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Revolvers for Target shooting


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Old May 12th, 2012, 18:38   #16
GBB Whisperer
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Sorry to tell you this, but if you're looking for something that shoots as well as your pellet/BB guns, then you are looking on the wrong forum, and at the wrong sport/hobby.

Assuming everything else were the same (projectile shape/size/weight, muzzle power, and barrel bore type), Airsoft does not have the accuracy and carry of pellet guns, which shoot shaped projectiles from a rifled barrel. There's a reason why muzzle loaders, and other ball shooting firearms were left behind at the end of the 19th century. The accuracy of a rifled skirted projectile simply destroys the flight dynamics of a ball projectile.

Considering another huge variable, power output:
The power output of a pistol shooting .177 pellet (average of 0.52 grams) at 400fps equals a muzzle energy of 3.87 Joules. In airsoft speak, this is 645fps @ 0.20g.

Needless to say, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to find any gas-in-mag airsoft pistol that puts out power levels that high. Even finding one that can shoot close to 450fps is extremely rare. And as far as I know, there are no known 12g CO2 powered airsoft pistols that can output this type of power, either. Even my most heavily upgraded pistols can barely break 400fps.

Additionally, many BB/pellet guns can shoot even harder than this 400fps example I've used. There are many that can shoot up to 495fps (for non-PAL required airguns), which is 5.92 Joules (and equivalent to 795fps with a 0.20g airsoft BB.)

The comparison.... is not comparable. You are trying to compare watermelons to grapes here. (Apples and oranges are not dissimilar enough to do this analogy justice.)

If you are doing precision target shooting, and not intent on getting a firearms license, get a tool that does the job. Get a pellet gun. Airsoft was never meant for this purpose. End of story.

Last edited by ILLusion; May 12th, 2012 at 18:52..
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Old May 12th, 2012, 19:07   #17
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
If you are doing precision target shooting, and not intent on getting a firearms license, get a tool that does the job. Get a pellet gun. Airsoft was never meant for this purpose. End of story.
I am sorry that you see it that way.

I feel the same way as Zapper, actually. I want to shoot indoors in my basement. I have set up a nice range, and am having a great time. I do not want lead shavings on the ground, from the barrel, or lead dust, from the target catch, potentially causing long term harm to myself and family (including pets). Nor do I want steel BBs flying all over the place from the notorious ricochets, potentially injuring people or breaking things.

Airsoft is safe. Airsoft is fun. What is the problem with trying to find the most acurate weapon at close range?

From my reading to date: (please refute any of these if you wish. I am looking for opinions)

Hop up is not that important at close range.
Steel BB guns and airsoft guns have similar accuracy at close range.
A clean gun with clean high quality higher weight BBs and a full mag of gas are always the most important factors for accuracy.
Blowback decreases accuracy (but is way more fun)
Longer barrels tend to increase accuracy. So rifles are mo accurate than pistols. (but again, I find pistols way more fun)

Now, I don't like the idea of using propane inside, because of the smell, fire risk, and health concerns. I know that I am probably being over cautious, but that's me. For this reason, I am looking for a good CO2 pistol, or AEG pistol (does that exist). Any suggestions?
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Old May 12th, 2012, 21:16   #18
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Finally! A Canadian retailer that sells Air Force. The down side it they will probably want to do that back-door registry crap if I order.
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Originally Posted by backspasm
"Did someone lose a condom, I found it in my shit"
Lightfighter can suck my cock. Fuckin' thieves!

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Old May 12th, 2012, 21:20   #19
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Yup, these revolvers have no hop up. Its easy to realise after a quick visual inspection.

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Old May 13th, 2012, 12:15   #20
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Toronto
Thanks to ILLusion for his detailed info which makes sense to me.I am fairly
proficient with my pellet pistols ( 2 Weihrauch and 1 S&W 586) as well as a
Dan Wesson 8 inch steel bb. All well made and accurate for my purposes.
Based on the replies and views to my thread, I will hang back and wait for more complete reviews on the Dan Wesson and Skeleton SS357 air soft over the the next few months.
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Old May 13th, 2012, 13:28   #21
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Originally Posted by zapper View Post
Based on the replies and views to my thread, I will hang back and wait for more complete reviews on the Dan Wesson and Skeleton SS357 air soft over the the next few months.
They are all Wingun rebrands, there are reviews EVERYWHERE.

