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Is this enough gear to get started?


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Old October 29th, 2012, 22:58   #1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Is this enough gear to get started?

Total newb here just ordering my first supply drop. Figured Id check for some wisdom and see if Im doing this right. Looking to get into milsim games(when they pop up) and be skirmish ready for some local screwing around around Calgary (mostly outdoors hopefully)

Eye pro, face protection
1-2 extra mags- which ones derp

Im stuck on battery and charger as this thing doesnt come with either. I have no clue what to use actually

As well- I should get midcaps, right?

Stoked to get this thing ordered! help appreciated!

Last edited by danceswithpellets; October 29th, 2012 at 23:07..
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Old October 29th, 2012, 23:09   #2
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you might want to get some BDU or combat pants at least to hold those mags. boots are a must if you plan to play anywhere other than flat concrete. i went to an outdoor game last year, thought i was smart and could wing the boots for the game and almost twisted by left ankle. but other than that, i think you should be good to go.

there shouldnt be a question mark after battery and charger. those and an AEG go hand in hand.
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Old October 29th, 2012, 23:12   #3
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airsoft parts has a reasonable smart charger for around 30 bucks. Depending on where the battery goes on a scar, an 8.4 or 9.6v nimh would be fine.
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Old October 29th, 2012, 23:21   #4
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need ye some good ol' boots
I'd say a belt and dump pouch to hold/dump mags more than you need a BDU

I hate hi-caps cause they rattle so much and the mag tickling is irritating. I prefer mid caps since you get neither of those issues, just toss in a new mag and you good to go. I think the Scar L comes with a hi-cap does it not? I'd get about 3 extra mags if you're doing field though it is late in the season...
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Old October 29th, 2012, 23:25   #5
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Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
need ye some good ol' boots
I'd say a belt and dump pouch to hold/dump mags more than you need a BDU

I hate hi-caps cause they rattle so much and the mag tickling is irritating. I prefer mid caps since you get neither of those issues, just toss in a new mag and you good to go. I think the Scar L comes with a hi-cap does it not? I'd get about 3 extra mags if you're doing field though it is late in the season...

Boots- granted.

I really like the idea of getting a dump pouch and a belt. Im really not into getting a vest. cheers!
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Old October 30th, 2012, 00:31   #6
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Last I heard was that Stealth was looking into getting batteries and chargers. He's a good guy and definitely knows his stuff.

Otherwise Hobby King has RC chargers and RC/Airsoft Lipo's. I got the Turnigy Accucel-6 but other popular chargers include the iMAX B6 and GT-Power A-6-10 or whatever that is. Then there's the Hobby King "Eco6". They're all more or less the same thing.

Also, yes midcaps are recommended (used to do the realcap thing but I find mids more versatile since if needed I can just load them up with 30 rounds anyways, and I like to load them up with a few more rounds (50 BB's) if I'm going for realism since it gives me more BB's to punch through thick brush and extra BB's for the last 4 that don't feed fully into the hop up chamber). I exclusively run midcaps. I've never owned a hi-cap in my life.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 00:45   #7
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Cool Ill check out hobby king.

What kind/size of BBs- does it matter? I was just gonna buy a jug along with my order
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Old October 30th, 2012, 04:11   #8
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You'll want 6-8 midcaps or 8-10+ lowcaps for magazines if you're going to game with them in a milsim or longish type of game.

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Old October 30th, 2012, 09:49   #9
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Originally Posted by danceswithpellets View Post
What kind/size of BBs- does it matter? I was just gonna buy a jug along with my order
Indoor .20 recommended because they don't carry as much energy over distance (they bleed power/energy over distance) and it's moreso for safety than anything because accuracy isn't as much of a bid deal if you're shooting at 60 feet at most.

Outdoor your choice of .25 of .28. Personally I run .28 but they can be a bit slow for people (however give you extra punching power for going through thicker brush and give you a generally longer effective range on your gun (but decreases max range)). Most people will use .25 outdoors though.

One more thing I do typically treat my midcaps like low caps (~68 rounds) but I do sometimes load them up to the full 120 rounds. It really depends what I'm playing and the situation. I really like them because they're versatile.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 10:01   #10
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6mm BBs only! Don't bother with 8mm and 4.5mm are metal. BB Bastard Bb's ares the best. Use the weights posted above.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 10:28   #11
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BTW if you're in Calgary.... If you're ever near Red Deer "Bent Barrel Airsoft" (owned by Darklen an Admin here on the forums) has Green Devil BB's. They're pretty awesome and quite popular in Europe (I used them for a few games when I was playing in Europe). Personally I use a Madbull BB's a lot though mainly because they're easily accessible to me.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 11:24   #12
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
BTW if you're in Calgary.... If you're ever near Red Deer "Bent Barrel Airsoft" (owned by Darklen an Admin here on the forums) has Green Devil BB's. They're pretty awesome and quite popular in Europe (I used them for a few games when I was playing in Europe). Personally I use a Madbull BB's a lot though mainly because they're easily accessible to me.

Bent Barrel and Green Devils FTW

Last edited by CDB; October 30th, 2012 at 11:29..
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Old October 30th, 2012, 11:26   #13
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Won't state the obvious about wearing appropriately warm/dry clothing, hats/gloves/'ll figure that stuff out pretty quick especially in the colder months.

If you're really pinching pennies and/or looking for a minimalist setup, you might want to take a look at "old" US/British webbing. Phenomenally flexible and quite cost effective. Packs down really well and doesn't take up huge amounts of space.

Or a "battle belt" where you can mount pouches/stuff right on the belt.

Don't forget about carrying water, any immediately necessary meds, a snack, kill rag. Really handy stuff, that you might not need for each game, are a pocket knife, compass, radio, pen/paper, flashlight, glowstick, tape, bit of's much easier to leave this stuff in your kit than to rummage around trying to find it all and stuff it into your pockets.

Get a good smart charger. It pays for itself by not killing your batteries. I don't know the options and price points now for these...the B6 charger is a great choice though. Buy good (G&P, Intellect, etc) NiMh batteries if you're not getting LiPo.

Get good quality BBs...BBBastard are great, Madbull are fine. Don't sweat getting a few more for a few bucks's not a big deal in the grand scheme. Go for whichever is convenient since that's what you're probably going to buy in hurry when you next run out.

6mm plastic only. 0.20g for indoors...0.25g or heavier for outdoors (and indoors if they'll let you).

I don't know if your gun will come with a bb loader...but you'll want one.
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Old October 30th, 2012, 16:21   #14
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How about eye pro?

Some of these options are $100-$125 is that what I should be looking at?

I dont really want normal safety glasses more into the goggle style for complete coverage

Last edited by danceswithpellets; October 30th, 2012 at 16:34..
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Old October 30th, 2012, 16:42   #15
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Most fields will only let you use full seal goggles (and you'd be an idiot not to wear them).
You can get some really inexpensive used ESS goggles off ebay. I bought a group of 5 for under $40.
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