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KJW M700


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Old December 8th, 2005, 01:24   #16
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Someone was suggesting of putting a "G&G m700/m24/m40 striker spring", so you won't have the "hit hard" problem?
And BTW it's called "G&G Striker Spring for TANAKA M700/M24", long last found it.
Find it here:
So, if the turn down counter-clockwise thing and is not gonna work for you just install the striker spring instead of your old spring, even cut a few coils if fps is too high. Got to get it somewhere between 400fps-450fps with 0.xg(suggested for sniping i think is 0.36g), which is the limit for the games I been in. And the "G&G m700/m24/m40 striker spring" is nowhere to be found. Anyone else got any smart ideas cuz i don't?
Review link.,M700
Thx all,
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Old December 8th, 2005, 04:25   #17
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velocity isn't 400-450 fps for 0.Xg BBs "for sniping".

It's 400-450 fps with whatever weight BB the club/field you're at stipulates.

Here in Vancouver I believe it's with .25's, so the velocities will be slower with higher weight BB's (which is fine, they still hurt...)

If it was 400-450 fps with whatever weight you chose, you could pick .45s, chrono, then use lighter BBs on the field to achieve unfriendly velocities...

As for what the spring does, I don't know.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 10:46   #18
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I was the one who suggested putting the tanaka striker spring in. It WASN'T to drop the velocity down, it's only to improve the flow consistancy between each shot. I got the info from Dispatch at Airsoft Retreat (he knows the gun inside, out and backwards, as well as the CA M24 V2).

I did my chrony testing after I cut the 1.5-2 coils from my present spring. As I said, use duster when the temp is over +25C (the day I did it, was about +36C or so, hottest day of the year, and tetraflouroethane duster gave me just under 450fps with 0.20g BBs), in between +15C and +25C, use your own discretion, and below +15C, use propane. This is all relative, not fact, just my opinion on running a safe yet effective gun on the field. My M700 ran great on propane last game day, and it was about +10C.

I have ordered that Tanaka spring from WGC (next team group order). It's a mere $4US.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 02:45   #19
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CDN_Stalker and all,
Is it necessary to install the G&G striker spring? Or can you live without it? An SP100(170%) Guarder would work with m700s or is just for AEGs?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 02:54   #20
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Could find G&G striker string in GTA, or you have to order it?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 03:10   #21
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Not a chance in hell an AEG spring is going to work in the KJW m700. AEG's use a spring to push a piston, to compress air, to propel a BB. A gas gun uses a spring to force a hammer to open a valve releasing gas to propel a BB. The difference in the physical size of the springs alone is huge.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 17:54   #22
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aha..get it now....the spring adjust I mean.....
Hi all,
What problems does the m700 clone have? Read about the cocking thing being locked and not the trigger ....that true?
Also, someone was saying when cocking and the barrel is tilted forward, BBz just roll down the barrel..that true?
For low temperatures -20C to 20C, what gas to use propane, green?
In what situation would you use duster?
Snipers, what BBZ and what gas would work best with this rifle make it 400fps-500fps?
Thank you very much,
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Old December 12th, 2005, 19:21   #23
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Since I answered your questions in the PM you sent me (same questions, with my answers, best if you post them here for anyone else that wants to ask the questions), I'll just deal with the spring.

No, you don't NEED the better striker spring, the KJW M700 in stock form works just fine. If you want an increase in consistancy between shots, then you get the Tanaka striker spring and install it. I thought I answered that in this thread already, guess being 34 makes my brain mush at the best of times.

Anyways, the link you posted, $11.00 is too much (unless is in Canadian dollars). Here's the WGC price for that spring :

GG Parts - Tanaka M700 Series
G&G Striker Spring for Tanaka M700 / M24 In Stock US$4.00

Since I have it on the next team order from WGC, I think I'll add a couple more to it in case anyone wants to buy. Just keep in mind I have to pay my share of the exchange, the shipping, and my part of the $45 wire transfer they only allow from Canaidna customers (PayPal no longer accepted, blame the idiot in Canada that ordered an M203 from WGC and got it siezed, because PayPal is connected to a credit card, the guy never received his order so claimed it lost, his credit card sucked back the funds and WGC got screwed.)
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Old December 12th, 2005, 19:22   #24
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Propane is green.

-20C to 20C? haha, that's pretty big difference there.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 19:28   #25
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Actually, a local guy here that knows a fair bit, claims that Green is slightly lower pressure than Green gas. Can't argue with him, never used green, but his chrony results DID show some difference between the two.

As far as Dami goes, some people have been feeding him false info. Like this:

"Also, someone was saying when cocking and the barrel is tilted forward, BBz just roll down the barrel..that true?"

Hop up not dialed in at all, common problem with every airsoft gun, add some hopup and BBs don't roll out. Simple fix. Now shoot the guy who told you is was a design flaw!!!!!
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Old December 13th, 2005, 00:33   #26
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Answers to my questions above about m700 clone from PM. All this info is from forums, arnies, airsoftcanada, airsoftretreat, etc.
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Wow, where do I start? No idea about the cocking thing being locked and not the trigger, haven't a clue what you were told.

Bbs rolling down the barrel, happens with EVERY airsoft gun when there is zero hop up. The nub in the barrel holds the BBs in place until you are ready to shoot.

No gas except compressed air will work that low. You can use propane in +5C weather, as long as you keep the mags warm and only pull them our when you are ready to shoot. Use propane from about that temp up to about +15C (since you are new and inexperienced, I can get away with propane in hotter weather, just because I'm neither ) After that use duster. Heck, even if I used that gun above +25C, I'd more likely use duster as well, and just keep a single mag loaded with propane and keep it marked, btu would only use it for 150ft+ and in windy conditions.

BBs, best I've found are in the 0.28-0.30g range. Even on warm days with propane, I've found there just isn't enough hop up to use 0.36g BBs past 150ft ranges. They drop right around that distance, and you'd have to aim above the guy's head at ranges past that.

Who is giving you all this info, some of it seems pretty dumb (dumb person giving you the info that is).
Originally Posted by Avtomat
Hey Danny, i got my gun 2 weeks ago so i have a clear view now.
About the locked trigger question, you mean the safety right? like when you cock the gun and use the safety? ya the trigger can move, so what? you still cant shoot it. About the rolling thing, i think its only on some guns, never happened to mine. Its not the type of gas being used, its using gas in the first place, when gas is in a low temperature it tends to be less movable, so causing less power. so change gas wont help. you like playing in the winter? if not its not a problem. use propane and .30 BBs.
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