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Not to sure were this rant belongs



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Old June 5th, 2012, 21:34   #31
Captain Banzai
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So you were at the store getting AV'ed right?
Maybe I missed that part.
I like that you're being quite preachy about law and practices and you aren't verified either from last August.

Originally Posted by Jestershot View Post
And my reply to Rom, Sales of a firearm requier an ID check, Although most class these as toys they are not in the eyes of the government. these are replicas and we need to be thankfull there is no permits to sell these. wether the buyer gives false info the vender selling any projectial firearm should be checking ID. Not getting ID for smokes in not as bad as buying something you can shoot another with. last time i check I have never been shot with a Canadian Classic well walking down the street. Regardless of what the Minor states and we all can agree that most minors seeing a replica firearm will try to go to the extremes in somecase to buy these. As a AV'er, Rep for AC and a vender all cautions should be taken. Its not the minors responsability to be honest but the venders responcability to do proper checks. All kids lie to get what they want. I did it as a kid and so did you guys. George is a good guy, he chambered a round that could have been aimed at him as a business.

The fact that I have read the statements The buy gave false info and what not could leave me to believe others have sold to minors with the attitude well its not my fault the buy gav false info. please make better choices in words. lets all not forget we are all judged for things like this. If people are cuaght being foolish all the time then the general public will think that everyone that has or place this sport is as well.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 21:39   #32
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Jestershot View Post
As it sits now he did his research and found its not Illegal for him to own it but to have been sold it. Joey is a very respectable Minor and I do trust in him not to do anything with a lack of common sence.
How's that? He lied to purchase it. It might not be illegal for him to own it but he falsely represented himself to buy it.

IMO, he is not a respectable minor. Fact is he lied and did not use common sense. What does that show us about his honour and respect for the game/sport? Who would want to play against/side by side with someone who starts off by lying?

Last edited by coach; June 6th, 2012 at 16:08.. Reason: typo
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Old June 5th, 2012, 21:45   #33
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I am 25, Have my firearms licence and just because I am not AV'd here does not mean I am not of age I do not plan to buy from here there for I do not need my AV'd. I can buy from an out of country vender and have the specs on order to that of a class of small arms and have then brought to me under my firearms licence. I do support the venders here but unless its something for gear I dont really see myself using them. I am here souly for game events that could interest me and or random posts of peek interests. There are people here that are also not AV'd that buy from eachother all the time and do come to events. Being AV'd is not an all powerfull thing have proper knowledge is the best defence against losing venders and players.

Both parties involved are at fault. Both had proper jobs to do, One checking for ID and the other providing it without lying.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 21:50..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 21:51   #34
Captain Banzai
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Originally Posted by Jestershot View Post
I am 25, Have my firearms licence and just because I am not AV'd here does not mean I am not of age I do not plan to buy from here there for I do not need my AV'd. I can buy from an out of country vender and have the specs on order to that of a class of small arms and have then brought to me under my firearms licence. I do support the venders here but unless its something for gear I dont really see myself using them. I am here souly for game events that could interest me and or random posts of peek interests. There are people here that are also not AV'd that buy from eachother all the time and do come to events. Being AV'd is not an all powerfull thing have proper knowledge is the best defence against losing venders and players.

Both parties involved are at fault. Both had proper jobs to do, One checking for ID and the other providing it without lying.
Was just wondering.
Thanks for clearing that up.
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Old June 5th, 2012, 21:59   #35
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No worries good sir. Alls this thread is here for is to rectify the mistakes of someone of this community so that this does not happen again this time involving someone that will be foolish with it. I would play beside Joey any day of the week. Just because he lied to get something to get involved in this sport does not mean he is a bad person. I have played with AV'd players that do not call there hits, Have started fights of the field and also have disrespected other players in a act of thinking there better then someone just by there equipment. I would welcome anyone of maturity that is willing to follow rules just to be able to play something that they have a passion for. I have played beside Joey before out in the Bush, (after contacting proper enforcement) and he always calls his hits, always has a smile on his face and just loves to be involved in a sport with others of the same heart. the only thing stoping him is the fact he is 17 and not 18 other then that he would be a great player and a great contributer to this site and sport.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 22:08..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 23:08   #36
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Originally Posted by Jestershot View Post
I just got off the phone with Joey, As it sits now he did his research and found its not Illegal for him to own it but to have been sold it. Joey is a very respectable Minor and I do trust in him not to do anything with a lack of common sence. As fare as I know he did hand it over to another of his friends that was formaly on here and used to be varified but did lose it do to a few old mistakes that have been learned from. I do trust this person as well. Joey however did not state in full he was going to return it to the vender. He said he Might be able to bring it in on friday. This matter is now closed as to the AEG is in the hands of someone over the age of 18, who also has his restricted and none restricted firearms licence and owns a few real firearms and is more then capable of proper storage and what ever needs be.

