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Armist BB's



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Old November 12th, 2010, 14:54   #76
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Moose Jaw, SK
I think they just have less oil on them than BBBastard BBs, so yeah, if you don't add a drop or oil your mags more often, you're going to experience some mag jamming.

I've never had a jam in my 6.03 tightbore with Armist .28s.

Still, I prefer BBBastard. Armist are just cheaper locally.
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Old November 12th, 2010, 15:46   #77
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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
I think they just have less oil on them than BBBastard BBs.
Bastards don't have oil on them, thats the double polish.
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Old November 12th, 2010, 17:25   #78
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I was not aware of that.

Nice polish!
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Old November 12th, 2010, 18:15   #79
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Originally Posted by venture View Post
They were not told that these were in fact Bastards, but were told they are of similar quality for less money.
Not slamming on you here venture but any statement like that is a big red flag for me. (wouldn't expect your wife and kids or mine for that matter to know that)

look through the Bastard site and you can see they have put a MASSIVE amount of time into their product and the research to support it, speaks volumes to the fact they do it because they care and the integrity of the product and the brand is of the utmost importance to them.

Ironically(?) if you ask a Bastard a question, they're not bastards :razz: they will answer directly, with a lot of detail and take you through every nuance of what you asked and with out spin or jargon BS.

TFG they are Canadian \m/
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Old November 12th, 2010, 18:55   #80
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Originally Posted by LongStone View Post
Not slamming on you here venture but any statement like that is a big red flag for me. (wouldn't expect your wife and kids or mine for that matter to know that)

look through the Bastard site and you can see they have put a MASSIVE amount of time into their product and the research to support it, speaks volumes to the fact they do it because they care and the integrity of the product and the brand is of the utmost importance to them.

Ironically(?) if you ask a Bastard a question, they're not bastards :razz: they will answer directly, with a lot of detail and take you through every nuance of what you asked and with out spin or jargon BS.

TFG they are Canadian \m/

The retailer is not representative of the brand of BB's they sell, or the integrity of the brand, etc.
Retailer X selling Brand Y(In this case Armist) of BB's is not the same as a Bastard selling Bastards.

Actually, what's wrong with a retailer recommending products that are of similar quality but cheaper? I don't get it.

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Last edited by Styrak; November 12th, 2010 at 18:57..
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Old December 25th, 2010, 15:09   #81
Join Date: Mar 2010
I was using Armist 0.20 and 0.25 in my Classic Army UMC with no issues whatsoever, but since I've gotten my hand on an older TM MP5 with EG560 motor.. Armist 0.20 misfeed EVERY 2 rounds; Misfeeds 1 round, then fires the next, misfeeds the next, fires the next... every +/-10 rounds, a bb will simply roll out the barrel.

I put in Bioval .20 Biodegradable BB's and the problem was fixed. From now on, I believe I will stick to Bioval for all my guns. Bioval has been extremely dependable in all situations. I was under the impression bio bb's wouldn't perform as well.. but Bioval's bio bb's have performed better than armist so far. In my TM they feed flawless, no misfeeds, no bb's that roll out, they fire every single one to the last. Armist stop firing and there is stil at least 20 left in a 90-round mag.

I was so worried the gun was faulty... glad it's just bb's.

Anyone know why or what would cause such issues? I'm just puzzled as to why .20 armist wouldn't feed right, but .20 bioval would? This was not tested with one pack of armist, it has always misfed with armist.
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Old December 26th, 2010, 09:03   #82
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I'm using Armist bbs and two of my friends are using them also with no problem. One of my friends used Bioval a few times and was having problems with them... With bioval, he had very inconsistent fps wich didn't happened with the Armist bbs. I guess it's hit or miss with these brands...
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Old December 26th, 2010, 12:31   #83
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Originally Posted by cbourdeau View Post
I'm using Armist bbs and two of my friends are using them also with no problem. One of my friends used Bioval a few times and was having problems with them... With bioval, he had very inconsistent fps wich didn't happened with the Armist bbs. I guess it's hit or miss with these brands...
That's strange.. there is a Thread on these forums about Bioval bb's and how consitent and perfect they are. First time I ever hear about Bioval not working. Maybe has to do with the guns or something.. Armist are very oily or have an extremely slick coating, while Bioval are less oily.. so if you have ANY dust/dirt in your barrel or even a scratch, being less oily, they might grab on and cause inconsitent FPS, while armist extra oily coating would just slide past wtv. I think that excess oil causes misfeeds in my TM MP5 and TM P226. It's hard to pinpoint what exactly could be the problem. But they do work great in my Classic Army. I've yet to try BB Bastard, but my friend got some, so I'll try them out soon.

Bioval are just kind of expensive, Locally paid 17$ for 1000 Bio .25 while I can get 3000 Armist .25 (non-bio) for about 10$. Online I get a bag of approx 5000 for near 30$ with shipping.

Last edited by GODSPEED|seven; December 26th, 2010 at 12:35..
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Old December 26th, 2010, 16:43   #84
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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I bought a bag of .28 armists at FR a while back, and had 2 jams through the night in my hicappa, and no issues in my we M14, shot straight as an arrow, got some great long range kills with it, so no real complaints, i get about as many jams using bastards, maybe a few less

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They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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