the radio guys carrying another 25 -30 lbs around.
Learn this well fellows. Over the years we have seen as many missions blown by shoddy land nav as we have seen disrupted by enemy action. You can be the baddest kung fu ninja assault swat sniper commandos in the world and still fail if you can't get to the fight.
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Old January 20th, 2013, 11:51   #68
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Plus, East Wind takes place over a large area out in the middle of Nowhere, Oklahoma. It's for certain, our comms won't be bothering anyone else.
* * * * * * * * *
Rob Bye

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Old January 20th, 2013, 12:07   #69
Basic-Wedge's Avatar
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Here's the Virtual Kit Inspection I pulled together for my participation in EW6:

1. Canadian issue OD combat scarfs (2).
2. Canadian C1 steel helmet w/Woodland camouflage cover, helmet band, netting and scrims.
3. Canadian bush cap.
4. OD wool toques (2).
5. OD Balaclavas (2).
6. Canadian issue gloves (3).

1. Canadian issue combat coat (1st generation Gore-Tex) w/rank slip-on.

1. OD combat shirts (4).
2. OD combat pants (4).

1. Wool socks (8).
2. Long-john pants (3).
3. Long-john shirts (3).
4. Warmth layer (CF issued OD fleece pants).
5. Warmth layer (CF issued OD fleece shirt).

1. Canadian issue wind pants w/suspenders.
2. Canadian issue rain jacket (w/rank slip-on) and rain pants.
3. Belts (2).
4. Laundry bag.
5. Waterproof compression bag (CF Valise).
6. Canadian issue OD rain poncho.
7. Dead rags (2).

1. '82 pattern webbing (belt, yoke, straps).
2. Field dressing (secured with hockey tape).
3. Pace beads.
4. Carabiner.
5. C7 double magazine pouches.
6. Utility pouch.
7. Canteen pouches (2).
8. C7 bayonet, scabbard, and frog.
9. Butt pack.
10. KFS carrier.
11. '82 pattern holster.

1. CF issue '64 pattern rucksack (airborne style).
2. Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) bag.
3. U.S. 2L canteen cover.

1. FogTech wipes (100 pack).
2. OD knee pads.
3. Equipment cleaning cloth.
4. Spare boot laces (3).
5. Heroshark mesh goggles.
6. ESS Advancer goggles with interchangeable lenses.
7. Spare boot bands.

1. Miniature Canadian flag and stickers.
2. Entrenching tool w/carrier.
3. USGI angle head flashlight w/coloured lens inserts and batteries.
4. Identity disks.
5. Gun tape.
6. Brassard.
7. Silva "Ranger" compass (mils).
8. Camo cream.
9. CF issue map protractor.
10. FMPs w/pens.

1. Stormproof matches and BIC lighters.
2. U.S. 1L canteens (3).
3. Canteen cup w/cover, Tang, Mio, and coffee packets.
4. Esbit stove w/Hexamine fuel tablets.
5. Water purification tablets.
6. Melmac plate, bowl, and cup.
7. KFS - knife, fork, spoon set.
8. U.S. 2L canteen.

1. Canadian issue wet weather Gore-Tex combat boots.
2. Canadian issue MkIV combat boots.

1. Propane and propylene gas cylinders.
2. C7 GBBR magazines (will have 9).
3. GasCans w/silicone oil.
4. BBs (5,000).
5. BB loaders.
6. Inglis Canada Mk2 Hi-Power (removable orange tip) w/magazines.
7. Xcortech 3200 chronograph.
8. 5.11 Tactical folding combat knife and CF issue Gerber Multi-Plier 600.

GBBR armorer's tools. Spare batteries for chronograph.

1. CF issue self-inflating sleeping pad w/valise/inflater.
2. CF issue "Black Betty" air mattress.
3. CF issue Ranger blanket.
4. Gore-Tex bivy bag.
5. CF issue Arctic sleeping bag (outer).
6. CF issue Arctic sleeping bag (inner w/liner).
7. Waterproof compression bag (CF Valise).
8. NATO standard folding cot.

It took over a year for me to get to his point. Most items were purchased as surplus from local dealers and eBay sellers, but several key items: the rucksack, Hi-Power, combat boots, and one of my C7A1s were purchased through the ASC classified sections.

With eight weeks to go, I still need to add photos of my two C7A1 GBBR rifles, my winter white cammo, and other assorted odds and ends.

The reason for doing these virtual inspections is to establish that you do, indeed, have all the required items, and to save time by not having to go through a kit inspection upon arriving at the event site. By the rules of the event, you cannot participate unless you have each and every required kit item (plus any other items you may need to keep yourself in the fight).

