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Illegal Drug use during Airsoft Games



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Old August 27th, 2009, 15:08   #106
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Yes I agree with 13Fido13 Close this please, the main point of this thread has been answered by many renowned individuals and anymore pages would just be a rehash of what others have said.

After that anything personal should be within PMs
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old August 27th, 2009, 17:19   #107
Sharpe's Revenge
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Pot is no more a drug than booze, which I'm sure you indulge in. Hypocrite. Lack of morals?Get a clue. Go thump your bible some more.
Wow, you're an idiot. You could not be more wrong about Kurgan, or the issue at hand.

Hey guys, lets get wasted and point replica weapons at each other. this is SURE to end well!

Saying "we've never had an issue" doesn't mean the one day the cops show up, you wont get carted away.

AAAAND you just played the "Immoral Law" card. Try getting off YOUR high horse. You're using that logic soley because you think it backs up your particular point of view.

... sometimes a wish there really WAS anarchy, so i could enslave all the idiot stoners who would be too tired and lazy to fight back.

PS: thats a joke, clearly.

Last edited by Sharpe's Revenge; August 27th, 2009 at 17:30..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 18:47   #108
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oh shit oh shit oh shit omg WTF how do I delete my account they're coming for all of us, *firesale at Cool Guy Airsoft and all my used items, everything is free, getting out of airsoft and ASC forever before the Feds come knocking!

* note no sale will be actually be happening at Cool Guy Airsoft, this advertisment was just a joke
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Old August 27th, 2009, 18:56   #109
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My two cents: Please don't take any of this in an offensive way. I'm not speaking to anyone in specific. Anyways,
Airsoft is a sport. Would you smoke a joint right before you play football, or soccer, or whatever? No. Any sort of drugs, illegal or not, that cloud judgement and have negative effects, have no place in sports. Airsoft included! There's so much more to say, but I don't want to go on a rant.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 19:04   #110
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Originally Posted by Sharpe's Revenge View Post
Wow, you're an idiot. You could not be more wrong about Kurgan, or the issue at hand.

Hey guys, lets get wasted and point replica weapons at each other. this is SURE to end well!

Saying "we've never had an issue" doesn't mean the one day the cops show up, you wont get carted away.

AAAAND you just played the "Immoral Law" card. Try getting off YOUR high horse. You're using that logic soley because you think it backs up your particular point of view.

... sometimes a wish there really WAS anarchy, so i could enslave all the idiot stoners who would be too tired and lazy to fight back.

PS: thats a joke, clearly.
It sounds like you've never smoked a joint in your life, due to your extremely stereotypical view upon "Stoners", you'd be suprised at how many people how do have a puff, so in case of Anarchy, the stoners would be enslaving

Anyways, Schwag, I couldn't agree more with you. I've smoked many joints at games I attended last year, and NOTHING has happened. You would have never known anybody was high. Why do people do it? I don't know, but I can tell you why I do it. Same reason most people smoke a joint before playing a video game, or watching a really good movie. It just seems to make the enjoyable things in life, more enjoyable.

And the comment made between Alchol and Weed... Personally I always thought they legalized the wrong one. I've never heard of someone coming home high and beating up there wife and kids, or just doing insanely idiotic things for no reason other than "I was drunk dude".

EDIT: Also on the note of illegal drugs, Marijuana (at least in Manitoba) is practically in the grey zone. If a cop finds it on you (Unless its pounds upon pounds) the most he will do is dispose of it. The way they get you is if they have reason to believe that you are dealing it. I live about 150 yards from our Parliament building, and on 4/20/09, You couldn't even count how many people were blazing weed, and there was maybe ONE cop to make sure shit didn't get out of hand, there more concerned about real "Illegal Drugs".

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Originally Posted by Mongoose View Post
Flaming a guy on his question, no matter how stupid it sounds, is to me not a professional way helping out nor answering the guys question.

Last edited by SDS_ShooterMcGavin; August 27th, 2009 at 19:18..
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Old August 27th, 2009, 19:07   #111
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Originally Posted by rong View Post
Schwag's done a very good job of letting everyone know he has his head up his ass.

He has he publicly outed all of TWAT on the PUBLIC, GOOGLE INDEXED side of ASC that there are illegal drugs at their games. Way to go stoner. You are a prime example of why drugs and guns don't mix..
you're the not so smart one. quoted for future reference.

