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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:13   #16
The Saint
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
Role playing games, card games and Airsoft...add some paintball for measure...what the hell?
I do or have done all of the above, as have many of my fellow geek friends. Acne-covered, thick glassed, pen-protector wearers aren't representative of today's geeks.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:26   #17
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Originally Posted by Bakes View Post
Ok,there has to be something were missing. Why would a guy thats already been raided risk getting raided again? This doesnt make sense. Is there a possibility that the Government/Customs is raiding all these guys that arent playing by the rules(not having this import license). Getting rid of all these guys so that way they can have a finger over all of the importing. I think assuming that Ken@007 would risk getting raided for a couple of bucks that he makes off the guns would say he isnt a very intelligent person(and I dont think thats the case). I think everyone is jumping the gun(no pun intended) on this one. Just a thought.
Dude, you simply haven't been around long enough.

Apec/Xp/Blue Seas - had license - gone

DEA/Rangers/M1 - had license - gone

Canadian Airsoft - had license - gone

Warcraft - used someones' license - gone

ASCA - had license - gone

ASK, 007, and other small guys - gone

The CFC (now RCMP) and the CBSA are more serious about shutting down the supply of replicas than they have ever been. They will win too!!!

All of this occurred in the last year, and some of these guys had been around for years.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:40   #18
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A lot of them are gone by their own choice though, not because they were forced to do so.

Still, we do have two retailers and 007 is going to open up their doors again, so it isn't like the sky has fallen yet.

Though, with recent events, Greylock's question of 'Why not wait a couple years?' to minors, may now have a better reason not to wait. A true case of 'Use it or lose it!'

We can't do much about it as a community... it's been tried. Just buy and sell while we still can and if it gets worse, we can deal with it then.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:42   #19
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
I do or have done all of the above, as have many of my fellow geek friends. Acne-covered, thick glassed, pen-protector wearers aren't representative of today's geeks.
You're making assumptions - my impression on that is how are you considered a focused(serious) vertical when you seem like a closet or grocery store of hobbies?

It just seems to me it was retail for whatever the owners primary interests were / all over the place.

Why are you calling those interested in such subjects geeks? You're totally off base.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:44   #20
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KId, what planet do you live on? The only ones who closed by choice were 007 and ASK, because they lost their supplier (Kang).

The others either had their licenses yanked, or were denied renewal.

SAYING you are going to open up again is a far cry from ACTUALLY doing it. And who says that A&A is going to continue doing forever either.

The fire under the CBSA's butt has already been lit. If you can't smell the smoke, don't confue it with fog.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:51   #21
The Saint
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho View Post
You're making assumptions - my impression on that is how are you considered a focused(serious) vertical when you seem like a closet or grocery store of hobbies?

It just seems to me it was retail for whatever the owners primary interests were / all over the place.
Dunno, I suppose since it catered to all my hobbies, it's a non-issue. I think many hobbies stores don't do so well if they don't cater to a wide variety of hobbies. Some of the gaming stores I know of that focuses on tabletop and RPGs don't do so well, or at least never expand and are always in location-flux. I'm sure there's some sort of common theme among all the activities listed.... Somewhere.

Why are you calling those interested in such subjects geeks? You're totally off base.
I identify myself as a geek, as do everyone I know in real life who engages in those activities. It's not an insult, at least among my social circles, more of an admission.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:54   #22
The Saint
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
The fire under the CBSA's butt has already been lit. If you can't smell the smoke, don't confue it with fog.
Honestly, I know many people say ASC don't matter in terms of collective action to save airsoft, but can someone at least throw us the occasional tidbit of light in the darkness? Or is there none?
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 00:55   #23
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Dude, you simply haven't been around long enough.

Apec/Xp/Blue Seas - had license - gone

DEA/Rangers/M1 - had license - gone

Canadian Airsoft - had license - gone

Warcraft - used someones' license - gone

ASCA - had license - gone

ASK, 007, and other small guys - gone

The CFC (now RCMP) and the CBSA are more serious about shutting down the supply of replicas than they have ever been. They will win too!!!

All of this occurred in the last year, and some of these guys had been around for years.
Majority of the Canadian retailers were probably just a couple guys who had a lot of money and probably got hold of a broker WITH the licenses to do all the work for them. There's a thread about importation and it clearly states that "joe teenager can't get a license and sell airsoft out of his basement", that you need to be an established business to get the license and all sorts of other things so simply put you can't just go ahead and go I want the license to just import airsoft and sell it out of my home/office etc. 007 seems to be the only exception probably because 007 accquired their own license BACK IN THE DAY. I believe and from what I've gathered operates out of a paintball field which in some cases may provide training for possible law enforcement which could allow them to qualify for such license. I'm not absolutely sure but only time will tell, they bring in shipments fast and tend to not have much issues with customs @ the moment so it's green for them.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 01:10   #24
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Most of these business had licenses and were infact businesses. Training does not necessarily guarantee that you qualify for a license. If police acadamies and the military are denied access to these, why should a paintball field have it for that purpose?

The license also clearly names the business licenseholder on it, the same as for any business license issued to a firearms dealer. There are some retailers who've imported without a license. This may also be the case as well.

And Saint, there is no light. At least, I haven't seen any. This discussion has occurred on real gun forums as well, and they don't have any optimism either.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old March 22nd, 2007, 01:27   #25
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Most of these business had licenses and were infact businesses. Training does not necessarily guarantee that you qualify for a license. If police acadamies and the military are denied access to these, why should a paintball field have it for that purpose?

The license also clearly names the business licenseholder on it, the same as for any business license issued to a firearms dealer. There are some retailers who've imported without a license. This may also be the case as well.

And Saint, there is no light. At least, I haven't seen any. This discussion has occurred on real gun forums as well, and they don't have any optimism either.
Oohhhh the possibilities! Brian noted that TTAC3 could qualify for it because of their training facility but who knows :P
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 01:57   #26
The Saint
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
And Saint, there is no light. At least, I haven't seen any. This discussion has occurred on real gun forums as well, and they don't have any optimism either.
You just gave me the greatest idea I've had in a long while, as bizarre as that sounds... Thank you.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:05   #27
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do we get to hear the idea Saint?
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:29   #28
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
Oohhhh the possibilities! Brian noted that TTAC3 could qualify for it because of their training facility but who knows :P
Yes.... its true.. if I wanted to jump through all the hoops...I am confident I could get a business firearms License ... Which means my business could buy replicas for use on my premisis..

it is not possible to get a license to sell replicas to individuals... full stop.. the law forbids it.

every time you as an individual buys or sells an airsoft gun you could be busted for trafficing in prohibited devices... this is a reality... and this is why so many business went down this year..
Sure most of them had import licenses...and were briniging in guns legally
But they were not selling them legally because you can't.

Sales were based on the premis that enforcement was lax.. which left some room for trade... well enforcment is less lax now... so there is less room for trade.

There will likely be always someone willing to risk it to bring guns in and sell them... but the days of "shopping for guns" is over... at least for now...
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 02:37   #29
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But really I'm sure things will work out, someone some where will find a loop hole that gets us all imports!
Dumb question but what about real gun stores? Would they be able to buy and sell airsoft?

Well if the shit really hits the fan here(pray to all things and gods holy it don't)
you can always be like these guys

Last edited by Flint; March 22nd, 2007 at 02:41..
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 03:03   #30
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Flint View Post
Would they be able to buy and sell airsoft?

If shit were to truly hit the fan, basically every airsofter in Canada can be charged with illegally possessing a prohibited device.
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