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does anyone know wats wrong with Xtreme Precision?



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Old October 6th, 2005, 16:26   #16
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Originally Posted by Lisa
If it was a truely legitimate business they wouldn't have to operate under various different names (Airsoft world, Xtreme Precision, etc).
No offense Lisa but that is such a load of bullshit. Seeing that posted above only declares to the rest of us how misinformed you and many others are. Bad form - that's a blanket assumption.

How many here have the history and facts on how Asia Pacific (APEC) came to be Xtreame Precision? Yes they have had their problems, yes they screwed a few many things up - and I can count a few more retailers that have done the same. Ironically they are not on the 'let's lynch and burn this guy' list of ASC trends and fads.

Don't take me the wrong way either - i'm not trying to defend anything but the FACTS which comprise the truth. Most of which get DELETED in threads that are all too often LOCKED and shut down because the discussions get too 'heated' - oh my! Dare things get a little controversial?!!??!

What qualifies a business to be truely legitimate?? Continual branding? When did Oil, Gas, Insurance and so many other corporate businesses become exempt to this. Most insurance companies operating in Canada over the past 50 years have gone thru at least 10 name changes, merger, rebranding or otherwise. Incidentially they were issued TWO GST#'s by the CRA after incorporation - one to each name.

Airsoft World and XP are two completely different operations.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 16:40   #17
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Originally Posted by Lisa
There are a few reasons XP isn't listed on the Canadian Retailers list, most if not all have to do with Peter's business practices. He's been described as the biggest threat to airsoft in canada by some people.

If it was a truely legitimate business they wouldn't have to operate under various different names (Airsoft world, Xtreme Precision, etc).
Dont want to be an ass Lisa, But Airsoft-World is a totally different place then XP.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 18:45   #18
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Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Airsoft World and XP are two completely different operations.
My mistake, I was on the understanding both were the same.
Nothing to see here
May you live in interesting times.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 20:38   #19
Originally Posted by Lisa
Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Airsoft World and XP are two completely different operations.
My mistake, I was on the understanding both were the same.

not like Double Edge Airsoft and Rangers Airsoft huh?
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Old October 6th, 2005, 20:44   #20
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Or, unless I'm mistaken, Airsoft Kelowna and 007
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

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Old October 6th, 2005, 21:01   #21
If I had some brains Id come to the conclusion that airsoft sales in Canada are sort of a monopoly...
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Old October 6th, 2005, 21:45   #22
Grim Fandango
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Originally Posted by Droc
Originally Posted by Lisa
Originally Posted by lt_poncho
Airsoft World and XP are two completely different operations.
My mistake, I was on the understanding both were the same.

not like Double Edge Airsoft and Rangers Airsoft huh?
Double Edge was around a long time ago, but they closed down for some reasons i'm not sure of. They then basically just did wholesaling and importing for Rangers. Then Double Edge came back as a retailer. So no, they aren't exactly the same. They both had the same people or group design their websites, but they are owned by different people. And as for Airsoft Kelowna and 007, i'm not sure about that. I don't think they are the same though. I'm sure Ken is kept busy with just 007 that he doesn't need to open up another website to get more business. It could be perhap the same as Rangers and DE. That 007 is just supplying Airsoft Kelowna. I don't know for sure, so I won't say anymore on that. As for airsoft retailers in Canada being a monopoly, well I don't think that's right either. It depends on which province you are in though. I've noticed the majority of retailers that are operating right now, or open up and then close down after a while are located in the prairie provinces. 007, Rangers, DE, K-2, M1, and Replikator, just off the top of my head. Vancouver has two retailers that I know of, Spec Arms and XP. Ontario has a few, mostly Tru and Six MM that I can name. And one in the maritime provinces. All of these retailers are owned seperately to my knowledge. Some of them act as suppliers to other retailers, but I wouldn't call that a monopoly. The ones that do act as suppliers are just doing it to make some extra cash and help out other retailers to supply more airsoft to the community. There isn't a lot of profit is retailing airsoft, plus most retailers do it as a part time thing. It's a lot of work to run a retail shop and have a life outside of airsoft.

As for XP, well i've never dealt with them but have heard stories both good and bad about Peter. I've dealt with Jun who apparently works there and can say it was a great experience dealing with him. So if anyone wants to order from XP, deal with Jun. He's nice. :salute:

That is all I have to say. I'm sure nothing I said made any sense or had anything to do with the topic, in fact i can't even remember what topic this is. Where's all the gaijin pics???
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Old October 6th, 2005, 21:56   #23
Mailing Address Only
Rangers Airsoft Corp.
4542 Manilla Road SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 4B7

Mailing Address
Double Edge Inc.
4542 Manilla Road SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 4B7

different emails and phone numbers I belive, but even what they have in stock is the same....looks the same to me.
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Old October 6th, 2005, 22:10   #24
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well actually if you look at m1 airsoft rangers and dea they have the same adress and postal code and the last numbers of the phone numbers are the same
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Old October 6th, 2005, 22:25   #25
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XP is fine, i've never had a problem with them, and Jun and co. are great folks - always let me play with their toys when i hang out down there, try out their japanese massage chair...*drool*
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Old October 7th, 2005, 17:39   #26
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they just have to renew their domain name.
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Old October 7th, 2005, 18:30   #27
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Don't mean to thread jack but are there any retailers on the island at all? or just in van....
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 14:58   #28
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Gandar, you are mistaken.

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Old October 11th, 2005, 14:59   #29
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Originally Posted by Hristo
Gandar, you are mistaken.
and an elaboration on that would be..... :tup:
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Old October 13th, 2005, 16:29   #30
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Droc, anyone who knows us here at Rangers or DEA knows there is no big secret, and we have said it before. Before making assumptions, it is public information you can get very easily, as both Rangers Airsoft Corp. and Double Edge Inc. are legal registered incorporated companies that are owned by different people. We simply realize that it's easier to work together as opposed to working against each other. When you have people such as Jackson from Rangers and Roger from M1 Airsoft, whom I personally know, and trust 100%, then why would you not work together, to try and make the airsoft community better for all of you? We share resources, as it's a smart business decision. We are all in the same City, and they are all completely trustworthy, so why would we not?

As for your earlier comment about most of the guns in Canada coming from Peter..... I may have agreed with that comment 5 years ago, but much has changed since then, and today, I can assure you that comment may no longer be very accurate.

Anyways, just happened to see this post, and although I have posted this up on ASC before, it appears that not everyone saw or heard about it, so Yes, Rangers, M1 Airsoft and DEA are all seperate companies, owned by seperate owners, and YES, they are located in the same city, and work very closley together simply as a business strategy to share costs, and give the airsoft community better service.
"Fully Retired Retailer" :salute:
Double Edge Airsoft!
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