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why does everyone hate hi-caps



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Old October 8th, 2007, 04:18   #46
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When your hicap runs out of course.
Why is using a hicap "cheating"?

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Old October 8th, 2007, 04:55   #47
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Sidearms....that's another good point....

Why the fuck carry one if you're going to cheat and use hicaps?
How exactly do you cheat in airsoft? Other then NOT calling your hits? Or going into out of bounds area's to encircle your enenies position.

Or you could also set your radio's to same channel as eneny and just listen to where they are going.

You sound like you've just not been lucky in outsmarting your trigger happy hi-capping enemies.
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Old October 8th, 2007, 05:11   #48
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
When your hicap runs out of course.
Why is using a hicap "cheating"?
Better term would have been "cheap". A lot of guys spend a lot of money to replicate real combat as much as possible. A lot of money into gear, communications, magazines, optics, etc, only to be met by a high-cap wielding BB hose. Enemy combatants with poor fire control and an itchy trigger finger exist, but in real life they run out of ammo.

When people spend a lot of money to get away from the "paintball mentality", (generalization I know but it gets the point across) and move to true milsim, only to find they're playing against BB hoses, the frustration is understandable.

As for the Support Gunner/High Cap scenario, let me ask this question: In real life, what's the main downsides to an LMG? The answer is weight of ammo and accuracy. In general, the accuracy of all AEG's is all similar, and weight with BB's is never an issue.

So what's left? A high volume of fire weapon with more advantages over other guns, with none of the realistic disadvantages, leaving you with a very unrealistic combat situation, which when we get down to it (other than collecting) is the main point to airsoft, realistic combat simulation in game form.

And the only around this unrealism it really is to limit the number of LMG gunners per side, like our local clubs do at Ops.


Last edited by Cushak; October 8th, 2007 at 05:20..
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Old October 8th, 2007, 05:18   #49
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Yeah, I was referring more to LMG's, which need higher mag sizes cause that's what they have in real life. Like you said they have a higher volume of fire.

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Old October 8th, 2007, 09:03   #50
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Originally Posted by arman View Post
first off bbs are really cheep! I love my HiCap for my AUG and a little pissed i couldnt find one for my mp40 i had to buy 2 extra mags. im cheep but not on ammo i want to shoot lots and shoot things like the air so yea im a hicapper.
Well, whatever works for you. I don't have a problem with people using highcaps unless they hose.

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Old October 8th, 2007, 10:15   #51
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Sidearms....that's another good point....

Why the fuck carry one if you're going to cheat and use hicaps?
Just put a drum mag on a Skorpion and you can have hicaps all around.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old October 8th, 2007, 11:13   #52
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hicaps are an unfair advantage and advocate unsportsman like play. ive seen it and been on the recieving end many a time with guy useing hicaps. they can fire a steady stream of rounds out at you with no worry of running out of rounds nore needing to change mags. all you can do is sit there and wait untill his gun blows, he actually runss out of ammo, or he loses interest in the kill, or, if your lucky, he pulls his head out of his ass and realises hes not being sportsman like at all a starts burst fire.

hicaps serve no purpose, they definatly dont teach you to be a better player thats for damn sure. you dont learn fire control, you dont learn ammo rationing, counting your shots, makeing your shots count! and you dont get the whole experience, i dont remember any of out troops beeing issued hicaps in afganastan.

hicaps are cheater toys. morrocca shakers, they completly negate the use of a vest, why carry 10 mags when you can do that all in one mag? besides that, when youve got a hicap, your not just anyone.. your an "LMG". no use for a dump pouch. your just short changing yourself with hicaps, you never have to stop and think if you have enough ammo in this mag to advance or should you change mags now. you never get into a gun fight count the other guys shots and move when hes reloading. you never learn to use your sights as you can just spray and pray. you get lazy. hicaps just erode away at your core as a good player and turn you into a lazy, simple, iggnorrant, clueless drone.

our club and field dont accept hicaps unless its a new gun and you need time to buy some lows. mids are acceptable, but more often than not they cause you more trouble than theyre worth. we try and foster and extreemly high attitude of sprtsmanship at our field. we try to ensure everyones on a level playing field, we teach player not to become dependant on gimmicks and their guns, but rather their skill.
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Old October 8th, 2007, 13:26   #53
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
hicaps are an unfair advantage and advocate unsportsman like play. ive seen it and been on the recieving end many a time with guy useing hicaps. they can fire a steady stream of rounds out at you with no worry of running out of rounds nore needing to change mags. all you can do is sit there and wait untill his gun blows, he actually runss out of ammo, or he loses interest in the kill, or, if your lucky, he pulls his head out of his ass and realises hes not being sportsman like at all a starts burst fire.

hicaps serve no purpose, they definatly dont teach you to be a better player thats for damn sure. you dont learn fire control, you dont learn ammo rationing, counting your shots, makeing your shots count! and you dont get the whole experience, i dont remember any of out troops beeing issued hicaps in afganastan.

