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What is must have gear for airsoft noob


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Old July 16th, 2012, 22:58   #16
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If its really hot outside, the gas in your magazine will warm up and increase pressure. This may put your gun's FPS over the field limit, even if it was field-legal when you chrono'ed it.

With gas guns you also have the cooldown effect. After multiple shots, your magazine (and the gas inside) will start to become cold. This will decrease pressure. With rapid firing, the pressure will drop much faster, to a point where the gas won't be able to cycle your gun properly anymore.
When its cold outside, this effect is compounded. How fast the magazine cools down varies between guns.
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Old July 29th, 2012, 15:50   #17
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So I have pretty much decided on the WE M4A1 AEG as my first gun. What do you guys think?
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Old July 30th, 2012, 01:32   #18
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go for it. I personally would recommend the king arms but to each his own. grab a gun and start playing!
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Old July 30th, 2012, 02:41   #19
a.k.a. Fury a.k.a. VipaMave
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I wouldn't recommend WE as your first gun. King Arms M4s also have their own share of problems. Stick with reputable brand names: TM, G&P, ICS, G&G, Real Sword, etc. -- Avoid china-clone manufacturers and new competitors just entering the AEG market.

The classifieds frequently have good deals too with LNIB/BNIB guns, which can save you a ton of money on a great starter gun. Just a word of caution, don't buy the ones falling apart, eg. "Missing part _____", "broken part ____ but doesn't affect performance", "I permanently removed ____ part because it's not needed". Look for wall hangers that have only been used for minor plinking and you can often save lots of money while still getting a gun that's in virtually new condition.
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Old July 30th, 2012, 10:30   #20
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I own the WE M4A1 AEG. Have ran thousands of rounds through it and gamed it all weekend at Rhino putting about 4k through it. For the most part its been very solid. I had minor issues with the wiring in the grip where the positive feed was pinched from the manufacturer. It caused the gun to overheat and blow the fuse. It was stripped down, the fuse was replaced and the motor reinstalled and has run fine since. The wiring in the grip us finicky and requires a lot of patience to get just right so the bottom plate will go on, but its a minor headache. I upgraded the barrell to a tightbore Madbull 6.03 and a metal hopup ($65) but the gearbox itself has been perfect. I run G&P 9.6 1300MaH and it pumps out at a reasonable rate of fire and decent fps.

Don't get me wrong its not the best gun on the market but for $300ish its a solid choice.
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Old July 30th, 2012, 15:10   #21
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Thanks capt. I should be ordering it this week sometime. I can't wait to get this bad boy and join some of you on the field.
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Old July 30th, 2012, 15:32   #22
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is it my computor or is it showing brennan has been a member since 2006 and just starting now??? lol Well at least you finally pulled the trigger. Airsoft, IMO is way better then paintball and you will love it, as long as your stuff works. WE is a great gun, I have a few of them but wow if they dont like a bb and it gets broken inside it is one tittie fucker to get apart sometimes. so you have to keep up on maintainance for sure.

do not get a king arms. best bang for the buck but the best odds to bust. I think you really should get a quality AEG as recommended by Affliction. Then save for the gas. I have lots of both types, and i would go to a game with just aeg's but i would never go to a game with just a gbb. not to mention the mags are gonna add up
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Old July 30th, 2012, 16:37   #23
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Originally Posted by mrfister View Post
is it my computor or is it showing brennan has been a member since 2006 and just starting now???...
Your computer is correct I joined the forums a long time ago but got busy with other hobbies to really get into airsoft.
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Old July 30th, 2012, 18:11   #24
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Definitely need a Robert Goulet. Everyone should have one.

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Old July 30th, 2012, 18:12   #25
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Definitely need a Robert Goulet. Everyone should have one.
They are discontinued and the used ones are over priced.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old July 31st, 2012, 10:49   #26
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The best way to save money is to buy used gear. When I started I went to a swap meet and got tons of great deals. Most of that stuff I should be able to resell for close to what I paid. I have kept good track of how much I have spent on airsoft since I started and I just hit the $2000 mark and it hasn't even been a year yet. Mostly because I wanted a complete loaner set of gear for friends. Small things add up quickly. I'd say you're looking at around $1000 to start out.
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Old July 31st, 2012, 12:24   #27
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^^ half advice. ^^

Don't just buy used gear. Buy used GOOD gear. Stay away from Condor and clone crap for BDU's and such. I have heard extremely mixed reviews on Haungs Clone Crye Gear.

Good gear

Real Gear:
Blue Force Gear
SKD (rebrands I think good gear)
Tasmanian Tiger

Retailers for Real Gear:
CP Gear
Seals Action Gear
One Shot Tactical

Now these lists are not complete and you are encouraged to do some research on your own.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old July 31st, 2012, 13:05   #28
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Mayflower and Blue Force Gear are the tits if you want light and very well made gear
I would definitely recommend them to others.

As far as other good brands, Tactical Tailor, HSGI, Maxpedition, ESSTAC, Crye Precision, TYR Tactical, and Shellback Tactical (heard mixed reviews about their pouches, but their plate carrier has got great reviews, and its really reasonably priced as well. Even seen pics of a SOF guy wearing one)

If you have the means to, I would go with one of the many companies listed. If your tight on cash and only want something that can get you playing, I would say that Condor or Pantac is not that bad. It will by no means be as good as the RS stuff, but it definitely will do the job for the time being. As for other items like boots and eye ware, I would highly recommend you not skimp on these. You can play in shitty TMC gear, but I can promise you that you won't be playing much of anything in the ER.
My only worry about death is that my fiancé will sell my gear for what I SAID I paid for it.....

Last edited by Rush; July 31st, 2012 at 13:13..
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Old August 2nd, 2012, 13:30   #29
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Location: Mississauga
Thanks everyone for the great advice, i really appreciate it. With regards to batteries what one do you suggest i get for the WE M4A1? I got 2 different suggestions from WE users. Whats the difference between batteries? FPS?
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Old August 2nd, 2012, 13:35   #30
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Batteries, get 2 or 3. Never know how much shooting you might do in a game, some games, a few hundred rounds, others, a few thousand.

Utility pouch is something very useful, carries extra batteries, some small multi tools, food, ect.

You wont truely ever know what you need and what you will use, til you get out and play a few games. Keep things bare minimum for awhile, and then learn your style and needs and then tailor your gear to that.

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