* * * * * * * * *
Rob Bye

Last edited by Basic-Wedge; January 20th, 2013 at 12:23..
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Old January 21st, 2013, 21:09   #70
2 Cent Tactical
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Originally Posted by Cammer View Post
They are mostly in the low VHF range and since the wattage is low they don't carry very far. We usually are inbetween 50 and 60 Mhz and it is pretty empty. It sure does give you an appreciation for the radio guys carrying another 25 -30 lbs around.
Cool, Amateur radio law is pretty strict on who is allowed to transmit and on what frequencies so I was just wondering how they run it for the game where there are is likely to be few licensed people around.
50-54 Mhz is the only amateur band those radios will hit. Low power or not its still the law. Even low power at those frequencies can travel surprisingly far.

And trust me, I know what its like to hump radios around being a Siggy and all :P

Originally Posted by Basic-Wedge View Post
Plus, East Wind takes place over a large area out in the middle of Nowhere, Oklahoma. It's for certain, our comms won't be bothering anyone else.
Again, even low power at those frequencies can travel surprisingly far. There is a reason the 6 meter band is used for near world wide communications. and right now with the sun spots being very active, worldwide comms is entirely possible.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; January 21st, 2013 at 22:25..
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Old January 21st, 2013, 22:05   #71
kullwarrior's Avatar
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Man I thought I was hardcore with my loadout until I saw these....

Wish there was something similiar for more complementary scene (no contractors)
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 12:16   #72
Basic-Wedge's Avatar
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Man I thought I was hardcore with my loadout until I saw these...
The requirement for authentic kit is quite demanding. That's the reason it took me over a year to prepare for my first Operation East Wind.

In essence, you hit the ground with exactly the same gear a soldier of the Cold War era would've had. It's the same for any participant, whether they represent a soldier from West Germany, Canada, the U.S., or the UK on NATO's side, or the East German Border Guards and Soviet troops on the Warsaw Pact side. Everything will be authentic and period-correct.

That's why they say this game isn't for everyone...

You have to know your Cold War history, you have to assume that Cold War mindset. We enjoy doing the research.

It's not just the gear you bring with you either. Everything else around you will be from that period in time. All the vehicles, and there are a lot of them, are all from that period: Mutts, CUCVs, FV432s, Abbott SP, Deuces, a Ferret, all that stuff was commonly present along the East/West German border. On the Soviet side, they'll be driving around in restored BTR 40s and 152s, and even real GAZ and UAZ vehicles. The tents you live in will be military pattern. If you see a magazine in the latrine, it'll be from 1989.

It's that true to time frame!

This is airsoft meets military reenactment.

I'd like to emphasis too, that you don't need to sign up for the full experience at Op East Wind. You can also participate as a day player. The amount of equipment needed by day players is a fraction of what full participants need. Exactly as the term implies, you play during the day, then leave the game at night. That frees you to camp elsewhere or stay at a hotel. Whatever you prefer. And, you're not committed to playing the entire event. You can play for a day or a few days - it's up to you.

* * * * * * * * *
Rob Bye

Last edited by Basic-Wedge; January 22nd, 2013 at 12:30..
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 20:19   #73
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lindsay ON
Only 46 days to go until East Wind....I can't wait! Anyone who is interested in coming out, even just as a day player, I highly recommend it. This is seriously an experience like no other.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

Non Sibi Sed Omnibus

Age Verifier - Manitoba

Current Armoury:
WE C7A1 x2 - WE M14 DMR - WE L85A2

WE Browning Hi-Power - Tanaka Browning Hi-Power
WE M1911 - KWA SIG Sauer P226 - KSC SIG Sauer P229
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Old January 23rd, 2013, 23:25   #74
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Would love to go on an OP like this, the only problem is I got rid of most if that kit when I left the Military...OPS like these are one I wish more Canadian players should attend. We go to Operation Pine Plain (Black Sheep 6 every year) and some MILSIM's in Buffalo. Canadian games just don't compare in diveristy in some of the high octane American Themes...have fun guys.
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Old January 24th, 2013, 06:26   #75
Mordarski J.A.
formerly Blinky
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lindsay ON
Assuming you want to go Canadian, it's not that hard to find most of the kit still. will probably be more difficult if you wanted to do Canadian this year, short of being a day player. But the best part about East Wind is that you're not stuck doing just one side. If you can't make this year but still want to attend, decide which direction you'd like to go (NATO: American, British, West German, Canadian or Warsaw Pact: Soviet, East German), check out the required kit on the East Wind site, and start sourcing your kit for next year.

Honestly, the toughest part about making East Wind is convincing work and/or your significant other to let you have the time off.
Josh Mordarski
South Manitoba Rifles

Non Sibi Sed Omnibus

Age Verifier - Manitoba

Current Armoury:
WE C7A1 x2 - WE M14 DMR - WE L85A2

WE Browning Hi-Power - Tanaka Browning Hi-Power
WE M1911 - KWA SIG Sauer P226 - KSC SIG Sauer P229
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