Here there is one.

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Old May 13th, 2012, 16:08   #22
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Thanks for this review. I hope to see some with close range target scores in future . Mostly ,they have been owners fondling them and shooting tin cans and water bottles.
Admittedly, for me, the chrome/nickel versions are my pick .
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Old May 14th, 2012, 19:37   #23
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Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
I am sorry that you see it that way.

I feel the same way as Zapper, actually. I want to shoot indoors in my basement. I have set up a nice range, and am having a great time. I do not want lead shavings on the ground, from the barrel, or lead dust, from the target catch, potentially causing long term harm to myself and family (including pets). Nor do I want steel BBs flying all over the place from the notorious ricochets, potentially injuring people or breaking things.
For *most* of those reasons, I would say that airsoft is a viable and reasonable alternative for indoor close range shooting.

The only reasoning I won't fully agree with, is shots that ricochet. You are just as likely to get ricochets, damage and injury with an airsoft gun. The only differentiation, is that airsoft is much less likely to cause AS MUCH damage or harm, due to the much lower power. Most of the points I'd noted above (in regards to why pellet/BB air guns are better than airsoft) become moot if you are talking about <30 foot range. Make a solid backcatch, and ricochets shouldn't matter, regardless of your gun/ammunition type.

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
Airsoft is safe. Airsoft is fun. What is the problem with trying to find the most acurate weapon at close range?
A point that I did not bring up on why air guns are better than airsoft, is quite simply, the price. For the amount of power and accuracy you are likely to get with an air gun, an airsoft gun at the same price point (or even double, triple, or quadruple that, for that matter) will not come anywhere close to that amount of power and accuracy.

If one of your requirements is gun realism in looks and functionality, then it just comes down to where your priorities lie.

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
From my reading to date: (please refute any of these if you wish. I am looking for opinions)

Hop up is not that important at close range.
True. In fact, for close range shooting (<30'), I have some airsoft guns that have hop up completely removed, altogether. Hop up actually degrades accuracy. What it does, is provide range. If range is not an issue, you're better off without any hop up.

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
Steel BB guns and airsoft guns have similar accuracy at close range.

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
A clean gun with clean high quality higher weight BBs and a full mag of gas are always the most important factors for accuracy.
For the most part, yes. But a well built gun shooting medium grade BB's will still outshoot a crap low grade gun shooting high end $1+/shot heavyweight sniper ammo.

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
Blowback decreases accuracy (but is way more fun)
False. The actual action of blowback does NOTHING for the actual firing cycle of the gun. In fact, the blowback cycle is an almost completely separate cycle of the firing and chambering process. The only connection between the two, is that the firing cycle is the trigger mechanism for the chambering process. Contrary to common belief, the blowback cycle does NOT start until the projectile has completely cleared the barrel. This holds true for both real guns, as well as for almost all blowback airsoft guns manufactured in the past 15 years.

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
Longer barrels tend to increase accuracy. So rifles are mo accurate than pistols. (but again, I find pistols way more fun)

Originally Posted by Feddar View Post
Now, I don't like the idea of using propane inside, because of the smell, fire risk, and health concerns. I know that I am probably being over cautious, but that's me. For this reason, I am looking for a good CO2 pistol, or AEG pistol (does that exist). Any suggestions?
Feel free to explain the health concerns with propane, as I don't see any that aren't worse than CO2. Carbon dioxide is more likely to cause asphyxiation, as well as low temperature related burn injuries, than propane is. Propane is NOT a poisonous gas! If you feel it is, please provide proof.

Now the smell of propane... I won't refute that exists. But use as much of it as I have, and you'll learn to love the stench of Mercaptan!

Fire risk does exist if you're using the gas near an open spark or flame. The expulsion of gas would have to be close to the source of ignition, though, as it would be highly unlikely to cause an entire room to explode due to ambient propane conditions... unless you've been releasing an entire 20 pound tank in to a small enclosed room.

If the concern is explosion, the concern is the same as with CO2. Placing compressed gasses anywhere near a heat source is never a good idea, regardless of what the contents are.

AEG pistols do exist... but the performance more than sucks. Definitely not worth your money.
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Old May 31st, 2012, 12:10   #24
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I grabbed a 4" ss357 and frankly it's the most accurate pistol I own, I've put about 300 rounds through it. Hated the grips though. Got some S&W ones from ehobbyasia.
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