On a side note, Airsoft as a community is always negatively effect by any PERSONS being foolish against the laws of out province. Wether its the sales of it to a MINOR, A friendly player that was selling them out of there house because its hard to get them. (looked at as smuggling and sales of replicas) a criminal act or even a PERSONS that has bough said items and acts like a fool with it. We all have seen the news and have heard of situations regarding airsoft. These actions are the reason its a shady area for all of us.
There has been so much conflict within the are of this. Any negative attention the what we use to play with is never a good thing. The public will start to frown upon the use of them, making it harder to play with and making it harder for sales. right now there is a market be it unstable market for airsoft. any more restrictions and we could lose this all together.

I personaly regard this matter as closed. Thank you all for your quick responce and working as a community.
So you trust your respectable minor friend so much that you rat him out because he's ONE year shy of 18? You trust him so much that he can't even possess his airsoft gun that he paid for and it's been handed over to a former ASC member with his AV status revoked? Don't get me wrong, I applaud your vigilance in enforcing the airsoft sales min age and I'm sure the community appreciates that you just averted a crisis. I bet your trustworthy friend can't stop thanking you for what you did.

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Old June 5th, 2012, 23:20   #37
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He has no issues with the outcome of this event, He has got his full money back on transfer to a person that is of age. As fare as the Rat statement how about we all just let retailers sell to minors, then let those minor create a situation the further restricts the sales and use of these items, let the venders all get shut down do to this and a perm ban be placed upon canada do to ignorance and lack of knowledge by the members and venders. This sound great to me.. Sorry but instead of trying to Start and issue maybe really issues should be looked at. this being a real issue has been looked at. There are reasons for the laws we have if you want to be a contributer to the restrictions thats your choice however I do not feel we need to struggle to do what we all love to do. It could potentialy takes one person to rune it for the rest. I have seen the threats of airsoft in the media here. Barrie has had its fair share of run ins. I dont think being know for venders selling to under aged people should be added to the already unstable environment here. Laws are Laws, there for the protection of the public and the Venders. You break them then we all start to lose what we love.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 23:27..
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Old June 5th, 2012, 23:38   #38
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On a side note, trying to point out a flaw in a friendship and not in a vender has no bearing here. As a friend, Making sure a friend is safe and not entering an area where said person can be brought up on charges or any laws are broken is what a friend should do. When he turns 18 go for it buy what you want. I keep my Airsoft in a locked gun safe with triger locks. Not everyone stores there items like this. If one of his friends steals the item and commites an offence with it. Who do you think its going to fall back on. The only Vender in barrie with a store front supplying these items. I dont know George that well but im sure he is happy that this has been brought to his attention. I am not a person to turn my back on someone do to a mistake. After ready about former members on here and there issues I see many of you are like that so I will not be having large interactions with a large number of you. I also see legit people on here willing to help and make solid friends and work towards bettering the community. Those are the people I want to interact with. I have heard good things about a few of the staff here and thats one of the reasons why I joined.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 5th, 2012 at 23:40..
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Old June 6th, 2012, 00:16   #39
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I have spoken with George, good guy and I do request this thread be locked and this matter be closed. All is well in the balance now and we should mark this as a thing from the past. I do not have any bad issues with George, My issue was directed to the law and the fact it effects us all. Good luck with your future adventures and best wishes. We dont need to lose anymore players. I would recommend George as a GunDoctor and as a sales rep.

Last edited by Jestershot; June 6th, 2012 at 00:22..
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Old June 6th, 2012, 12:59   #40
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I'd like to know the name of the buyer, and if he has membership on here. IT might just bring up his future relations on this board if he's willing to lie so easily, especially since our sport is based upon honour, and the respect to be able to trust each other.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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