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Hop-Up/Spring upgrades; specifically JG416


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Old October 20th, 2009, 00:53   #1
stealthy1's Avatar
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Hop-Up/Spring upgrades; specifically JG416

Okay, here we go again with another noob thread. Anyway. Searched the threads about looking at hop-up rubbers to little avail. (If someone finds a link, I humbly apologize)

My question here is that I've invested in a V2 JG 416, but having run through the massive thread that is the JG416 review, I know that the accuracy isn't good out of box, and the gun is too hot for field use; nearing 400fps.

Now I can't recall off the top of my head what Op-For rules are on upgraded FPS values are, but I'd say I'm looking in the area of 360-370, 380 MAX. So being the dumb person I am, what spring would I be looking for?

Okay, now the other question. I was on ehobbyasia looking for a new hop-up assembly to put into the gun, and I'm sort of puzzled. I know I should buy a hop-up unit, but what type of nub should I buy? It seems there's these numbers regarding the "hardness" of the rubber? Described as "45/55/65 Hard," and I am going to assume that it will affect the degree to which the BB "hops" up.
So what should I be getting? I'm mostly going to be doing plinking at the moment at home and down the road will game it outdoors in the summer.

Thanks a lot guys!
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Old October 20th, 2009, 01:00   #2
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The 416 fires a little hot out of the box, but after a good thousand+ BBs fire through it the spring should settle down, key word being should.

Here is a link to a spring chart that was created by ILLusion.

It is old and does not have all current day brands but its enough that you should be able to get an idea of how and springs are labeled what they are. Even though its not in the chart, a modify S100 would put you in the ballpark area of 360-370.

I am not extremely heavy on knowledge about hop up rubbers, so I will let someone with the appropriate knowledge handle that area. If I may make a suggestion though, the guarder clear hop up rubber set is an excellent choice for anything firing under 400FPS.

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Old October 20th, 2009, 01:05   #3
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For the spring get a M110.

For the hop-up question, you probably mean packing/bucking, not nub. I've heard firefly's packing is great and so is Prometheus.



Hope this helps.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 01:55   #4
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Thanks T7! Your review on the 416 was really helpful too, thanks for putting that together.

And for the hop-up, I'd need a hop up chamber obviously, but what is the part that I need that would actually invoke the backspin?

Thanks again.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 03:55   #5
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It's called the hop up bucking/sleeve/packing whatever. (The second thing that scurvy linked to).

Prometheus soft is probably what you're looking for. Since it is a V2 a Prometheus Neo Strike Chamber is probably what you're going to want and comes highly recommended.
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Old October 20th, 2009, 05:41   #6
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You don't actually need a new hopup chamber (unless you want one), just a new hopup rubber.

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