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Ebairsoft's AABB HR style GLOCK Carbine Conversion Kit


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Old July 31st, 2010, 13:27   #16
formerly Lythinca
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Oh, update:

In theory this should work with CYMA and TM Glock 18C AEP's. Since this product is just a shell, all the gun needs to do is fit into it. And the AEPs will fit as the trigger pins ARE removable on them. How do I know? I just removed mine.

Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 00:09   #17
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Wow this looks amazing! I'd love to get one for CQB!

In my point of view though, it's kind of silly to use a AEP for this... Then it'll be like an MP7...

I would get this for a GBB. Maybe there's a harder recoils kit for a G17 then toss it in this conversion kit to make every shot noticeable would kick butt!

I think this is a better way than to get a GBB mp7 though. Because parts are easier to find for a G17 than a GBBmp7 AND mags are cheaper(rouge calculation in my head).

I would strongly recommend upgrading your AEP first before getting the conversion kit though... No point shooting at people when they don't feel it. And if you shoot them in the face, they'll freak out and start throwing punches at you!
Just kidding!...

Back on topic, I don't think it's legal to bring it through the boarder because it does look like a metal upper rail, but just fancier looking. I wouldn't risk it. Better to pay a retailer to get it for you for an extra fee than to have your $80 gone completely. Think of it as insurance.

Just my thought.
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Old August 1st, 2010, 00:13   #18
formerly Lythinca
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Well, I'm not AV'ed. So I have no idea on who to talk to about importing this in for me. Also, my AEP seems to shoot pretty darn hard. But yea, a GBB would be better. I'd also have to pick up some AEP 100rd mags. As, I only have an 18rd or something like that.

Also, its all ABS plastic.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.

Last edited by Love; August 1st, 2010 at 00:16..
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Old August 2nd, 2010, 15:46   #19
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I've had issues on this website before. About a year ago when I was (foolishly) into paintball I ordered a sig552 railed forend for a project. Just the forend no gun, and this site wouldn't ship it to canada. I had already paid for it and they wouldn't refund my money only gave me credit in store. They may have changed their policy since then but before ordering I'd ask them if they will ship this item to canada, as far as it clearing customs, honestly that ones a tough call and I think it's really gonna come down to the agent you get.
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Old August 2nd, 2010, 16:16   #20
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Its not a receiver though, I don't see why legally it'll have problem is technically a really complicated optic mount...

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Old August 2nd, 2010, 17:02   #21
Lord of Rebirth
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I think it should be importable but it's the kind of thing some stupid CBSA guys might see as a valid firearms part.
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Old August 2nd, 2010, 22:05   #22
formerly Lythinca
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See. Im not sure what to do. I really want this, but Im not sure if I want to take the risk. You know, having all my incoming international mail being searched just because of this, would NOT be good.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old August 2nd, 2010, 22:35   #23
uMadd, Padd?
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Originally Posted by northcop View Post
I've had issues on this website before. About a year ago when I was (foolishly) into paintball I ordered a sig552 railed forend for a project. Just the forend no gun, and this site wouldn't ship it to canada. I had already paid for it and they wouldn't refund my money only gave me credit in store. They may have changed their policy since then but before ordering I'd ask them if they will ship this item to canada, as far as it clearing customs, honestly that ones a tough call and I think it's really gonna come down to the agent you get.
I've ordered most of my parts through them(including magazines and a gearbox), and have had nothing less than great service and fast shipping.

As far as this part goes, you shouldn't have any problems getting it through Customs. All you're ordering is a hollow stock with some rails, so it shouldn't be a problem. You might run into a Customs officer who's having a shitty day, but everyone who orders parts from out-of-country faces that issue now and again.
Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Did he not pay his ASC bill this month?
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Old August 3rd, 2010, 01:49   #24
formerly Lythinca
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If it happens to get seized, will ebaybanned send another/refund/store credit? Probably not.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old August 3rd, 2010, 13:32   #25
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I think custom keeps it. Who's going to pay for shipping back to them? Not custom people that's for sure!

So no refund, nothing.
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Old August 4th, 2010, 12:50   #26
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looks cool... and if all I had was glocks I'd get one. however I'd pick the Folding pocket gun if I was picking up a specific system and glock new to use. or just stick with my MP7 AEP wise.. on the simple reason that the stock retracts on the mp7.

the cost of a GBB glock and that kit versus a GBB mp7 is quite attractive though!
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Old August 4th, 2010, 13:57   #27
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one issue with using an AEP... its going to be a bitch to change your battery when its in that thing. Also your just making your AEP larger and not really adding any power or performance to it. Just use your AEP the way it is :P.

as for importing, technically your right its not a receiver... buuuuuut law is up for interpretation.
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Old August 4th, 2010, 14:26   #28
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Originally Posted by Love View Post
If it happens to get seized, will ebaybanned send another/refund/store credit? Probably not.
EBB shouldn't have to refund or send another or give a credit. They fulfilled their end of the bargain as the exporter, it's up to you to do your own job as the importer if the item gets incorrectly seized.
If the item can be proven to NOT be a prohibited item, then it's on you to file an appeal to get the item back. Expect the appeal process to take 3 months or more, and even if you did win the appeal, don't expect customs to ship it back just because you won some argument.
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Old August 5th, 2010, 01:08   #29
formerly Lythinca
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Good point man.
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old August 5th, 2010, 02:54   #30
Lord of Rebirth
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Location: Vancouver, BC
I was thinking about it and it seems as though something like the slide on a glock is not a problem to have in metal or import and such and this frame is less of the gun than a slide so it probably would get through right? I mean it doesn't contain a bolt or trigger assembly which seem to be parts of what are receivers and technically the parts of guns that get classed as guns.
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