hicaps are cheater toys. morrocca shakers, they completly negate the use of a vest, why carry 10 mags when you can do that all in one mag? besides that, when youve got a hicap, your not just anyone.. your an "LMG". no use for a dump pouch. your just short changing yourself with hicaps, you never have to stop and think if you have enough ammo in this mag to advance or should you change mags now. you never get into a gun fight count the other guys shots and move when hes reloading. you never learn to use your sights as you can just spray and pray. you get lazy. hicaps just erode away at your core as a good player and turn you into a lazy, simple, iggnorrant, clueless drone.

our club and field dont accept hicaps unless its a new gun and you need time to buy some lows. mids are acceptable, but more often than not they cause you more trouble than theyre worth. we try and foster and extreemly high attitude of sprtsmanship at our field. we try to ensure everyones on a level playing field, we teach player not to become dependant on gimmicks and their guns, but rather their skill.
Well said.

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Old October 8th, 2007, 15:42   #54
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I hate hi-caps. I like the 50-80 rnds per mag, and as stated before, reloading is almost as much fun as the fight. I remember it happened at the last game i was at, i ran out, and someone throws you a mag, and you just keep going. It adds to the cohesiveness of moving as a unit. You need teammates with low/mid caps.
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Old October 8th, 2007, 16:05   #55
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Originally Posted by shifty51 View Post the max

I hate hi-caps. I like the 50-80 rnds per mag, and as stated before, reloading is almost as much fun as the fight. I remember it happened at the last game i was at, i ran out, and someone throws you a mag, and you just keep going. It adds to the cohesiveness of moving as a unit. You need teammates with low/mid caps.
Lol, except not everyone has armalites. And AUGs aren't as common.

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Old October 8th, 2007, 16:16   #56
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Sidearms....that's another good point....

Why the fuck carry one if you're going to cheat and use hicaps?
Because sometimes it's the fastest access gun available to you (case in point, I was in brush flinging BBs off into a base about 160ft away using my M24, my MP5 was on the ground about 3ft from me and I got shot at from behind. Down on my back, M24 on the ground, I fired off a half dozen rounds from my G19 and got the guy just as he tagged my knee).

AND, seems like every 3-4 games my MP5 gets a gun hit, rendering it "dead". That's when you go for a pistol. At least I have options if I get a gun hit, M24, MK23 or G19 (yes, all are present on me 95% of the time.)

Going to pistol isn't just about running out of ammo (although that is another good reason to carry a backup.)
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Old October 8th, 2007, 17:45   #57
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
Sidearms....that's another good point....

Why the fuck carry one if you're going to cheat and use hicaps?
For me, the quickest reload is a new gun. I dont have to be out of ammo to use my pistol. For me drawing my pistol is quicker than dropping and reloading a new mag.

Also, for a pistol, I find I use it more when Im sitting in the bush. If I am in a camping position its easier for me to swing my pistol around than attempt to swing around with my m4. Im not a huge fan of highcaps, they have their place though.

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Old October 8th, 2007, 20:07   #58
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I think it all depends on how many hi-caps u have, if u only have 1 and thats it, then its basiclly the same as your enemy having 3 or 4 low-caps..(Since winding takes about as much time as it takes to reload) but if u have 3 or 4 hi-caps and ur enemy has 3 or 4 low-caps then..yea... its pretty cheap. Some fields its simple, u can only have so much ammo (Exemple: 500 rounds).....hi-caps or low-caps, thats ur limite wich I find is the best way to stay fair
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Old October 8th, 2007, 20:13   #59
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Originally Posted by JPO375 View Post
I think it all depends on how many hi-caps u have, if u only have 1 and thats it, then its basiclly the same as your enemy having 3 or 4 low-caps..(Since winding takes about as much time as it takes to reload) but if u have 3 or 4 hi-caps and ur enemy has 3 or 4 low-caps then..yea... its pretty cheap. Some fields its simple, u can only have so much ammo (Exemple: 500 rounds).....hi-caps or low-caps, thats ur limite wich I find is the best way to stay fair
Another point to bring up regarding this, is it depends on the hicap itself for the type of gun. Some hicaps will unload 200-300 rounds with one wind, others like the MP5 200rd hicap will unload around 42 rounds per full wind, so it's like using less than a locap per run, spending longer to wind it than change mags.................. a hicap for an MP5 isn't exactly an advantage over using locaps.
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Old October 8th, 2007, 20:19   #60
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Do midcaps rattle???? Like i noe from the highcaps the rattle annoys me but everyone on the team uses highcaps. I was thinking of switching to midcaps or lowcaps to decrease rattle but if they have no rattle im definetly buying a box set. Speaking of which any opinion on best AK midcaps or lowcaps?

Last edited by Relja; October 8th, 2007 at 20:33..
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