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ICS MP5 SD5, TM P90 or TM M4 S System


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Old August 4th, 2006, 17:59   #16
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: pence
Well ive been doing reaserch and i have narowed it down to a gun M4 now i am trying to find out what make.. Classic Army has a nice one the rof seems amazing for a stock gun, but i dont know what make i should buy ICS seems alright. Does anyone have imput on what make? "this is a question"
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Old August 4th, 2006, 18:15   #17
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Originally Posted by taylorvw
Ok thanks for the input i will be looking forward to purchasing a rifle. Ps. i was looking around last night and I read about the Tokyo Marui Aug Civilian version, I see it has a nice long barell and shoots as well as a M16 and is one of the heaviest among the TM line up. Is this any better than the S SYSTEM
AUG civilian is an exceptional rifle. Long barrel for outdoors (510 mm) but it's overall dimensions make it handle well for indoors. Personally, I've got both the M4 and AUG. Switched the barrels (note the avatar pic, although poor) and now the AUG has the M4 barrel, which is no slouch for accuracy, but is an extremely small package. Great for indoors.

Upgraded the spring and internals on the M4, and with the longer barrel and the silencer to cover the longer barrel, and now have a quasi-sniper.

Point being, AUG=good.
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Old August 4th, 2006, 18:46   #18
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Judging on your avatar , we can bid you like the Steyr :P It's a very good gun nonetheless. As for the S-System , I've read very good feedback about it. If you like customizing guns , having a shitload of accessories on your gun , go for the S-System. If you like being different and have a gun that can take long range shots in its stock form , the AUg is for you

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Old August 4th, 2006, 19:29   #19
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OMFG just spoon feed him Im so tired of this shit you are a noob and ask a question and some ass holes will eat you alive for it just take the time out of your busy day ( sarcasm) and answer the fucking question, and stop sending people to the reviews section lots of those reviews are out of date and changed addresses and some newer versions of the guns have been released. and also some noobs dont understand some of what there talking about in the reviews hence the the fact their noobs just stop being dicks and remember your first times when you didnt know shit! about airsoft. I had the same experience when I was getting into airsoft and asked questions and alot of people were realy negative to me and told me to read reviews and were overall nasty,(NEWSFLASH) noobs do read reviews then ask a questions because they are looking to you experienced airsofters for help and guidence and advice from personal first hand experience with guns gear etc., get of your airsoft high horse and answer the fucking question! you talk about introducing people to airsoft to expand the sport but when your being a dick to noobs your doing the opposite, remember the more people that get into airsoft the better, its realy simple more players=more exposure=more airsoft manufacturing=quality guns,,fields etc,etc.etc think about it, who knows the Canadian government might even ligalize airsoft and make it a legitamate and more mainstream sport if they see the resposibility and fun that the majority of airsoft is. Or it will all go to shit and be ruined by some dumb shit running around T.O with a GBB in his waistband. Just be nice to new airsofters.

PS: The above rant is about the dicks in airsoft who think they are smart about airsoft and therefor make noobs feel stupid for not knowing something and asking a question, with that said the majority of people in airsoft are descent people who will take the time to explaine and teach you what you dont know hope fully thats how it will be.
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Old August 4th, 2006, 19:33   #20
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Oh yea what is the ICS m4 latest version like, any good can someone with personal experience explain? cause I plan to buy one any real reasons not to buy one quality wise?
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Old August 4th, 2006, 20:04   #21
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Originally Posted by Alex_20
OMFG just spoon feed him Im so tired of this shit you are a noob and ask a question and some ass holes will eat you alive for it just take the time out of your busy day ( sarcasm) and answer the fucking question, and stop sending people to the reviews section lots of those reviews are out of date and changed addresses and some newer versions of the guns have been released. and also some noobs dont understand some of what there talking about in the reviews hence the the fact their noobs just stop being dicks and remember your first times when you didnt know shit! about airsoft. I had the same experience when I was getting into airsoft and asked questions and alot of people were realy negative to me and told me to read reviews and were overall nasty,(NEWSFLASH) noobs do read reviews then ask a questions because they are looking to you experienced airsofters for help and guidence and advice from personal first hand experience with guns gear etc., get of your airsoft high horse and answer the fucking question! you talk about introducing people to airsoft to expand the sport but when your being a dick to noobs your doing the opposite, remember the more people that get into airsoft the better, its realy simple more players=more exposure=more airsoft manufacturing=quality guns,,fields etc,etc.etc think about it, who knows the Canadian government might even ligalize airsoft and make it a legitamate and more mainstream sport if they see the resposibility and fun that the majority of airsoft is. Or it will all go to shit and be ruined by some dumb shit running around T.O with a GBB in his waistband. Just be nice to new airsofters.

