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Loop hole kinda...?


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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:22   #1
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Loop hole kinda...?

I've been thinking about starting to play airsoft for a while, but I've always been daunted by both the prices, and the Legal gray zone associated with the sport.

I was recently reviewing the Canadian fire-arms act, and noticed that a gun is only considered a replica if it is made to look like an actual firearm. Then I remembered this gun.
Before flaming me on JG building garbage, hear me out. It's not modeled off a real firearm, just off one from an Anime series. So technically, it's not a replica, because it's not replicating anything. Wouldn't that technically make it %100 legal to import into Canada without any special licenses? Or does the fact that it looks like it could be an assault rifle make it considered a replica. Cause from what I've seen, paint ball guns are not subjected to this "kinda looks like a rifle" rule. I own a paint ball gun that looks exactly like an AR-15/C7 and I didn't have any problems getting it. So what's up? where does customs draw the line? The RCMP website says that these guns are dealt with on a case by case basis. Also, antic firearm replicas are excluded from the Replica ban, so if you had an airsoft musket it would be fine aswell I guess. Too bad Tommy guns aren't considered antique firearms.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:26   #2
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It has a replica built inside it, CBSA will seize anything that looks like a gun. Hell they sometimes seize mechboxes just cause they have triggers. Paintball guns that look like real guns are like a 90% chance of being seized aswell. (most however you can get eventually by fighting the seizure but that takes so much time/money that it's cheaper to buy in canada)

Also, that specific gun and this exact question have been asked MANY times.

one last point, that gun is ugly as shit.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:31   #3
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oh fuck, that gun's been discussed to death both its ugly looks and its admissability into canada
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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:32   #4
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It's generally why clear guns are "okay" -- they don't look a real firearm.

The Thundermaul was okay at one point, but there's actually a an M4 receiver under the sci-fi body and I think that fact eventually got caught by CBSA.

Sci-fi guns would technically be okay, except you're then playing with NERF.

I own a paint ball gun that looks exactly like an AR-15/C7
"Exactly" like? Proportions and all? Or rather it's a paintball gun that kinda looks like an AR-15 (if nothing else most real AR15s don't have a huge hopper sticking out the top).

where does customs draw the line? The RCMP website says that these guns are dealt with on a case by case basis
You answered your own question.

antic firearm replicas are excluded from the Replica ban, so if you had an airsoft musket it would be fine aswell I guess.
It would as long as the gun in question satisfies the requirements to be an antique in the eyes of the law. (even a real black powder muzzleloaded flintlock, for example, doesn't require a license)

Someone (in Europe, IIRC) actually built an airsoft musket. It was quite nice.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:34   #5
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That sux

They even seize gearboxes? that's ridiculous. CBSA needs to pull the stick out of their asses. If our government had any sense, they'd just make some legal/affordable way of importing these, something like a PAL, or add airsoft gun importing to the PAL. If you're qualified to own a real gun, I think it's reasonable to assume that you're trustworthy enough to have a toy that looks like one.

So if they let paintball guns that Almost look like an AR-15, Why wouldn't they let a gear box through? it's clearly not a gun. Clear plastic bb guns have gearboxes, triggers, ect and don't get through. It seems like they just can't make a decision and through the bureaucracy of the situation the government is too lazy/slow to create definitive regulations on this.

Last edited by Deathcapt; September 18th, 2009 at 11:37..
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Old September 18th, 2009, 11:38   #6
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