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Illegal Drug use during Airsoft Games



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Old August 28th, 2009, 12:47   #136
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
It's fine that your official stance encourages or allows people to drink or do drugs before and during your hosted events. Sounds a bit dangerous.. but yes, it is your choice to allow this behavior.

It still is an issue, just because you don't agree with it, and a few dope users agree with you, doesn't end the debate about standing against it.

Do you honestly think it's better for an avenue such as ASC to turn a blind eye and say.... OK.. we've talked about it and we're ok with doing nothing? The only people who agree with you are the dope users or people who drink at games. It seems the only reason you against it, is that you will be directly in violation of a policy that may or may not come to fruition.

The consensus is for an official stand against consumption of drugs before and during a game. You guys posting your against it 10 times doesn't sway the opinion.

1st .. there is nothing wrong with a witch hunt.. if you have a problem with witches.

2. There is already a standard.. no playing while intoxicated policy in force with all field owners and Hosts.

The degrees of tolerance may be different field to feld host to host

I am not ok with drunk and wasted players at my games.. never said I was .. but discrete and in moderation consumption by adults as long as there is no impact on the enjoyment of others is tolerated ( not condoned )

I don't expect people to do things any different than I do.. I'll occasionaly take a nip of whisky at a game.. and Ill always smoke a cigar... does not make me a bad person or a threat to those around me.. If someone said it bugged em.. I'd stop.

This issue as I perceive it .. in your case was a Minor being exposed to this behavior.. Which is YOUR FAULT as you chose to take him where adults were engaged in adult behavior..

This is why I have a strict 18+ policy.. so I don't have to be concerned about such things.

there is no concensus as most people who chimed in with the thought provoking +1 never bothered to read the question
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; August 28th, 2009 at 12:50..
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Old August 28th, 2009, 13:04   #137
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To those who say it doesn't happen or there isn't a problem? The very fact that people have admitted on this thread should be an issue.

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post

Ill tolerate a couple of beers post game, I don't mind even seeing a beer or two during breaks ( but my games don't have any breaks so I don't see this much) I have even run games where one of the objectives was a cooler full of beer.
But I won't tolerate "drinking" ( as in to acheive an intoxicated state) during games.

I personally typically carry a small flask of whiskey on the field..(this being a habit long established... I often never open it) that Ill enjoy at breaks or post game.. it's discrete and not enough to intoxicate me.. as it is often shared in sipps with other players ..

anyway that is my position..
Originally Posted by shiftsup View Post
It's none of ASC's business.

I have been to games where players have gone to their vehicles and sparked one or more up during down time.
Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
We T.W.A.T.s ENCOURAGE intoxication and we have NEVER HAD A SINGLE INCIDENT. NOT ONE. Not from our buzzed players, anyway. And the buzzed players usually deal with problems in a much calmer manner.

I agree that many of the young noobs should keep their heads clear but to suggest that I'm a liability because I puff or drink proves that you don't have the experience or wisdom to try to regulate the behaviour of others. Blacklisting them? Fuck off.
Seriously? Can you actually tell me not that ASC cannot officially take a stand against this behavior? If your not against it, you either complacent (which means your going to allow it to happen) or your for it. Either way, it does not discourage the behavior. If it fails to discourage, then it allows the growth of encouragement.

What about our CF personnel? Has anyone thought about how they feel if one of these stoners screws up their careers? Keep it out of airsoft by standing against it.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 13:12   #138
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
To those who say it doesn't happen or there isn't a problem? The very fact that people have admitted on this thread should be an issue.

Seriously? Can you actually tell me not that ASC cannot officially take a stand against this behavior? If your not against it, you either complacent (which means your going to allow it to happen) or your for it. Either way, it does not discourage the behavior. If it fails to discourage, then it allows the growth of encouragement.

What about our CF personnel? Has anyone thought about how they feel if one of these stoners screws up their careers? Keep it out of airsoft by standing against it.
ASC can't take a stand.. as it has no standing. It is already enpowered to ban problem users for whatever reason it wants .. it can use that power at will.

CF .. what? straw man.. I expct CF personnel rub up against drug users in their life daily .. its a non issue .. Cf people go to bars all the time .. your concern is groundless.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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Old August 28th, 2009, 13:13   #139
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Way to keep it from being personal.
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Old August 28th, 2009, 13:16   #140
The Saint
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Time for everyone to take a cool off break.
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