PS: The above rant is about the dicks in airsoft who think they are smart about airsoft and therefor make noobs feel stupid for not knowing something and asking a question, with that said the majority of people in airsoft are descent people who will take the time to explaine and teach you what you dont know hope fully thats how it will be.

We searched before asking stupidities , why wouldn't they ?

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Old August 4th, 2006, 20:22   #22
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Originally Posted by Alex_20
OMFG just spoon feed him Im so tired of this shit you are a noob and ask a question and some ass holes will eat you alive for it just take the time out of your busy day ( sarcasm) and answer the fucking question, and stop sending people to the reviews section lots of those reviews are out of date and changed addresses and some newer versions of the guns have been released................
Talk about run on sentence, learn how to use periods.

I didn't make a thread about every question I had, I SEARCHED for it, just like a lot of other fellow ASCers. Then I make a thread if I can't find the answer.

Your arguments makes no sense, people make a review based on using them!!! They don't randomly write review on an airsoft they don't have. When we talk about introducing airsoft to people is more along the lines of educating what the sport is, not trying to turn it into a massive sports that gets fucked up by kids like paintball.

Out of all the replies on this thread, your reply is the most worthless of all. No information given. The bottom line is, if you want to spoon feed any noobs, go ahead, we're not here to stop you.

Back on topic, CA m15a4 carbine is excellent for its money, $510 on ASC Armoury, just a mere $10 over TM M4A1. You have your full metal body, excellent build internally and externally, highly recommended. (Never given me any problems either)
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Old August 4th, 2006, 21:07   #23
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Location: california

Dude if i was you, i would get a tm m4a1[new version]. i got it about 5 months ago, and it is really good, no more barrel wobble, and the hop up system is great.accuracy is great and teh fps is about 300 stock. tehre are many metal pieces on the gun, but there are plastic too. for about $275, u cant pass it up :-D
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Old August 4th, 2006, 21:16   #24
Originally Posted by Dark.M4a1
Dude if i was you, i would get a tm m4a1[new version]. i got it about 5 months ago, and it is really good, no more barrel wobble, and the hop up system is great.accuracy is great and teh fps is about 300 stock. tehre are many metal pieces on the gun, but there are plastic too. for about $275, u cant pass it up :-D
those are US prices...they are double that here

new or old, its still going to need a metal reciever sooner or later.

save yourself the time and trouble(and money) and save for a full metal M4. My advice. If you like the M4, its metal or nothing. TM is great, but the lack of a solid metal body is a real kicker. Go with G&P, CA, or ICS.
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Old August 5th, 2006, 01:40   #25
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: pence
Thanks for the input guys! i have made my decision and it will be the CA M15A4!
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Old August 5th, 2006, 01:45   #26
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Originally Posted by Dark.M4a1
Dude if i was you, i would get a tm m4a1[new version]. i got it about 5 months ago, and it is really good, no more barrel wobble, and the hop up system is great.accuracy is great and teh fps is about 300 stock. tehre are many metal pieces on the gun, but there are plastic too. for about $275, u cant pass it up :-D
Why were you asking for a M4A1 review when you already had yours for 5 months? :hammer:
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Old August 5th, 2006, 02:05   #27
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whos asking for a reveiw?

And does anyone have pics of their M15A4 with mods such as silencer, nade launcher. i guess i could look in the galery.. meh
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Old August 5th, 2006, 02:57   #28
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Location: pence
AHH shit here we go agian ive been reading about the famas now look at it! its unique doesnt break down looks good with mods, i hope it is sturdy it has a amazing rof and is powerfull. Is there anyway in the near future i could buy a metal body for it?
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Old August 5th, 2006, 02:59   #29
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Toronto
They dont come in metal bodies... and there is not after market metal bodies for them.

Real steal famas are not full metal either. Their body is made of some sort of strong plastic composite.
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Old August 5th, 2006, 03:16   #30
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: pence
Hmm.... there soo cheap($400 ascarmoury)but i need somthing reliable for atleast a year and that is modable. But i still think i am better off with the M15A4. Who knows, anybody got anything to add that could change my mind
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