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Propane w/ plastic slide/barrel


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Old November 16th, 2006, 07:01   #16
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here's a little thing about propane and green gas my friends always telling me

green gas is good for lowering fps works extremely well in winter and will not cause any damage to your slide from a hard kick o mater how its tuned

propane this gas will increase your fps give you a harder kick and will freeze in below 0 temperatures

red gas i will quote this one "if i ever catch you with red gas i will kill you"

duster gas hasn't yet come up
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Old November 16th, 2006, 08:10   #17
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Read up on various gases, and green VS propane, in the Information section. You will find interesting and correct facts that way.
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Old November 16th, 2006, 12:41   #18
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Originally Posted by Codename47 View Post
I prefer duster for this gun because I think it was built for that type of gas, reason being is that it simulates actual gun fire by releasing a visible stream of gas from the hammer and the chamber area when the trigger is pulled. I find this extremely cool, because this is not possible with propane. I don't know if other ABS guns do this with duster gas aswell, but it's my 1st ABS GBB I ever owned and I love it...
The good looks real nice actually, though with regards to the escaping gas its probably not good. It means that the mags aren't properly seating and probably need a little silicone oil on the rubber or perhaps have high flow valves installed. Ideally, the pressure should be focused down the barrel. Having said that, if you like the way that looks (just don't smoke and shoot at the same time) then what the heck, enjoy :smile:
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Old November 16th, 2006, 14:13   #19
Scotty aka harleyb
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Originally Posted by Kuraitenshi View Post
Green gas CH2FCF3CH3 (Methylated Tetrafluroethane) @21 deg C= 100psi
Propane CH3CH2CH3C3H8 @ 21 deg. C= 138psi

Hmmm..... dose this make more sence?

still don't believe me? LOOK IT UP.

using gas that has a higher pressure than the seals are designed to handle will eventually damage ur gun.
Your first link doesn't work. I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say with your wikipedia link.

Originally Posted by shadow1911 View Post
here's a little thing about propane and green gas my friends always telling me

green gas is good for lowering fps works extremely well in winter and will not cause any damage to your slide from a hard kick o mater how its tuned

propane this gas will increase your fps give you a harder kick and will freeze in below 0 temperatures

red gas i will quote this one "if i ever catch you with red gas i will kill you"

duster gas hasn't yet come up
Guys... green gas and propane are the exact same thing. This has been proven by MadMax/Carl with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry testing at UofT.

-The molecule on green gas cans is unstable and cannot exist in nature
-Green gas and propane exert the same pressures at multiple different temperatures
-Green gas and propane combust in the same fasion
-Green gas and propane have practically identical spectrums as found throught the GC/MS testing

Conclusion: Green gas is propane.

Stilll don't believe me? Check it out:
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Old November 16th, 2006, 14:26   #20
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by Kuraitenshi View Post
Green gas CH2FCF3CH3 (Methylated Tetrafluroethane) @21 deg C= 100psi
Propane CH3CH2CH3C3H8 @ 21 deg. C= 138psi

Hmmm..... dose this make more sence?

still don't believe me? LOOK IT UP.

using gas that has a higher pressure than the seals are designed to handle will eventually damage ur gun.
I'm guessing you're reading the side of your green gas can. Normally you're supposed to be able to trust labels which show you what's contained in your purchases, but in the case of green gas, the molecule definition is a blatant lie.

CH2FCF3CH3 is not the chemical formula for tetrafluoroethane. The structural molecular formula is: H2FC-CF3

I think you're allowed to rearrange it to read: CH2FCF3, but there is an extra CH3 group appended to the end of the can label which is not correct. If you recall your highschool chemistry, carbon does not have enough valences to hang onto the extra CH3 group.

If you directly measure the pressure of your GG can, you'll also note that it does not exert 100psi at 21C. It would be exerting around 120psi just like propane. Propanes molecular formula is C3H8 not the wonky one you stated. You'll also find that pretty much every brand of green gas is similarly flammable to propane. HFC134a (tetrafluoroethane) is not.

You've clearly found industrial references to propane. Have you noticed that there are no industrial references to CH2FCF3CH3?

Unforunately my website is still offline:

If you don't want to believe my research because of the conflict of interest issues with me selling propane adaptors, that's fine. However you should also realise that green gas bottlers are also businessmen who may be selling a product under false pretenses. At the very least green gas bottlers should properly label their containers warn the public that they are using a flammable gas product. They should also use better containers. Airsoft GG containers are dangerously thin. There have been some cases of them bursting with dangerous results.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old November 16th, 2006, 17:46   #21
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Originally Posted by MadMax View Post
I'm guessing you're reading the side of your green gas can. Normally you're supposed to be able to trust labels which show you what's contained in your purchases, but in the case of green gas, the molecule definition is a blatant lie.

CH2FCF3CH3 is not the chemical formula for tetrafluoroethane. The structural molecular formula is: H2FC-CF3

I think you're allowed to rearrange it to read: CH2FCF3, but there is an extra CH3 group appended to the end of the can label which is not correct. If you recall your highschool chemistry, carbon does not have enough valences to hang onto the extra CH3 group.

If you don't want to believe my research because of the conflict of interest issues with me selling propane adaptors, that's fine. However you should also realise that green gas bottlers are also businessmen who may be selling a product under false pretenses. At the very least green gas bottlers should properly label their containers warn the public that they are using a flammable gas product. They should also use better containers. Airsoft GG containers are dangerously thin. There have been some cases of them bursting with dangerous results.
I bought one of your propane adaptors in one o me first purchases from the ASC, it works great.
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Old November 17th, 2006, 21:02   #22
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so you admit that green gas is propane then lol?
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Old November 18th, 2006, 04:32   #23
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Originally Posted by takatorikku View Post
so you admit that green gas is propane then lol?
Ha ha ha no. i admit to nothing aside from stirring a little sh** and promoting a good propane adaptor. (just remember to add silicone oil to keep ur gun working good.)
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Last edited by Kuraitenshi; November 18th, 2006 at 04:34..
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Old November 18th, 2006, 15:25   #24
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I have a feeling that Shadow is confusing green gas with duster gas. Propellants aren't very well defined in airsoft.
Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old November 18th, 2006, 15:42   #25
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2 drops every 10 mags' worth. trust me, i over-lubed my USP once, not fun.
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