I'm sure a mod will be looking to match your IP with other registered user names.

seeing as creating other accounts is against forum rules, good luck and good bye!
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Old August 27th, 2009, 19:12   #112
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Hehe well done coachster, using my iPhone so I couldn't make out what the join date was on this tard
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Old August 27th, 2009, 22:14   #113
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The topic is once again veering away from "Should ASC get involved" to "For Or Against pot at games." And I thought it was the pot smokers who were supposed to have a short attention span...

I'm going to leave this thread open a while longer, in case someone can come up with a convincing argument as to why ASC should start policing fields across the nation and to give others a chance to voice their opinion, but stay on topic.

But so far, the people who managed to chime in on the proper topic seem to be pretty unanimous in their opinion.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 22:48   #114
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I'm going to leave this thread open a while longer, in case someone can come up with a convincing argument as to why ASC should start policing fields across the nation and to give others a chance to voice their opinion, but stay on topic.
I don't think the issue is/should be actually one of ASC policing games across, but rather ASC protecting its own image and reputation.

The idea of ASC undertaking monitoring and punitive action over alcohol/drug use at games is clearly very divisive. The idea of revoking AV for violations, while serves to send a clear message, is ultimately fraught with serious issues, not the least of which is the broken state of AV right now. However, all this at the far end of the list of potential action. Just because some people don't think it'd fly doesn't mean there is nothing ASC can/should do at all.

The thing is, ASC is well within its mandate to police any and all traffic and content on ASC proper. ASC can simply create a policy by which no games at which alcohol/drug use immediately before and during game is tolerated can be publicly advertised on ASC. People who feel the need to attend or run such games can do so via PM and word of mouth, away from the limelight. "Policing" is reduced to simple deletion of threads, rather than any controversy over ASC proactivism off the internet.

At the end of the day, people posts games on ASC because it is convenient. Having a no drug/alcohol rule for games posted on ASC is at most, a mere inconvenience to people who enjoy such games, while ASC benefits from keeping its nose clean. This way, the no alcohol/drug policy ends up being a peaceful distancing rather than a vicious separation at gunpoint.

Given the current circumstances, I think my suggestion is quite a reasonable compromise.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 22:59   #115
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
A couple of your fellow pot smokers tried to get my son to smoke up with them at a game, and you losers sit here and defend it like it's your right to smoke dope. In actual fact.. it frickin illegal. I know you're old enough to do what you want, and I realize your a "grown up". And I also know that you can't do better if you don't know better, so I forgive your ignorance.

and I'm not trolling... I'm responding.. I started the post, and I will answer any points or accusations that are directed toward me.

I don't drink and I don't own a horse, If I did, it certainly wouldn't be "high" either.
Oh.. ok so there it is... well then deal with the pot smokers who attempted to corrupt your kid.. and leave us out of it.

There is already an effective enforcement process in place with the game hosts.... we have an 18 + rule for a reason .. so everyone is old enough to chose their actions and be responsible for them
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 27th, 2009, 23:14   #116
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I understand what you are
putting forth, but..

No threads other than the odd
Twat game advertises byob or
blatant party "vibes" So where
you expect the recon for the
policing to come from?

I see your future community
split worse than ever and full
of rats and very private games.
And eventually using local
forums instead of ASC.
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Old August 27th, 2009, 23:20   #117
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by safx View Post

I understand what you are
putting forth, but..

No threads other than the odd
Twat game advertises byob or
blatant party "vibes" So where
you expect the recon for the
policing to come from?

I see your future community
split worse than ever and full
of rats and very private games.
And eventually using local
forums instead of ASC.
indeed, people come here to get info.. find community and get involved .. if that comes with a dose of scrutiny and censures

ASc won't be the clearing house it is today.. Forums break under the weight of such things
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old August 27th, 2009, 23:40   #118
The Saint
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Originally Posted by safx View Post
No threads other than the odd
Twat game advertises byob or
blatant party "vibes" So where
you expect the recon for the
policing to come from?
The idea that my suggestion requires "recon" to work goes against its very essence. The idea of "recon" implies a certain amount of covertness and effort to reveal hidden facts by one party and efforts to conceal facts by another. I really don't see how anyone could post public, all-welcome games on ASC and expect the activities there not to be witnessed or discussed. By virtue of posting an open game, there is no expectation for secrecy or privacy, or need to have people "recon". Whatever happens is just that.

And to intentionally publicize games on ASC with the intent to ignore an ASC policy on alcohol/drug use would be a pretty dismal act of defiance.

I see your future community
split worse than ever and full
of rats and very private games.
And eventually using local
forums instead of ASC.
I think you have some pretty strange notions about how airsoft communities should work.

The idea of "rats" is pretty silly. It seems to me that people are often too willing to sweep dirt under the carpet, when accountability has always been a good thing, especially in an activity where the community police itself. If no one ever talks about wrong doings, then there are no wrong doings. To me, the whole derogatory notion of rats was created by people with a guilty conscience. People with nothing to hide has no fear of "rats".

There is nothing wrong with very private games. People are and should always be free to choose who they want to play with or not. Reaction against the idea that all games should be held to the same narrow standard is partially what filled Brian's huge thread about clear guns and new players. I believe the legal situation of airsoft in Canada has curtailed the population of airsofters to the point that people are trying to mash together player sub-groups in order to fill decent sized events, where in other countries each sub-group would have sufficient numbers not to requiring adjusting equipment or play standards in order to fill larger events.

Finally, there is nothing wrong with more prominent local forums. ASC wasn't created to force all Canadian airsofters to rely on a national site regardless of region. The idea of ASC is to promote a national airsoft identity without degrading the importance of regional organizations.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 10:23   #119
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
I don't think the issue is/should be actually one of ASC policing games across, but rather ASC protecting its own image and reputation.

The idea of ASC undertaking monitoring and punitive action over alcohol/drug use at games is clearly very divisive. The idea of revoking AV for violations, while serves to send a clear message, is ultimately fraught with serious issues, not the least of which is the broken state of AV right now. However, all this at the far end of the list of potential action. Just because some people don't think it'd fly doesn't mean there is nothing ASC can/should do at all.

The thing is, ASC is well within its mandate to police any and all traffic and content on ASC proper. ASC can simply create a policy by which no games at which alcohol/drug use immediately before and during game is tolerated can be publicly advertised on ASC. People who feel the need to attend or run such games can do so via PM and word of mouth, away from the limelight. "Policing" is reduced to simple deletion of threads, rather than any controversy over ASC proactivism off the internet.

At the end of the day, people posts games on ASC because it is convenient. Having a no drug/alcohol rule for games posted on ASC is at most, a mere inconvenience to people who enjoy such games, while ASC benefits from keeping its nose clean. This way, the no alcohol/drug policy ends up being a peaceful distancing rather than a vicious separation at gunpoint.

Given the current circumstances, I think my suggestion is quite a reasonable compromise.

This would be a good compromise. Having a policy that states the Communities official stand is a great idea. Since the largest games are typically posted here. I'm not saying that ASC has to sanction any game, but if it's going to be involved in the promotion or facilitating of players learning of games, the least and best it can do is have a hard policy about the behavior of it's membership while attending the games it's allowing to be posted on these forums.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 10:35   #120
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post

This would be a good compromise. Having a policy that states the Communities official stand is a great idea. Since the largest games are typically posted here. I'm not saying that ASC has to sanction any game, but if it's going to be involved in the promotion or facilitating of players learning of games, the least and best it can do is have a hard policy about the behavior of it's membership while attending the games it's allowing to be posted on these forums.
I object to any body that I did not consent to setting policy for my games on my property.. Its not the place of this forum to do so.

I am responsible so I make the rules.. No One else has the authority to do so.

you can't take an "official stand" if you have no mandate to enforce that stand.

Until such time as ASC will take on the responsibility by providing me with general liability insurance to indemnify me against claims against me as a game host / feild owner that I willingly accept, along with the restrictions incumbant upon such a contract it has NO RIGHT to set policy for anything that does not happen here.

The only authority ASC has is to restrict the use of its forum. If it is known that a particular game host allows rampant illegal activity and dangerous games with intoxicated players then it is well within its right to ban that user from access to the forums for the purpose of organizing such games.

As ASC is a wholly owned entity that can ban anyone at any time arbitrarily there is no need for a set policy. Such banning actions can be done on a case by case basis as has always been the practice to now.

so I say again.. This issue is not an issue
Brian McIlmoyle
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; August 28th, 2009 at 10:38..
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